A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 430: The Potential Mundaneness of Potions

Chapter 430: The Potential Mundaneness of Potions

The sequence is followed by a long string of 'for instance.'

Felix figured that any regular person would surely feel intrigued by one or two of the mentioned points above, provided they could be realized.

At the bottom of the flyer lay a crude map.

Felix's curiosity intensified. The person handing him the flyer seemed ordinary, yet they made a beeline for him. Was it happenstance or a coincidence? He felt it was more likely shrouded in mysterious deeds under the guise of magic. As for what exactly, he decided to find out.

Following the instructions on the flyer, Felix navigated through remote streets. The hand-drawn map had its 'quirks,' marking discreet symbols at every street corner, requiring some thought.

Standing before a wall, Felix gazed at the graffiti. Illuminated by dim streetlights, he scrutinized it for a while, then, guided by the rat holding a vertical sign in the graffiti, he turned left.

Here, the lights had vanished. The shops lining the street were dilapidated, heaps of garbage cluttered the corners, and the lone flickering lamp, coupled with the howling chill wind, evoked a sense of a scene from a horror movie.

However, if Felix wished, he could conjure the most realistic horror, just as easily.

"Three individuals lurking in the shadows along the way, no trace of magic, and their negativity isn't too strong... Merely after riches?" Felix strolled leisurely. Since it had nothing to do with magic or a dark wizard fishing, his interest in what lay at the end of the road diminished rapidly. He paused now and then to admire the graffiti on the walls along the way.

If one were to describe it, this place was like the decaying organ of London, forgotten by the city hall, repeatedly overlooked in various plans, ultimately becoming a playground for stray cats and dogs, as well as the favorite haunt of those 'rebellious youth.'

A few minutes later...

Felix pushed open a worn-out gate and stepped inside. The crude map on the flyer had long lost its relevance. He found this place because there was activity here, and there was a finely crafted magic circle on the doorstep.

Inspecting the storefront and the weathered signboard, this place seemed to have been a clothing store before. However, the sign read 'House of Magic' in graffiti-style font.

Felix had a bad feeling. No wizarding organization would do such a thing. This seemed more like a concoction of some street-side enthusiasts fascinated with the arcane arts.

Am I being duped here...?

At this moment, two burly men approached him, the kind more adept at communicating with their fists. Felix sighed and with a glint in his eyes, "Bang!" "Bang!" They thudded heavily onto the ground without uttering a word.

After a few minutes, those who rushed to their aid didn't flee.

Felix searched the abandoned shack thoroughly. The thick layer of dust inside the room indicated its former occupant had been gone for a while. He wore a disappointed expression.

"A gang of robbers... perhaps add kidnapping and extortion to that?"

This was the information Felix gathered from their minds, leaving him deeply disappointed. Especially when he learned these flyers came from a nearby trash bin, it was a double blow.

The truth of the matter was absurd—

This used to be a secret base of a group of enthusiasts of the arcane arts. Perhaps due to winter or other reasons, they disbanded, and the flyers were casually thrown into a nearby trash bin, conveniently picked up by these passing robbers: they found familiar words on the flyers ("dazed and confused, wake up not knowing where..."), unanimously believing it described the effects of some 'painkillers.' They highlighted this phrase, considering it an unspoken code on the streets, luring those in need.

Including Felix, even the addict in conversation got this hint. Unfortunately, Felix didn't notice it at all; instead, he was drawn by the word 'magic' on the flyer, hence the misfortune for this group of people.

"I got excited seeing those two mysterious symbols at the door." Felix grumbled, feeling he had completely wasted his time. He should have been in the warm office at Hogwarts by now.

"What's the emergency hotline number... 999?"

Suddenly, Felix heard footsteps approaching from afar, stopping outside the door.

"Is someone there?" A young voice asked.

Felix blinked, pulling the door open a crack, lowering his head, coming face-to-face with a pair of gray eyes. The person held a flyer in one hand and a stick in the other, looking at him hesitantly.

Judging by attire, Felix estimated this person wasn't associated with the previous thugs—though in the newcomer's eyes, he might appear even more frightening, evident from the shaking hand.

"Anything you need?" Felix muttered from his throat.

He wanted to quickly shoo away the unexpected visitor and make an anonymous call... Well, perhaps he could delay it till tomorrow morning; they say sleeping on the floor is good for the back.

"Hello, is this the House of Magic?" the visitor asked cautiously, shaking the flyer. When Felix shifted his gaze from the flyer to the stick, the hand holding the stick promptly vanished from his view unless Felix leaned out; otherwise, it was impossible to see past the wall.

The visitor awkwardly chuckled.

"Do you have something to say?" Felix darkened his face, raising his voice.

"I, uh... saw the flyer, it says it can grant a wish for those who join..."

Felix paused, turning to look at the debris inside the room and the fugitive sleeping on the ground. With genuine sincerity, he replied, "You're quite lucky."

"So, it's true?" the voice trembled with excitement.

Felix met hopeful eyes and pursed his lips, adopting a slightly more serious tone, "So? I suggest you get to the point..."

A trembling hand extended towards him. "I... I play the piano, but due to an accident, my hand got injured. I wish to play the piano again."

Observing the unexpected guest before him, Felix wondered if this was science sentencing someone to death and seeking solace or hope in the arcane? Frankly, he didn't think it was a clever move. Most wizards conscientiously abide by the Secrecy Law, rarely mingling with ordinary folks. The few exceptions without reservations mostly leaned towards dark wizards.

But this sudden visitor made things intriguing, perhaps turning into a memorable day. Felix thought so.

