Chapter 1362: We Meet Again

“Xia Yingluo, Xia Yingluo!” The group of fans shouted excitedly as they ran towards her.

Looking at the situation, she started running from them. After all, no celebrity would want to be surrounded by others without being preempted or prepared. While she was weak, she was still considerably agile and was able to run a good distance with the cover provided by the cherry blossom forest. It didn’t take long before she arrived at the end of the forest and faced the business district before her. She was just about to plunge into the sea of people when she heard from behind her: “Xia Yingluo! Wait up! Give us your autograph, Xia Yingluo!”

“What, Xia Yingluo?”

“Xia Yingluo’s here?”

“Who’s that?”

“You don’t know her? She’s the precious daughter of Skyart Entertainment’s big boss and the female lead of ‘Star Wars Era’!”

A commotion started in the district as well and people turned heads to look for her. “Where, where? Where’s Xia Yingluo?”

Xia Yingluo was at a loss. Before her was a crowd and behind her were her fans. What was she going to do, would this be the day she was trapped? She was looking for another way out when someone grabbed her wrist all of a sudden. She was startled for a moment. Even in this chaos, she hadn’t lost her rationality and knew that she had to keep herself alert. Who was this person?

She intuitively tried to break free, but then she heard a voice. “Come on, it’s me.”

Wei Lingnan.

She recognized his voice instantly.

She did not expect him to appear here. Xia Yingluo’s mind was a blur as she deliberated over whether to follow him. Then, the grip on her wrist tightened and the man pulled her towards an alley between two buildings.

She didn’t have much time to consider and simply went along.

Wei Lingnan took her on a run in strange directions, but they quickly succeeded in breaking free from the chasing fans. He pulled her into a clubhouse on the third floor of a building, one that she didn’t quite recognize. It seemed like a pretty extravagant place, one that few people visited even in a bustling area. All the service staff around were politely greeting the guests.

Wei Lingnan quickly opened a private room, dragged her in, and closed the door.

There was a faint tea fragrance in the little private room, and they could hear the sound of traditional string instruments from outside.

Wei Lingnan let go of her hand and looked at her. “Your body isn’t in good condition and you’re still running about, are you courting death?”

Xia Yingluo instinctively said, “It’s none of your concern.”

Wei Lingnan said coldly, “I’m not concerned about you, but you’re expecting the World Tree.”

Xia Yingluo was slightly stunned, so all he cared about was the World Tree and nothing more, it was never about her. She mocked herself for her foolishness and took a few steps back from him. “The World Tree is mine, it has nothing to do with you.” Based on the rules on the Skatana planet, she should’ve eaten him up long ago and converted him into nutrients for the World Tree. Even if all other males of the species had the responsibility to protect the World Tree, he did not.

He should’ve been dead.

Wei Lingnan’s expression turned colder. “It’s not up to you to decide.”

“If not me, then who?” She asked sarcastically, “The Queen? Gu Jinxiu?”

Wei Lingnan went silent. For some reason, he did not wish to bring that name up when he was with her.

But Xia Yingluo took his silence as a form of acknowledgment. She turned away. “Why are you looking for me instead of accompanying your Queen? I’ve been feeling someone follow me recently, seems like it was you.”

Wei Lingnan did not deny it.

Xia Yingluo asked him, “Why did you follow me?”

Wei Lingnan said, “I’m afraid you’d court death.”

This got Xia Yingluo scoffing again. “Me, courting death? I think you’re the one doing that! Wei Lingnan, I’m warning you. Follow me again and I’ll do what it takes to get rid of you!”

Wei Lingnan said, “If I hadn’t followed you, you’d be reduced to no more than torn flesh and broken bones by your fans.”

Xia Yingluo furrowed her brows a little as she recalled what just happened with the fans. “Where did they come from? Why have they come all together?”

Wei Lingnan said sarcastically, “Don’t you know?”

Xia Yingluo glared at him and thought hard about it. She was doing fine on her own in the cherry blossom forest, and then Pei Yan arrived and they had an argument. Then, Pei Yan left and the fans came after her... in that case, it was Pei Yan?

“This woman, someday I’ll show her what I’m made of!” she said with hatred.

Wei Lingnan mocked her again. “At least you aren’t all that foolish.”

“Stay away from me,” Xia Yingluo said. “Don’t follow me around like a perverted stalker.”

“I’m following you, just so that I can handle your corpse when you’re dead.” Wei Lingnan was getting angry. Did she think he really enjoyed following her around? But even he couldn’t figure out why he just couldn’t let her go. Whenever he saw her at press conferences and publicity events, or even out in the malls, her haggard look worried him to no end.

He couldn’t stop himself from following her, as he was afraid that she’d encounter danger.

He actually did care for her, but his words came out so harsh and unpleasant.

Xia Yingluo said, “I wouldn’t die before you do.” She remembered everything she’d been put through since she first met him. No one, not a single person in her life, had made her this upset before. She glared at him as if there was a fire burning inside her. As if he was an enemy.

The tension in the private room reached its peak.

And at that moment, the door opened.

A lady in an embroidered cheongsam entered with a smile. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere, Nan. I didn’t think you’d be in here.” With that, she hooked her arms around him, like this affectionate move was nothing but natural. She then looked at Xia Yingluo with a hint of warning.

Xia Yingluo felt a prick to the heart. She wasn’t expecting to see Gu Jinxiu.

“Looking for me everywhere?” Wei Lingnan was unfazed.

Gu Jinxiu smiled and said gently, “That’s right. The weather is pretty good today, so Yan Yan and I decided to go shopping. She told me she saw you just now, so I came to find you. Nan, how did you end up here with Miss Xia?”

It sounded somewhat like an interrogation.

Xia Yingluo knew what was going on. Chances were that Pei Yan went to look for Gu Jinxiu after their argument, and together they watched how pathetic she looked as the fans chased her. At the same time, they saw Wei Lingnan alongside her, and that sight made Gu Jinxiu upset enough to come looking for them.

She looked at Wei Lingnan, anticipating his response.

Wei Lingnan said, “We met coincidentally.”

That seemed like what Gu Jinxiu would like to hear. She smiled and held him even tighter now, but kept her eyes straight on Xia Yingluo. “Miss Xia, how coincidental, we meet again. If you’re free, come to attend our wedding—oh, I forgot to mention, we’re getting married soon.”

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