A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 107 - Chapter 107: Chapter 80: It’s Like Watching Harry Potter (Please Vote for Recommendation)

Chapter 107: Chapter 80: It’s Like Watching Harry Potter (Please Vote for Recommendation)

“Brother Bailuo?”

The younger girls noticed Bailuo, “Brother Bailuo has come to watch!”

Even though they had been informed about the founding of the nation, some of the little girls still liked to address Bailuo with the familiar term they used before.

Bailuo didn’t mind at all, and instead, he quite enjoyed being affectionately called ‘brother’ by these adorable little girls.

“I’m so jealous!”

“I want to go up there too.”

Most of these children were only five or six years old. Because their age was quite small and their minds weren’t fully mature, they couldn’t control Fairy Magic.

For that reason, they were only allowed to watch and not to participate at will.

Among them, Little Helen and Sefini, both now 5 years old (the age here being the standard), although they possessed impressive magical talent, could only stay here and watch.

The magic power of Fairy Magic is related to the time spent in training and innate talent.

In addition to that, physical constitution played a very important role.

Take Sefini and Elsa as examples: Sefini was 5 years old, and Elsa was 11 years old.

Both started learning magic at the same time, but Elsa’s magic power was several times, even more than ten times, that of Sefini.

Even if the speed of refining magic power was the same, Elsa was older and could accumulate far more magic power than Sefini, who was still a child.

Put simply, Miracle Power underwent a process of transformation and accommodation.

Refining Miracle Power, Miracle Power transforming the body, the body becoming stronger, and thereby accommodating more Miracle Power.

The Mysterious Dragon was somewhat like a power bank, which instantly filled up the magic power of Elsa, Sefini, and the others to their maximum capacity.

Moreover, because their bodies couldn’t bear any more, this surge of Miracle Power transformed into potential, hidden within them.

As they aged and their strengths grew, the Grace of the Mysterious Dragon would bloom once again.

But that was for the future. For now, Little Helen and Sefini didn’t possess the mental maturity to properly control Fairy Magic; they were too young.

“Is everyone ready?”

“We’re ready, Teacher Lilith!”

On the training field, around twenty girls, average age 12, were ready. Each of them held a broom and quickly found their practice partners.

Those brooms had been personally modified by Lilith to work with the girls’ Fairy Power, carrying them through the sky.

“Are we starting with practical combat so soon?”

Bailuo worried it might be too hasty to begin practical combat today when the shamanic ritual had only been completed yesterday.

Shouldn’t they practice more before considering actual combat?

“Yatun tradition, actual combat is the best way to learn.”

Lilith often used a joke from Bailuo’s past life, “As the saying goes, soloing to determine fathers and sons, the loser calls the other ‘daddy.’”

“Even though they’re all girls, I like this saying of yours, master.”


Bailuo didn’t correct Lilith; she knew him too well.

Bailuo looked at the girls but found that because of his presence, almost all their attention was on him.


Bailuo knew how to inspire the girls, “Do your best, don’t be nervous. Winning or losing doesn’t matter. Just display your real strength.”

Upon hearing this, the girls’ spirits were immediately uplifted, and they silently vowed to show Bailuo their best.

” Now, the first group.”

“Elsa versus Fiona!”

Lilith said, “The rest of you, go back to your seats in the stands. Watch carefully and learn.”

Lilith was the referee and also a safeguard for the girls. If anyone had a problem, Lilith would rescue them immediately.

“Are we starting with such a fierce battle?”

“Of course.”

Lilith smiled, then brought the two girls onto the field where they held magic wands and weapons in their hands.

This was a practical combat lesson; they were allowed to use any ability, naturally including punching, kicking, and weapons combat.

As the old saying goes, a Mage who doesn’t know hand-to-hand combat is not a good warrior.

“Elsa has trained two years less than Fiona,” Bailuo said, “Close combat would be disadvantageous for her.”

In terms of combat experience, Fiona had the upper hand because she was older and had been involved in many joint operations with other People of Yatun.

Elsa was only 11 years old, and in martial skills, she couldn’t match Fiona.

However, they had been studying magic for the same amount of time, and Elsa had even half a month more training than Fiona.

Due to this discrepancy, their power levels had actually grown much closer.

“Begin the match!”

“Tap Tap Tap.”

Following Teacher Lilith’s order, Fiona charged towards Elsa at high speed.

‘She’s going for close combat!’

Bailuo, Teacher Lilith, many students, and even Fiona’s opponent Elsa had all realized her intention.


Elsa immediately drew her rapier, and the two girls collided.


Cold air surged from Elsa’s body, rapidly spreading along Fiona’s one-handed sword.


Fiona’s magic wand emitted a faint glow, and the ice formed on the one- handed sword ‘ping’ shattered to pieces.


Elsa was quick to react, her left hand wielding the magic wand released Fairy Magic.


Fiona was propelled into the air by an invisible force, but the girl showed no sign of panic.

“Summon Broom.”

A simple flick of her magic wand, and the broom that had been standing upright on the ground immediately flew toward her, carrying her swiftly through the air.

“Abit unexpected.”

Bailuo hadn’t anticipated the girls’ fight would flow so seamlessly.

It was a real fight, but they had produced the spectacle of an exhibition match, and Bailuo couldn’t help but clap for them.

“Indeed very impressive.”

“Truly worthy of being sister Elsa and sister Fiona.”

“I feel so much pressure…”

The girls quietly cursed Teacher Lilith as a mean queen for putting the most powerful contenders up front.

If they didn’t perform well, wouldn’t they be utterly embarrassed?

However, this was exactly Lilith’s strategy. She wanted to pressure the girls to then unleash their potential.


On the practice field, Elsa grabbed a broom beside her and swiftly gave chase.

Her magic had limited range, and her accuracy couldn’t match Fiona’s, so the only option was to catch up and attempt close-range spellcasting.

“Swoosh Swoosh!”

Thus, two figures chased each other in the air, one after the other, darting through the vast practice field at an astounding speed.

“Ice Spikes!”

Spires of ice coalesced in the air and, at Elsa’s command, tracked Fiona’s movements.

“Ssshh Ssshh Ssshh.”

Elsa had more magic power than Fiona, so she opted to be the aggressor.

Fiona was aware of her disadvantage and used her broom’s speed to dodge the attacks with remarkable precision.

“Hoo Hoo.”

Then, Fiona showcased her superior broom flying skills to everyone watching.

It was hard to imagine that this was a girl who had only been introduced to brooms seven days ago.

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