Thus, he said, "Your idea isn't entirely impossible... However, with magic, as you might guess, the price is steep..." deliberately using a very obvious colloquial tone.

"I have money," the person hastily replied, cautious not to look like a fool. Adding cautiously, "I only brought a third. If you can really grant my... wish, I'll pay you the rest."

"Money isn't useful to me; many things are more important to wizards than money. Do you have—" Felix's voice lowered.

"You want my eyes!?"

Felix rolled his eyes, "I detest these kinds of horror stories, filled with baseless imagination... I have my own, and I have one more than you." Suddenly, he grinned, pointing to his forehead; a blue light radiated from the center of his forehead, and within the layered blue glow,

an eye slowly opened.


The unexpected shriek left Felix startled, but as the unexpected guest’s eyes widened, there was no sign of escape; instead, they were filled with excitement, bombarding him with questions: "What do I need to pay, my soul? Health? Appearance? Lifespan?"

"I'm not acquainted with demons," mumbled Felix. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Come in."

He turned, and a layer of dim silver light quietly blanketed the entire room. The ruins and piled-up fugitives disappeared from his sight. The dust-covered floor transformed into a red carpet; debris and glass shards flew up to the ceiling, turning into orange-hued small lamps. The fugitives turned into lush green potted plants, piled up in a corner against the wall.

The dilapidated chairs seemed freshly varnished, the chairbacks elongated and elevated. Two cloth scraps swiftly wound around the chair, forming armrests. Several clothes hangers propped up semi-circular dark archways... fгeewebnovёl.com

As the unfamiliar visitor entered, they found themselves in a small concert hall with a piano at its center. Opposite the piano was a single-seat audience area, occupying the prime position.

"Is this... um, do wizards also enjoy music?" asked the visitor.

"Hah!" chuckled Felix, seating himself—suddenly draped in a black cloak that obscured his face in the well-lit room. Two silver glimmers peeked through the hood as Felix spoke in a deep, hoarse voice, "Are you ready to make a deal with a wizard?"

"What do you need, Wizard Sir?"

"A memory, your happiest memory."

The person hesitated, saying, "I don't even know what my happiest memory is, these past months have been nothing but pain..."

"It's alright, your heart will guide me to the answer. So... deal?"

Felix felt he should've prepared bat wings and arrow-shaped tails in advance. But the thought of wings…

Suddenly, Felix's mind wandered elsewhere, struck by a brilliant idea. Perhaps he could create an entirely new flying magical creature—a set of flying wings. He always felt a bit awkward riding a broomstick. Well, no rush, he'd talk to Romulus about it later, after giving it more thought.

"What... do I need to sign something, Wizard Sir?"

"What did you say?"

"Like a contract, demon... I mean, the kind wizards make with ordinary people."

"No need, do you think I'm afraid you'll renege?" Felix reclined nonchalantly on the chair.


The crisp piano notes filled the air, initially somewhat tentative due to the injured hand's influence. But soon, the melody became fluid and melodious. Felix squinted, tapping his foot lightly. Before long, he furrowed his brow. The style of the tune in front of him changed abruptly. It was like the chilly, melancholic moonlight suddenly turned into an exuberant battle anthem, then into flowing stream murmurs, followed by solemn woodland horns...

It was no longer music, but noise.

However, the 'contractor' played with immense joy, especially upon realizing what their happiest memory was. They poured their entire being into the music, knowing it would be lost forever after tonight...

Felix sensed a pure, radiant joy, thanks to his ability to sense and discern emotions from Dementors. It seemed like a golden vortex formed in the yard, continuously expanding outward. Felix extracted his wand, gently swirling, gathering some of the dispersed emotions.

When magic and this precious emotion combined, they formed a drop of golden liquid.

His fingertips danced along the piano keys, until the moon got veiled by clouds, the wailing wind interrupting the melody.

"Have some tea, your hands are shaking from the cold," said Felix, a cup floating unsteadily to the piano with golden ripples in its liquid.

"It's not from the cold, it's... it's just how they are... What tea is this, it tastes strange?"

Felix stood up, straightening his back. "Your music is unforgettable. I hope to see your formal performance someday. Well then... the House of Magic bids you farewell for today." He waved his hand, and the person opposite him seemed weightless, floating out of the room.

With a bang, the door closed shut.

"Oh, Wizard Sir, you know that's impossible... Wizard Sir? You haven't taken your reward, where do I find you... Goodness, why is the house gone! Did you do this, Wizard Sir..."

The next morning.

The miraculous little house, filled with wonders overnight, was swarmed by people. Two police officers escorted a string of fugitives out, having spent the night lying on the cold ground, looking quite sickly.

In the crowd, one head kept bobbing up to peer inside.

"What's going on? Were you caught, Wizard Sir—eh? Who are they?"

"Apparently a cunning gang of fugitives, they've been on the run in Surrey County, heard they were discovered by a young artist who came over early and quietly alerted the police."

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"Ah, I see..." The person fell silent for a moment, then suddenly raised their hand, flaunting it. "Uncle, see my hand, does it still shake?"

"Are you having fun at my expense?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm just too delighted!"


In the ancient magical script office at Hogwarts, Felix was conversing via a communication mirror with Lupin.

"Two things, one about the flying wings, or rather, flying wing devices; I'll be making a prototype soon, and I'd like you to see how we can improve and simplify it."

"The second thing is researching the secularization of potions. Not urgent, but for now, compiling a usable list would suffice."


"Making potions usable on ordinary folks."


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