A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 411 - You Can't Separate Me And Anna...

Chapter 411 - You Can't Separate Me And Anna...

Mark's Pov:

I feel extremely relieved when Daniel agreed to stay outside of my room, and I am sure he agreed by looking at Genie, Whatever, I got some free time to do work peacefully, and in a few seconds I got busy in my work and yes, as Mona cautioned me, I didn't allow Genie to enter into my work and I am doing it on myself without her help.

After a portion of the work done, I called to Tom to know whether everything is okay or not...

Tom: Hello Mark...

Mark: Hi Tom, everything okay?

Tom: No...

Not at all...

Mark: Why?

What happened?

Tom: Because Mona again started ignoring me...

(I chuckled after listening to him and feel relieved that it's not a dangerous thing.)

Tom: Don't laugh at me, Mark, I am saying the truth and do you know how it feels when your ignores you?

Mark: Actually, I didn't yet face it, Tom, Okay, tell me, what happened?

Tom: You know one thing, Mark, when Mona is doing shopping she will forget everything particularly she forgot me and ignore me as if I am a different creature...

Mark: Shopping?

Did they go to shopping?

Tom: Yes Mark, after you left, they planned for the shopping...

Mark: They already planned to buy a wedding dress on tomorrow, right?

Did they change the plan?

Tom: Do you think the wedding dress is the only shopping these girls will do?

Mark: I think so...

Tom: No Mark, you are underestimating them...

Mark: Okk, which shop they went for shopping..?

Tom: They came to the lingerie shop...

(I laughed immediately and understand Anna needs a lot of them to impress me, and I am sure it's Mona's idea because my dumb girl don't have idea about it and I can understand why Mona ignored Tom.)

Tom: Don't laugh...

I am getting irritation for Mona's ignorance...

Mark: ok, now I understand, you are getting irritation because Mona is not taking care of you in the lingerie shop, am I right?

Tom: No, I am getting irritation because Mona ordered me to stay outside of the shop...

Mark: What?

(I again laughed by listening to Tom's voice, and I understand why Mona takes that decision, Anna might feel discomfort if Tom is with them, so she might order him to stand outside. So, I try to make him calm down.)

Mark: Okay Tom, don't worry, I hope she will take care of you at the night...

Tom: Maybe not...

Mark: Why?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'t-separate-me-and-anna..._51139797183419446 for visiting.

Tom: Because she didn't sleep entire last night, so I better leave her tonight...

(We both laughed to each other, and I got a flash that Tom planned a date with Mona last night, and I can understand by listening to Tom that both of them enjoyed a lot.

Tom: Ok Mark, I will be on my duty to look after them, their security is more important...

Mark: Yeah, carry on and enjoy by following their orders...

Tom: okay Mark, enjoy your work too...

(The moment I hang Tom's call, I immediately called to Anna and ordered her to buy some s.e.xy lingerie and teased her a bit and I can visualise how her face is blushed. I smile and continued doing my work and now it's evening around 6:30 p.m. I am done with my work and messaged Anna...

Mark: Are you done with your shopping?

(After a few seconds I got a reply from her.)

Anna: Yeah, I am on the way to home...

Mark: Did you buy my specification lingerie?

Anna: What are your specifications?

(Anna knows about the specifications I mentioned, then why did she ask me again?)

Mark: Don't you know?

Anna: Haha.., don't worry, your sadistic friend helped me hope you may like them...


Sadistic friend?

Anna never calls Mona in such a way...

I don't know why I feel weird when she asked me about my specifications and now she represents Mona as a sadistic friend. As fas as I know, all the time, Anna supports Mona irrespective of the situation. So it is not Anna, and I am sure it is my sadistic friend who is texting me on Anna's phone.

So to tease her I replied to her pretending I am messaging to Anna.)

Mark: Yeah, she helped you at least in the shopping...

Anna: What do you mean?

(Now I got clarity that it's Mona because I know her way of typing in messages and I can enjoy by looking at her immediate short temper message.)

Mark: What I mean is after your shopping stay away to Mona, if not she will definitely eat your brain like she always does...

Anna: What?

Mark: Yes, Anna, that's true and after our wedding is done, we no need to look at her face too, and I don't allow you to waste your time by spending time with her, Okay?

Anna: Mark..! You can't separate me and Anna...

Mark: Caught you...

(I laughed loudly for Mona's innocence to get caught red-handedly. I can understand how her facial expression looks like.)

Anna: Idiot fellow..!!!

Mark: Yes I am, and I should be an idiot to catch my sadistic friend naughty acts…

Anna: Go to hell...

Mark: Give the phone to my Anna...

Anna: Hi Mark, We are on the way to home...

Mark: okay, and Don't forget to get ready...

Anna: Mark..!!!

(I smiled by looking at Anna's reply, and this is her original reaction...

After a few seconds, I packed and get ready to go to Home the moment I opened the door, Daniel looked at me and started following me again...)

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