Chapter 424: First Experience

"Felix's a wise choice; it'll do you a world of good." Felix waved his wand, creating a golden trail that sprawled between them like snowflakes caught in a breeze, sprinkling down in a shimmering cascade.

"Let's begin with a test." He leaned back in his chair, watching the golden curtain with delight.

Harry also looked up, feeling like he was a part of the airborne gold dust, forgetting all worries and troubles... drifting involuntarily into a dreamy state, his mind experiencing profound relaxation, wrapped in a warm glow. Harry found himself chasing this feeling, but a faint voice inside him hinted that this scene was familiar.

What could it be? If he'd felt this wonderful before, he'd surely remember. Harry mused dreamily, his mind akin to a rusty clock, thoughts pausing momentarily until Professor Moody's grim face flashed before him. So repulsive... It snapped Harry out of the pleasant reverie for a moment.

How could he think of him? Was it because of the emotions stirred by his class? Wait, Moody's class? The Imperius Curse?

Harry's heart plunged as if dunked into the frigid depths of the December-end Black Lake. He shivered, breaking away from that state. The golden dust, once floating, now lay in a pyramidal heap on the ground, shimmering beautifully.

But Harry didn't fancy it now, apart from his recent experience, another blatant sign was Professor Snape, clutching onto Valen, the little creature peeking through the professor's arm, reaching out toward the golden dust.

Harry leaned back, seeking solace as his back touched the firmness of the sofa. "Three minutes."

Felix glanced at a pocket watch. "Faster than I expected. Impressive."

Harry stammered, "I-I thought of Professor Moody..."

"I understand," Felix said, "His appearance is quite intimidating."

"No, it's not that, Professor," Harry said, "It's not just because of his appearance..." He blinked, whispering, "He taught us the Imperius Curse in class."

"Ah, that explains it," Felix nodded slightly. "Seems like you did well in that class?"

Harry hesitated before nodding.

"Professor, what was that?"

He watched as Professor Snape flicked his wand, the sprawling golden powder in mid-air and the heap on the ground vanished simultaneously.

"Some beautiful memories I've collected," Felix smiled. "Many from creatures in the Forbidden Forest, creatures that easily find joy. Maybe not what you'd define as beauty?"

"No, I found it good, pure happiness," Harry said, somewhat reluctantly.

"This was inspired by Dementors; if they can extract happy memories, why not other emotions?" Felix explained. "Draining happiness leaves negativity, draining arrogance leaves humility... emotions tend to swing from one extreme to another. Worth exploring, but, I must say—it's of limited use to me and easily criticized."

Harry felt the description too mild; it seemed more fitting to call it sinister or eerie. He stole a glance at Felix. Most times, Professor Snape was gentle and friendly, his words soothing—especially after the Yule Ball, where many girls' opinions of him skyrocketed. But in matters of certain magic, his standards were terrifyingly low.

Like the night of his nightmare, he might never have known how adept Professor Snape was with the Killing Curse...

His convictions shook.

"Will this help me with learning Occlumency?" Harry asked tentatively.

"Of course, in your initial learning phase, the strength of your will matters most."

He handed Harry a book. "Each page is enchanted; apart from what you've experienced, there are other ways to evoke emotions and memories. Read it, ignoring the magical influence. This book holds some danger, so I can't let you take it. My plan is for you to visit every other day during the Christmas break. Once you read from start to finish effortlessly, you'll have mastered it. Then, we'll move to the next stage."

Harry nodded in understanding. He took the book—it didn't look thick or extraordinary, a plain cover without a title. But he didn't think it safer than Hagrid's carefully chosen "Monster Book of Monsters."

He apprehensively flipped the first page, seemingly ordinary at first glance, with an unfamiliar spell illustrated, surrounded by a purple arched pattern. But as he tried to discern it, the spell exuded a strong allure.

He gazed at the pattern, utterly captivated, as though this small spell held the ultimate answer to all unknown mysteries.

Felix released his grip; Valen hopped out and ran to Harry's couch, watching Harry intently without moving, then glancing at the pattern on the book. At first, it seemed unremarkable, but on second glance—oh? Quite attractive, let's take another look...

Its focus intensified until Felix intervened, lifting Valen away. Valen blinked, recalling what just happened, expressing fear through a couple of squeaks.

"That book isn't suitable for you; I'll make you a 'Valen's Marvelous Adventure' another day," Felix joked.

Valen patted its tiny heart, avoiding both Harry and the book on his lap, running to a workbench, pulling out coins from its pocket, stacking them on the table to build a castle.

Valen thought using Exploding Snap cards to build a castle was too risky; Galleons were better—both safe and beautiful. After completing it, it felt accomplished.

Felix and Valen occasionally glanced at Harry. Sweat glistened on Harry's forehead, a sign of rapid mental exertion, causing Felix to furrow his brows deeper.

Still unable to detect any anomaly...

Was it too well hidden? The realm of the soul truly held unknowns.

As time passed, Harry's sweat evaporated, yet he hadn't turned the second page. He was completely lost. Felix checked the time; it was close to lights-out. He rose, intending to interrupt Harry.

At that moment, he halted. In magical sight, a deep darkness extended its tendrils, abruptly emerging in his field of vision, settling on Harry's forehead, as if it had always been there, obscured by layers of mist.

Felix struggled to conceal his shock; his and Dumbledore's conjectures had become reality. Although unsure of the specifics, it was undeniable—a fragment of Voldemort's soul resided within Harry.


"Harry, this is a Calming Draught. Drink it and have a good sleep when you get back." Felix gently advised.

"Yes, Professor." Harry yawned widely; he was incredibly tired and just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep soundly. freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

When he returned to the common room, few people remained. Hermione and Ron awaited him; Hermione eagerly asked, "What did Professor Snape want?"

"Dumbledore asked the professor to teach me Occlumency," Harry said wearily.


"What's that?"

Both Hermione and Ron inquired simultaneously, but seeing Harry too exhausted to keep his eyes open, Hermione quickly shut her book, decisively saying, "Let's talk tomorrow. While you were away, I managed to draft a plan. Though some details are unclear, we roughly understand what the second project entails. Preparation needs to be prioritized."

"You decide, Hermione." Harry yawned again. The potion Felix gave him was effective; no headache, just an overwhelming drowsiness. He went to his dorm, changed into pajamas, and dozed off instantly.


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