Chapter 384: Hydra Wrath

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Grimm smiled.

It seemed that Vivian was an intelligent young lady. Seeing as he was going to be the star for some time in Black Isotta Sorcerer Academy, he could get to know her better.


Myna who had been silent for some time cawed, “Young one, Lord Myna’s beauty is unparalleled and I know the fact very well. There’s no need to praise or envy my beauty.”

Huff, huff...

Myna panted softly, his expression serious.

“But! Lord Myna is compelled to let you know that he is part of the honorable Steel Emblem Mynas, not one of those inferior parrots. Please don’t associate the great Steel Emblem Myna before you with those inferior avians!”

Because of his beautiful feathers, and other than Leafie the parrot and the few sorcerers who knew the existence of Steel Emblem Mynas, most people would subconsciously assume that Myna was a parrot at first glace. As a result, Myna would have to constantly explain again and again.


Garngiel stretched lazily saying, “Grimm, you’ve fattened him a lot...”

“Whether Lord Myna is fat or not is none of your...”

Myna was halfway through his sentence when Grimm flicked his head without remorse scolding, “Did you forget what I said?”

Hearing Grimm’s words, Myna could only cut himself off along with the five-hundred-word essay he was about to spit, staring at Garngiel in resentment.

On the laboratory bench.

Trapped in a glass container were organisms that looked like corn kernels with hands and legs. They were looking in fear at the ‘giant monsters’ outside the barrier, crying and screaming as if the apocalypse had arrived.

All of these organisms had weak life-forces much like flies or ants in the sorcerer world. They were probably on the same level as the Raindew Flower Spirits in Grimm’s world laboratory, so weak even Myna could easily defeat them.

After observing them with curiosity, Grimm asked, “Are all the creatures in the Nut Fairy World as small as these ones?”

Grimm knew about the natural world aperture that appeared in the underground chasm a few hundred years ago. The foreign world that was connected to the Sorcerer World through that aperture was the Nut Fairy World.

“Perish the thought.”

Valor said, “The Mother Tree Fairies there were at least Level-1 creatures. According to the first reconnaissance team of Anatomy Refinery Sorcerers, there were multiple World Lord level Mother Tree Fairies that protected it together. They didn’t last long though, and the Nut Fairy World became a paradise for underground sorcerers while it was taken under the area of Umbra Sorcerer Academy for development.”

The world had several World Lords, so it should probably be a middle-level world in the endless worlds—on the same level as the Infernal Spirit World.

Unfortunately, a natural world aperture opened up in that world connecting to the Sorcerer World of all places, and no one in that world discovered it soon enough to seal it.

Coming face to face with a massively strong world like the Sorcerer World, this middle-level world stood no chance.

The Sorcerer World was the root of fear for these weaker worlds and the scariest nightmares of all the World Lords!

Some worlds tried their hardest to prevent their worlds from appearing on the radar of the Sorcerer World, while others expanded resources to communicate with this stronger world. An example would be the Celestial Spirit World that Grimm came into contact with when he was in the Dim Well.

Even farther away, unknown civilizations from equally strong worlds were trying to consume the Arcane Source of the Sorcerer World in an attempt to obtain more power.

The dinner was hearty, to say the least.

Master Peranos, Alice, Grimm, Valor, Vivian, Garngiel, and Myna ate at the same table, and upon Grimm’s request, Myna could finally taste the sporefish that he craved for so long.

“Grimm, I have around 230 years until I end my term as headmaster of Black Isotta Sorcerer Academy. Arrange your demon hunting schedule so that we may go see your Grandmaster Netherheart Stigmata Sorcerer to accept the disciple test.”

Master Peranos sighed softly, seeming to have something in mind.

“My eldest senior just created Hydra Wrath Sorcerer Academy after ascending to a Stigmata Sorcerer. There’s already trouble brewing, so he’s calling Second Senior Deidarion, me and Fourth Junior Wutong to help him settle things down.”

Grimm lifted his head and looked at him.

“Trouble? Did Master Hydra Wrath get on the bad side of other stigmata sorcerers and was forced into academy wars?”

The Sorcerer World did not allow Stigmata Sorcerers to directly fight against each other. If they did, they would be violating the Holy Tower’s laws.

As strong as Stigmata Sorcerers were, they were just a level higher than official sorcerers. They all had different interest groups and communities and competed against each other under the laws of the Holy Tower.

