A Sorcerer's Journey

Chapter 181: The Amonro World

Chapter 181: The Amonro World

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The “Amonro World” was not ruled by the Amonros until the recent century.

This was, after all, a rather small and enveloped world. There was only one huge disastrous phenomenon that struck this world.

That was a long time ago—back in the era when the “Amonro World” was known as the “Pyrodust Wold”, the Amonros were pets and livestock of another dominant species—the Lava Giants. The “great Amonros” did not have any rights at all; all they could do was to cower in the holes where they lived, or to consume the fodder that the giants fed them.

And then, the fateful day came, the day when the powerful Lava Giants found a dimensional rift that led to the “Shura World”.


What came after was several hundred years of perilous war.

After facing a failed expedition into the Shura World, the Lava Giants were faced with terrifying retribution from the mighty Shuras. This led to the Lava Giants’ severe lost in manpower and resources.

The powerful Lava Giants had to pitifully rely on the power of the various Sacred Lava Tarns in the mountains to seal the wobbly dimensional rift to ensure the survival of the Pyrodust World.

However, overusing the power of the Lava Tarns broke the Original Will of the Pyrodust World. This, in turn, caused the volcanoes to spit out thick smog that covered the skies—thus, the “Shadow Clouds” were created.

The advent of the Shadow Clouds had stopped the world from receiving sunlight from the sun; this brought a fateful disaster to the Lava Giants.

In just several dozens of years, every giant’s children that were shaded by the Shadow Clouds had started to disintegrate and die.

On the other hand, the Amonros’ ancestors that were originally inhabitants of the underground tunnels that were formed by the Camphoragates had started to evolve. This led to them acquiring the “Enigmatic Seal” ability.

For the next thousands of years, the two races fought a long war for the dominant status of the world.

The Amonros had reproductive competency that was far better than that of the Lava Giant race; not only that, the Lava Giants had endured a recent loss in their war with the Shuras and a substantial decrease in their population due to the massive climate change. Thus with sheer numbers and their compatibility with the new climate, the Amonros finally defeated their former enslavers. They discarded the old name “Pyrodust World” and bestowed a new name for the world—the “Amonro World”.

That was how things came to be...

In a castle underneath a massive Camphoragate, an underground hot spring was bubbling with thick layers of steam.

Inside the hot spring, a white-skinned obese female Amonro was lying comfortably with her eyes closed while two male Golden Amonros massaged her long and agile tail.

White skin.

That was the symbol of nobility and the Enigmatic Amonro.


A Golden Amonro flew in and approached her and declared loudly, “O’ the great Lady Ackmondedojioz, the hidden river that we discovered at the flat plain has now been completely conquered by us. Lord Kaylershowaltjunee’s emissary has come to negotiate.”

The female Enigmatic Amonro let out a smirk as she laid in the hot spring, “Oh, that weak fiery stone retard still wants to fight me?”

In the Amonro culture, anything that was related to the Lava Giants was considered offensive.

Anything that was related to fire, from Pyrodust, lava, scorching sun, and magma, was considered derogatory—they were all words that were used to curse, insult and humiliate others. On the other hand, the Camphoragate tree, water, and rivers were considered sacred in the Amonro culture.

After sending a barrage of orders, the female Enigmatic Amonro laid lazily in her hot spring as she watched the Golden Amonro leave.

“Before the Night Shroud falls, is there anything else interesting going on?” asked the Enigmatic Amonro as she grabbed a handful of Yale grass and put them into her mouth.

In the Amonro World, there was no day or night.

Yet, after a considerable amount of time had passed, every single volcano in the Amonro World would erupt, sending fumes after fumes of thick smog into the sky.

The Amonros called this phenomenon “Night Shroud”.

In other words, when the Demon Hunters arrived in the Amonro World, they could not simply look at the sky and see if it was day or night. They would need to determine that by doing calculations via their hourglasses, abiding to the law of nature of 12-hourglass time equalling to a day.

A male Amonro who was standing nearby replied in a soft voice, “My lady, before the Night Shroud falls, the Warrior Seckjadistrotamist would be dueling a high-grade Pyre Shellwyvern to provide you with entertainment.”

“Oh, a high-grade Pyre Shell wyvern. Is this the fair duel that I requested to watch last time?” asked the female Enigmatic Amonro as she stretched her body

“Yes, it would be absolutely fair! In the last three days, both Pyre Shellwyvern and Seckjadistrotamist didn’t consume any food at all so that they could be the winner and devour their opponent.”

What a peculiar way of life.

These half-a-meter long creatures had developed their own society, societal systems, and social castes. From there, they had even developed their own cultures.


Three days later.

Oik oik oik...

As she underwent the holy mating ritual, the Enigmatic Amonro opened her eyes and grabbed a Camphoragate jacket from her servants with her tail. Then, she started to speak as Enigmatic energy radiated from her widened mouth.

