At this point, Shi Chuankong's entire body was already riddled with wounds, and he appeared to be quite calm and collected on the surface, but internally, he was feeling very concerned.

There was such a huge power gap between the two sides that even in a three-on-one battle, they were still no match for Shao Ying, and now that Lü Gang was dead, the situation had become even more dire.

In the face of the oncoming Shao Ying, Shi Chuankong was forced to take a step back before swinging his purple staff rapidly through the air, unleashing a flurry of staff projections that descended upon Shao Ying like a waternight net.

In response, Shao Ying merely reached out with one hand, and a burst of tremendous starpower erupted out of his bone claws to eradicate most of the staff projections, following which he lashed out with his other set of bone claws at Shi Chuankong's waist, aiming to tear him in half just like he had done with Lü Gang!

Han Li was just about to intervene when Fang Chan came barreling in from the side, but this played right into Shao Ying's hands, and a sinister grin appeared on his face as he stopped cold in his tracks, then darted back in retreat to avoid Fang Chan.

Right as Fang Chan passed him by, a series of profound acupoints lit up over his arm, and he slammed his bone claws viciously into Fang Chan's back.

A dull thump rang out as a burst of devastating power erupted out of his bone claws, pulvering Fang Chan's back and sending him flying through the air.

With Fang Chan's enormous frame, it was very difficult for him to arrest his own momentum, and he crashed straight through the railing on the edge of the altar before plunging into the dark abyss below.

Shi Chuankong wanted to swoop in to save him, but it was already too late.

"Don't worry, you're next," Shao Ying said as he turned to Shi Chuankong with a cold sneer.

Shi Chuankong's brows were tightly furrowed, but his eyes suddenly lit up ever so slightly as he took a glance in the direction of the three stone arch bridges on the other side of the altar, and he grasped tightly onto his purple staff as he prepared to face Shao Ying in battle.

A series of profound acupoints lit up over Shao Ying's legs, and he launched himself forward at an incredible speed.

In the blink of an eye, he had already reached Shi Chuankong, and his two sets of bone claws were glowing radiantly as he pierced them straight at Shi Chuankong's chest.

Shi Chuankong was very quick to react, raising his staff in front of himself to keep the bone claws at bay, following which he abruptly swung the staff around, tipping Shao Ying upside-down in the process.

Immediately thereafter, profound acupoints lit up over his legs as well, and he threw a vicious kick at Shao Ying's chest.

A burst of tremendous starpower erupted out of the profound acupoints on Shao Ying's body, and he flew directly over Shi Chuankong's head while pushing the purple staff forward with his bone claws.

Shi Chuankong's hands were still wrapped tightly around the staff, and he was tipped forward along with it.

Before he was able to regain his balance, Shao Ying was already upon him.

The disparity in speed between the two was enormous, and Shi Chuankong wasn't able to put up any defenses before Shao Ying caught up to him and plunged a hand straight through his chest, pinning him to the ground.

Shi Chuankong immediately threw up a mouthful of blood as he struggled to get up, only for Shao Ying to stomp down onto his head, driving it into the ground.

He then looked down at Shi Chuankong as he sneered, "If it isn't for the fact that you're still useful to City Lord E, you'd already be long dead by now."

A look of despair appeared on Shi Chuankong's face as he slumped to the ground in a defeated manner, but right as Shao Ying began to lift his foot from his head, he abruptly lifted his legs up from the ground before clamping them tightly around Shao Ying's neck.

Shao Ying was caught completely off guard by this abrupt turn of events, and all of a sudden, he spotted a figure flying out of the darkness in the distance at an incredible speed.

The figure reached him in what felt like the blink of an eye, then swung a white scimitar down at his neck.

The figure was naturally none other than Han Li, and Shao Ying struggled with all his might to free himself, but Shi Chuankong was determined not to let him go, even if it meant having to sacrifice his own life.

Right as he was about to be decapitated by Han Li's scimitar, a cold gleam suddenly flashed through his eyes, and the robes on his back abruptly tore open as a pair of razor sharp bone wings sprang out of his back.

There were around a dozen profound acupoints glowing on the pair of bone wings, and their sharp edges were aimed straight at Han Li.

Han Li's pupils contracted slightly upon seeing this, and he stopped in his tracks before darting back in retreat.

The bone wings swept through the air before him, leaving a twisted rift in the space in their wake.

At the same time, a burst of starpower erupted out of Shao Ying's shoulders, freeing him from Shi Chuankong's legs.

He then pulled his bone claws out of Shi Chuankong's chest before kicking him away, following which he spread his bone wings and flew up into the air to glower down at Han Li from above.

"I've been waiting for you," he said with a cold sneer.

Han Li took a glance at Shi Chuankong to find that while his injuries were quite severe, they posed no threat to his life for now.

He then turned his gaze back to Shao Ying as he asked, "Are those wings a part of your body or a star artifact?"

