Chapter 440 - I Miss Anna...

Mark's POV:

I made a call to Anna and informed her that I cannot come to home because my meeting was adjourned to next day morning. She said yes, and acted normal, but I understand she feels low, Even I feel low because it's the first time I am sleeping alone after Anna and I get closer, all these days we sleep together very tightly and Anna always gets into my cuddle…

She loves my cuddle, and she takes the promise from me that I should cuddle her even though I am mad at her, I suddenly smile at the flashes of her innocent thoughts…

When Anna is speaking to me I can hear her tone was shivering, is she crying?

Before I ask her about it, she quickly hangs the call and I understand she is crying and pretending she is okay and acted casual…

I got a flash of her crying innocent face…



I don't want her to be alone even if it is a single night, and I don't want her to be crying, I like to look at her happy cherishing face and I know she feels so lonely and most importantly she feels scared if she stays alone in the room and I know how she sleeps when she is alone; she turns on all the light in the room and never leave the teddy all over the night in her old room; I observed this in the first few days of Anna in my house. By that time I don't know she is scared of darkness and I thought she is a very dare and brave girl but actually, she is not and due to her past life incidents she became more and more week but whenever I boosted her up with a little motivation, she did all the dare acts and finally she helped to catch three of the culprits in Ria's case...

In between Anna's thoughts, I closed my eyes. Suddenly I got the flashes of Anna and her nervous face...

I immediately want her to take into my cuddle, I opened my eyes and looked around and realised I am in the hotel room and my Anna is at home...


Mark, do something...

Is it necessary to stay away from your love?

It's just a one hour journey in my charter flight to reach my strawberry, and I can return back to this city by tomorrow morning and It's enough if I wake up early in the morning to attend the meeting at the right time and I am least bothered about the cost for the expenses of the charter flight and at present, I want to see my girl...

That's it in the next second I get up from the bed and get ready, meanwhile, I called myself to the charter flight manager to arrange the to and fro trip...

I don't want to interrupt Genie in this late hour for the arrangement and it is safe if she stays here because at any cost if I get late for tomorrow's meeting Genie will handle the meeting because just 10 percent of my presentation was left and I no need to inform her that I am going to my home.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #..._51637622564516557 for visiting.

Danial, even I don't want to interrupt him because he will follow me like a lost puppy and eat my brain all over the time with his questions...

So I didn't mention to any of them and get ready to travel and in a few minutes I reached the airport and when I am walking towards my charter flight I saw a chocolate shop, I feel like I want to take some chocolates to surprise her and I am sure she likes the chocolates...

In between my thoughts, I went into the shop and buy some precise chocolates which are in heart shape and get into my charter flight and started travelling into my city...

I am thinking about Anna, all the way in my journey...

I really missed her...

Just some more time Mark...

You can see your Strawberry and I am sure she will definitely jump in excitement and gives me a tight hug followed by hot French Kiss...

I smile the moment I got the thought of Anna's excited face, she really feels so happy and never forgets this beautiful memory in her life, even I feel so blessed if I looked at my girl's happy face...

After I landed, I immediately went to my home and walking towards my room to meet Anna...

Inbetween Nanny looked at me and asked me to have dinner, I told her that I already had my food and again lead towards my room...

The door was closed, and Anna must be locked the door. I smile to myself and take the keys from my pocket and unlocked it. I designed my room in such a way that I can enter the room anytime, even though if anyone locked from inside...

I slowly opened the door and directly looked at Anna on the bed. She covered herself with the blanket and I can't even look at her face because she covered herself entirely with the blanket and I can just see her fingers where she holds the blanket tightly. By looking at her, I understand she covered the blanket out of fear of staying alone…

I slowly close the door and went near to the bed and placed the chocolates next to her lay beside her...

I want to pull her close to me and cuddle her but she wrapped with the blanket. So I tried to take away her blanket from her face, but what shocking me is she still holds the blanket more tightly...

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