“Hmm? A second sun in the sky? What’s going on? Is this one of the weird things that the remaining cursed Lava Giants created in the Perishing Volcano?”

In the Amonro World, there was only eternal bright day. Hence, without the concept of “night”, they also did not know what a “moon” was.

After kicking the male Amonro, her mating ritual partner, off of her, the female Enigmatic Amonro stood up and gave out a command, “Assemble the Amonro Legion! We’ll head to the surface!”


Thus, thousands and thousands of Amonro soldiers were marching in the massive underground tunnel complex, towards their destination—the surface of the land.

When they arrived, they quickly raised their heads to check the sky.

From among the thick smog of the sky, they could catch a glimpse of a “scarlet sun”. Unlike the scorching sun they knew, this bloodied sun did not radiate any heat or burning rays onto the land. Instead, this one was radiating chilly air, sending shivers down their spines. Scents of evil were shrouding the bloodied sun and sky.

As the Amonro Legion gawked at the scarlet sun, they were confused and did not understand what they were seeing. They started to guess and speculate what this “second sun” was, and what its appearance meant.

Nonetheless, every single one of them instinctively felt a surge of dread and panic when they saw the “second sun”. Their bodies instinctively rejected this bloodied sun.

Three months later.

Ackmondedojioz sat in a corner at a majestic underground palace as she watched hundreds of other Enigmatic Amonro nobles exchange heated discussion in front of her Enigmatic King. Everyone wanted to know the latest news about the “Scarlet Cold Day” that happened three months ago.

The Enigmatic Kings too had ranks—High, Middle, and Low rank.

The greatest and strongest Enigmatic King ruled a massive Shaded Land of over millions of square-metres, with countless of Amonros as his subjects of ruling.

And there were only three such High Rank Enigmatic Kings. All three of them ruled the three biggest continents under the Shadow Clouds.

Dredeck, the Enigmatic King who was in front of Ackmondedojioz, was one of the Middle Rank Enigmatic Kings. Still, he was one of the strongest rulers in the Amonro World, having ruled his kingdom for over thousands of years. The power he held was so strong that it was unimaginable by any lowly Golden Amonros.

“Your majesty, we have come as you summoned. Is this about the cold sun that suddenly appeared in the sky?”

“My liege, we have stationed the Shadow Legion in the Shadow Clouds. According to their reports, there was no sight of the Lava Giants.”

“Your majesty...”

This went on for a considerable amount of time before silence set in amongst the nobles. Seeing that his nobles had finally settled down, the great Enigmatic King finally loudly proclaimed, “A while ago, the great Enigmatic Prophets had asked us, the Dark Mill kingdom, to gather all our elite troops and Shadow Legion and head to the Great Ancient Mountains within three months’ time.”

The Enigmatic Prophets!

The Enigmatic Prophets were the guardians of the Amonro World. They possessed great powers bestowed to them by the Original Will of the Amonro World. Although there were some powerful Enigmatic Amonros who did not fear these prophets due to their sheer physical might, the Enigmatic Prophets were still highly respected in the Amonro World—perhaps even more respected than the Enigmatic Kings.

Also, the Great Ancient Mountains too was not an ordinary location.

“My liege, have we got word on what’s going on?” Ackmondedojioz said as she expressed her concern.

The Enigmatic King glanced at Ackmondedojioz before continuing, “the great prophets only mentioned one word—’Sorcerers’. After inspecting it several times myself on the Shadow Clouds, I suspect that this “cold bloodied sun” is a sign of a parallel world trying to break through.”

After a pause, the king continued making his deductions, “Thus, I think what the prophets meant was the world on the other side of this dimensional rift is the ‘Sorcerer World’.”

Dimensional rift! Sorcerer World!

A cold shiver ran down everyone’s spines as they heard this...

The Enigmatic Amonros in the palace could not help but feel a surge of excitement after hearing their king’s deduction.

The legends about the Lava Giant’s ancient expedition to the other world was, at best, a tall tale to every Amonro.

The Amonro World had not had an enemy for too long a time. Indeed, there were still the surviving Lava Giants; but their number was so small that they posed very little threat. Other than that, the survival of the Lava Giants was also purposely ensured by the Enigmatic Prophets—to provide some educational materials to the future generations by protecting these creatures from extinction.

Although the Lava Giants were now history, to many Amonros the fear for the Lava Giants was still lingering deep in their souls.

To overcome this fear, they would need to achieve something that the Lava Giants failed to do—conquering a Foreign Land.

By doing so, they could prove that the Amonros were the chosen blessed species that was fated to be the real master of this world.

To conquer a Foreign Land, the weaker worlds needed a naturally formed dimensional rift—one that linked two different worlds.