Shao Ying harrumphed coldly and gave no reply as he swooped down at Han Li from above while lashing out with his bone claws like the talons of a bird of prey.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly as he took a step back, then swung his white scimitar diagonally up at Shao Ying.

In the instant that the scimitar was about to pass the bone claws by, the latter suddenly grabbed onto the former, following which Shao Ying lashed out at Han Li with the pair of bone wings on his back.

Han Li remained completely unfazed as he released the hilt of his scimitar, allowing it to be taken by Shao Ying.

Immediately thereafter, he clenched his fist and channeled his Titan Vajra Arts as he threw a punch at Shao Ying's chest.

His fist was extremely fast, even faster than Shao Ying's bone wings, and it struck him on the chest with a resounding boom.

Shao Ying felt as if his heart had stopped beating for a few seconds from the impact of the punch, and he was struck by a sense of asphyxiation before he was sent flying by a burst of tremendous force.

However, at the same time, he was still able to glance his bone wings over Han Li's back, instantly inflicting a wound so deep that even a section of Han Li's vertebrae had been revealed.

However, Han Li didn't even so much as grimace from his injuries as he channeled his Wingform Ascension Arts to pursue Shao Ying without any hesitation.

He was able to catch up to Shao Ying in mid-air before throwing another punch at his chest, but Shao Ying was able to cross his arms in front of his own chest to defend himself.

A resounding thump rang out as Shao Ying crashed heavily into the edge of the altar, causing the entire altar to shudder violently.

A hint of surprise appeared in E Kuai's eyes upon seeing this, clearly not expecting such a formidable display of power from Han Li.

Shao Ying threw up a mouthful of blood as he hurriedly slashed his bone wings through the air, preemptively retaliating against any further attacks from Han Li.

However, to his surprise, Han Li didn't pounce on this opportunity to continue his assault.

Instead, he had already retreated to quite a distance away, and there was a smile on his face as he chanted an incantation with his hands arranged in a strange seal. Only then did Shao Ying notice that a leaf-shaped jade pendant had appeared on his bloodstained chest.

A horrified flook appeared on his face as he identified the Explosive Space Realm Talisman, but it was already too late for him to do anything.

The veins on the surface of the leaf-shaped jade pendant lit up one after another, and the air around Shao Ying compressed violently, immediately following which a radiant white sun appeared out of thin air to illuminate the darkness.

A violent explosion rang out as a ball of blazing white light exploded before rising up as a white cloud.

Devastating shockwaves swept through the air in all directions, destroying half of the entire altar in the process.

The light barrier around the Weeping Blood Array trembled violently, and it looked as if it were about to be overwhelmed by the shockwaves from the explosion.

E Kuai hurriedly made a hand seal upon seeing this, injecting his own power into the array to bolster the light barrier against the explosion.

Only after close to twenty seconds had passed did the shockwaves gradually subside, and one half of the altar had vanished into thin air, while the other half remained largely unscathed thanks to the protection of the Weeping Blood Array.

Several massive holes had been blown into the ceiling of the hall, and the suffocating blanket of yellow clouds up above were visible through them.

Everyone was caught completely off guard by this sudden turn of events, and Zhu Ziyuan had only just forced back Duan Tong when an instinctive sense of foreboding welled up in his heart.

He immediately rushed over to Xuanyuan Xing, then knocked him back with an attack as well before grabbing onto Zhu Ziqing's arm and dragging her over to Mistress Liu Hua's side.

Meanwhile, Xuanyuan Xing rushed back in retreat to join Han Li and Shi Chuankong.

Ultimately, everyone was able to avoid the explosion from the Explosive Space Realm Talisman, but they were all looking at the massive chunk of the altar that had gone missing with lingering fear in their eyes.

At this point, Shao Ying had already been erased out of existence.

Elsewhere on the altar, much of the black mist around Duan Tong's body had already faded away, and the runes on his skin were also glowing nowhere near as bright as before. On top of that, his entire body was looking very emaciated, with the exception of his right arm, which was still as massive as ever.

By refining Paralysis Death Poison into his own arm, he could enhance his own offensive prowess for a period of time at the expense of his own bloodline power, but evidently, this was extremely taxing on him, and he was already close to a spent force.

Once Zhu Ziyuan realized this, he intentionally began employing stalling tactics to make their battle one of attrition, and over time, Duan Tong's powers began to wane. If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Ziyuan had been startled into retreat by Shao Ying's abrupt demise, perhaps Duan Tong would've already been struck down by now.

Zhu Ziqing was carrying many injuries, but none of them were very severe, and at this moment, she was standing beside her brother while observing Han Li with an amazed expression as she said, "You were right, Big Brother, there really is more to him than meets the eye..."

In her eyes, Shao Ying had always been a very snide and sinister man, so she didn't resent Han Li for killing him.

Meanwhile, Zhu Ziyuan was observing Han Li with an apprehensive look in his eyes.

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