Once an unresolvable conflict broke out between Stigmata Sorcerers, Academy Wars were the only other option for Stigmata Sorcerers to resolve their conflict.

To destroy another Stigmata Sorcerer’s Sorcerer Tower was to make the other lose their source of magical power, in turn making them unable to use all mental power available to them under the Stigmata Laws.

This was to the point where...

They would entirely conquer and absorb the territory of the other Stigmata Sorcerers!

A Stigmata Sorcerer that had lost their Sorcerer Tower was only slightly stronger than a Level-3 Great Sorcerer. A Stigmata Sorcerer’s way to ascend wasn’t completely dependent on the World Principal Will.

A Stigmata Sorcerer that lost their Sorcerer Tower would normally be far weaker than a World Lord.

Master Peranos nodded and replied with a serious tone, “Exactly. While I’m not sure of the details myself, it sure is trouble with the Shadow Argus Sorcerer Academy.”

Shadow Argus...

Grimm thought for a bit, but he couldn’t recall any academy of the same name.

Suddenly, something crossed his mind and he asked, “Where is... Master Hydra Wrath’s Sorcerer Tower?”

“In Section-21 of the Six Rings Holy Tower.”


The answer made Grimm nod to himself. These academies were not in the area of the Seven-Rings Holy Tower. Of course he never heard of any news regarding the Hydra Wrath Stigmata Sorcerer and Shadow Argus Stigmata Sorcerer.

In contrast.

As an Arcane Sorcerer who dabbled in all sorts of strange and bizarre research, Valor had no interest whatsoever in the trifling and war between sorcerers, asking instead, “So what would Grandmaster Netherheart test us on?”

“On sorcerer’s wisdom of course.” Master Peranos said dryly while squinting.

“This event would be held whenever Master would have any breakthrough in his research, and whichever disciple that could satisfy him would get his latest research’ inspiration as a prize. So you two better fight for it!”



Valor and Grimm both nodded, while Vivian chipped in curiously, “Master, can I join?”

Master Peranos glanced at Vivian.

“First, become an official sorcerer like your second and third seniors,” he said lightly.


Myna who was standing on the table and relishing his plate of sporefish chirped as he saw how dishearted she became by the comment.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, just defeat all the other Sorcerer Apprentices in the Holy Tower Qualification Battles like what young master did and you would become an official sorcerer too.”

Three days later.

Grimm handed the mission scroll and corresponding sorcerer essence from the Destructive Energy Reaction Log to Master Peranos.

Taking a look through the messily-scribbled mission scroll, he said, “Thirty years... it seems I would have to look for twelve sorcerers to accomplish the task.”

Keeping away the mission scroll and sorcerer essence, Master Peranos looked satisfied.

“To make such a complex research apparatus, it seems that you have already gotten used to the demon-hunter laws and earned quite the amount of sorcerer essence, huh? Now, why was it... back in the day, I was just one step to becoming a demon hunter, and in the end, I only became an Arcane Sorcerer for the rest of my life...” Master Peranos couldn’t help but sigh.

The fact that he was unable to become a demon hunter was truly one of his greatest regrets.

The Holy Tower Qualification Battles weren’t completely dependent on ability. Luck also played an important role, just like the legendary sorcerer-apprentice Primal Curse Althio.

“Master, if you wanted to become a demon hunter, couldn’t you have used other methods?”

To Grimm’s knowledge, apart from the Holy Tower Qualification Battles, if a sorcerer-apprentice or an Arcane Sorcerer wanted to ascend to an official sorcerer, they still had other ways to do it.

Master Peranos simply waved his hand, dissuading the idea of further discussion.

“It’s fine, I’ve already gotten used to the moderate Arcane Sorcerer Laws. At the level I am at now, I wouldn’t earn any less Sorcerer Essence than a demon hunter. If I were to go to a foreign world in a war, I might not be even able to get back.”

After he finished speaking, he sighed and threw a key at Grimm’s direction.

“Laboratory 4 on the 22nd floor. This academy is yours to use for the next thirty years. According to the rules, you would have to teach in classes at least thirty times. Other than the fees, you get from Sorcerer Apprentices where the Sorcerer tower will subsidize 1000 Magic Stones for you each session.”

Grimm caught the key nonchalantly, caught off guard by his master’s words.

“Let me be a mentor and teach sorcerer-apprentices?”

His memories returned to the time when he was a sorcerer-apprentice himself, when he chose carefully which classes to take with half a piece of a Magic Stone.

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