"There's no need to be alarmed. The power of the flying boat alone is not enough to withstand the spatial storm, so only by drawing upon the power of the stars in the sky can we ensure safe passage," Mistress Liu Hua said in a calm manner, and everyone felt much more reassured upon hearing this.

Sure enough, after the initial jolt and a fall in altitude of several dozen feet, the Star Falcon Flying Boat returned to its original altitude in a stable fashion.

Immediately thereafter, bursts of starpower began to surge out of the countless runes engraved all over the entire flying boat, and they connected together with one another to form a white starlight barrier.

A few moments later, the wings on either side of the boat began to flap up and down, and the boat slowly advanced into the canyon.

Han Li could feel a glacial aura coming from his left, and a scorching sensation from his right, and began to focus his attention on observing his surroundings.

There was no sound to be heard aside from the sounds produced by the restriction on the ship, and everyone was silently focused on the task at hand.

No one, including Mistress Liu Hua, dared to proclaim that they would definitely be able to make it across the abyss safely.

As the flying boat entered the canyon, gusts of freezing blue winds swept forth from the left, slicing against the Star Falcon Flying Boat like a series of sharp, glacial knives.

However, the starlight barrier around the boat was very flexible, and even though indentations were appearing on its surface from the glacial winds, it remained resilient, displaying no signs of breaking.

On the other side of the canyon, scorching hot waves of heat were surging through the air, giving that half of the sky a fiery red complexion, but it was also unable to burn through the starlight barrier.

However, the starlight barrier was unable to keep out the freezing cold and the intense heat, so all of the people on the flying boat were feeling extremely uncomfortable.

After traveling onward for several thousand more kilometers, they were approaching the point in the canyon where the glacial blue winds and the scorching flames met, and the two temperature extremes were generating gusts of ferocious wind.

Even before the gusts of wind had reached the flying boat, the violent howling that they produced was already grating on everyone's eardrums.

Right at this moment, a particularly powerful gust of wind struck the flying boat head-on, and the boat shuddered violently before veering away to one side, crashing toward the wall of blue ice on the left.

The front and left side of the boat were crashing toward the mountain face in unison, and if a collision were to occur, then that side of the boat would be sure to suffer severe damage, perhaps even causing it to fall apart entirely.

Without the flying boat's protection, everyone would be exposed to the glacial winds and scorching flames, and the gusts of wind that they produced together would also sweep them straight into the spatial storm up above, leading to certain death.

Right as everyone was about to erupt into a panic, a figure suddenly rushed over to the left side of the flying boat, and it was none other than E Kuai.

He spread his fingers open on both hands, then thrust both palms toward the blue mountain face. Dense clusters of profound acupoints appeared over his hands and arms like stars in the night sky, releasing a burst of incredibly formidable power.

Han Li was also stunned by the sight of E Kuai's arms. There were over two hundred profound acupoints on his arms alone, and that was already more than what most of the cultivators on the boat possessed on their entire body.

It seemed that Chen Yang hadn't been exaggerating when he proclaimed that E Kuai had opened a total of more than a thousand profound acupoints.

All of the profound acupoints on E Kuai's arms and hands were glowing radiantly, and beams of bright light shot out of the palms of his hands and the tips of his fingers before fusing into the starlight barrier upon contact.

Waves of massive circular ripples immediately began to spread over the surface of the starlight barrier, following which pillars of white light that were as thick as wooden rafters emerged from the light barrier, extending toward the blue mountain face on the left.

A burst of loud rumbling rang out as the blue mountain face was shattered, causing a huge avalanche, and the twelve thick pillars of light acted as oars, forcibly restoring the enormous Star Falcon Flying Boat back to its original orientation.

The boat slowly began to return to its original trajectory, and everyone heaved a collective sigh of relief upon seeing this.

E Kuai withdrew his hands, and the pillars of white light surging out of the starlight barrier were also slowly withdrawn, while Han Li looked on with astonishment in his eyes.

It wasn't very difficult to release a tremendous amount of starpower to cause widespread damage, but it was extremely difficult to control one's own power as meticulously as E Kuai had just done.

Even though that crisis had been successfully averted, everyone was still very tense and on-edge, powering the Star Falcon Flying Boat with all their might to spur it onward.

Meanwhile, Mistress Liu Hua was constantly adjusting the direction of the flying boat, and he was becoming more and more skilled at the task, avoiding one whirlwind after another before finally arriving at the point where the hot and cold mountain faces met.