The Amonro World had enjoyed an overly long period of peace, the Amonro society had now used up too much of its resources, more than their world could offer—resulting in the natural resources running dry. Having fully developed their civilization to the fullest, the Amonros had to decrease their numbers by waging war with one another. This was a great way to solve their overpopulation issue while also picking the strongest and sharpest swords amongst their soldiers.

Now, a dimensional rift that could connect them to a Foreign Land had appeared.

This was such wonderful news! How wonderful!

As for the “Sorcerer World”. Poor little Sorcerer World, it should prepare itself for a new age of being conquered by the Amonros, pathetic Foreign World aliens.

Half a day later, the Amonro nobles were overjoyed as they traveled back to their counties. Then, they gathered countless more low ranked Amonro nobles and their armies, marching towards the Ancient Mountains. As millions of Amonro soldiers marched towards their destination via land, there were hundreds of thousands of Shadow Legionaries flying in the sky!

In just three months, the Enigmatic Amonros had gathered all their armies and gathered under the massive shades that were created by the Shadow Legion hovering above.

Golden little pig-like creatures could be seen everywhere, from the plains to the mountains. They were everywhere!

As the Enigmatic Prophets led the other Shadow Legions from the other Amonro kingdoms to the Great Ancient Mountains, as the massive swarms of Shadow Legions flocked over, a sign of all the Enigmatic Amonros showing their hand and military might, this was enough to make countless low and medium ranked Enigmatic nobles feel an overwhelming hubris in their civilization’s supreme power.

Yes, their civilization had supreme military power!

This was the hubris every single one of them felt at the time!

Behold! What other possible armies could take on this supreme military might that the great Amonros possessed? There were over hundreds and thousands of Shadow Legions, armies that could fly in the sky, hovering in the sky right now!

The Enigmatic Amonros were so proud and excited—this was the first time since the great ancient war against the Lava Giants, their race was finally united against a common foe yet again.

Sorcerer World, huh?

They would definitely want to acquire at least one huge piece of land in that world. They would like to see what kind of creatures lived on the other side; they wanted to see these pathetic creatures tremble in fear and respect as they witnessed the power of the Amonros.

Of course, there were still many more Amonros gathering up from all across the Amonro World—traveling towards the Great Ancient Mountains. The world was so vast and yet there was so little time. They had to keep moving onwards so as to not miss out on this historical moment of their civilization.

It was then, when all the Amonros were so confident! They were convinced that when the dimensional rift opened up, the great Amonros would breach into it and conquer the Sorcerer World in just a snap of a finger.


Yet, as the great Enigmatic Kings and Enigmatic Prophets looked on at the bloodied cool sun which had started to appear clearer into view, they started to feel a fling of anxiety and concern.

Just what kind of evil powerful world was this so called Sorcerer World?

The Amonro World had very little exposure in regards to the Foreign Lands. They had so little information about the other worlds that only the one and greatest Prophet and the original ancient Amonros, who were the keepers of the Enigmatic Seal, could take a glimpse at the other worlds and communicate with the other powerful beings of the said worlds.

That was also how they acquired the knowledge that the “great Amonro King” was just a mere Level 4 creature in the vast catalogs of creatures of the Endless Worlds.

The Endless Worlds.

Every world had a few powerful creatures in them. The Amonro King was just one of the many—they were nothing special.

A few months ago, after hearing about the “bloodied cool sun” from the Amonros, the Foreign World beings stuttered out the term “Sorcerers” before quickly cutting off communication with the Amonro World. Since then, the Amonros had no more information about this new and upcoming threat—the so-called “Sorcerers”.

Yet, the Enigmatic Kings could confidently whiff out a hint from these powerful beings’ fear and dread.

This “Sorcerer World” was an extremely powerful, invasive, evil world.

They would definitely bring forth a new age of terror into the Amonro World, with a dreadful world war.

The great Amonros could not have that happen!


It was about time that the great Amonros showed their true power! The modern Amonros did not lose even when faced with the ancient Lava Giants, even in the ancient days—when the giants were in their prime!

All they needed was just a chance to prove themselves.


It was the seventh month since the bloodied cool sun appeared in the sky. This eerily evil bloodied sphere was now hanging above the Amonros’ heads, shining its cold rays as clear as day.

Standing on guard on the Great Ancient Mountains, the Amonros were now fully prepared for war.

Then, several days passed.

A crack of ebony black dimensional rift was torn open in the Amonro World. This was followed by a massive scarlet metallic sphere squeezing through the dimensional rift. In an instance, several thousands of airborne Amonros pushed towards the gigantic metallic being.

The Amonros went all out—countless of Amonros swarmed towards the metallic ball like waves after waves of ocean tides hitting on a beach. This was what Grimm saw, from his perspective—the “layers after layers of shadowy clouds” that were rushing into his view.

Thus began the first clash between the Shadow World and the Sorcerer World’s Void Fortress!

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