At this point, the wind outside had become almost unbearably loud, and the light barrier around the Star Falcon Flying Boat was also constantly warping and twisting from the tremendous wind pressure.

Han Li was sitting in the cabin with close to a hundred profound acupoints shining on his body, and he had also conjured up his True Extreme Film.

Most of the other Profound City cultivators had also revealed close to a hundred profound acupoints each, but this was not under instructions from E Kuai. Instead, it was because the temperatures were becoming more and more extreme as they advanced onward, and the starlight barrier could only shelter them to a certain extent.

Many of the Profound City cultivators on the boat were already developing signs of frostbite, and their lips had also become dry and cracked from the glacial winds.

In stark contrast, the Puppet City cultivators felt as if they had been sent down into the fiery pits of hell. Their skin had turned bright red, and the sweat pouring out of their pores didn't even have a chance to linger on their bodies before being evaporated into nothingness.

Their lips were also dried and cracked, except it was from the intense heat, rather than the cold.

Right at this moment, Mistress Liu Hua's voice suddenly rang out from the front of the boat.

"Attention, everyone! We are reaching the most critical point of our flight, so make sure to stabilize the flying boat with all your might."

Everyone immediately redoubled their focus upon hearing this.

Han Li cast his gaze toward the left side of the boat to discover that the depths of the canyon had already descended into complete chaos, with countless spatial rifts littered throughout the surrounding area. A gust of freezing wind was clashing against a wave of fire down below, sending gusts of fierce wind rising up into the spatial storm above.

Bursts of rumbling were ringing out incessantly, and the Star Falcon Flying Boat began trembling as it ventured into the ferocious winds up ahead.

Right at this moment, the front of the Star Falcon Flying Boat suddenly twisted to the side, and the entire boat abruptly accelerated as it was instantly wrenched into the storm.

The entire world instantly began spinning, and everyone was also thrown up into the air and out of the cabin.

Han Li hurriedly channeled his cultivation arts to plant himself firmly in his seat, while Mistress Liu Hua yelled, "Fortify the array! Things won't be as tumultuous once we reach the center of the storm!"

A string of loud thumps rang out incessantly on the flying boat and more and more profound acupoints lit up over the bodies of the Profound City cultivators, and the entire boat began glowing so brightly that the canyon was illuminated to be as bright as day.

Prior to this, it had felt as if the flying boat had been nourishing their bodies this entire time, and only now did everyone begin to feel their starpower being sucked out of their bodies to support the Star Falcon Restriction.

At the same time, the radiant stars in the sky also began to resonate with the flying boat from afar, and the two pillars of starlight descending from the heavens became brighter than ever. As a result, the starlight barrier around the entire boat became even denser, and specks of bright bright light also appeared over its surface, as if it were mirroring the starry night sky.

Simultaneously, the runes engraved onto the wings of the boat were also increasing in brightness, releasing two bursts of white light that formed a pair of massive starry wings.

With the emergence of those wings, the violently swaying Star Falcon Flying Boat was finally somewhat stabilized, and it plunged headfirst into the fierce winds ahead to reach the eye of the storm in one fell swoop.

The eye of the storm was massive, and it appeared to be quite tranquil inside, but in reality, it was also fraught with peril.

All of a sudden, a burst of tremendous suction force began acting upon the Star Falcon Flying Boat, causing it plummet rapidly downward.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly as he looked down to discover a chaotic scene several thousand feet below, where a burst of blue light had fused together with a vast expanse of crimson flames.

Beneath this swirling mass of fire and ice was a black vortex that resembled the eye of a giant demon, and that was the source of the immense suction force.

In the blink of an eye, the Star Falcon Flying Boat had already descended over a thousand feet.

A bone-chilling glacial aura rose from below alongside a burst of scorching heat, and everyone instantly felt as if they had been cast into a hellish storm of fire and ice.

Right at this moment, a delicate cry rang out from the front of the Star Falcon Flying Boat, immediately following which four golden puppets sprang out of the right side of the cabin before leaping straight down into the abyss below.

Four loud thumps rang out in unison, and the flying boat shuddered violently, following which the speed of its descent began to decrease, as if it were being supported by something from down below.

Han Li peered over the side of the boat to see one of the golden puppets at the tail end of the boat, supporting it on his shoulder. Around a dozen specks of white light had emerged over the puppet's body, embedded within each of which was a beast core.

On top of that, its legs had transformed into something that resembled a lotus flower platform, and bursts of starpower were surging out of it like flames, generating tremendous propulsion force that slowed the flying boat's descent.

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