A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 407: The New Face of the Company

Chapter 407: The New Face of the Company

Felix watched Ginny and Luna leave the classroom together, holding the replica of the Goblet of Fire. Truth be told, that thing wasn't light, yet he wisely refrained from suggesting they use magic.

They were both bright witches; he figured they probably just didn't want to, rather than not realizing they could use a levitation charm to lighten the load... right?


The next morning, a weekend again, he placated his reluctant pet Valen and stepped through the fireplace in his office to Diagon Alley.

Felix strolled down a cobbled street lined with bustling restaurants and shops. Oversized umbrellas shaded some storefronts; Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor sign gleamed under warm yellow lights.

Even without directly assessing, he could tell Future World Company was thriving - glimpses through shop windows revealed an array of magical lamps, each like a drop of water merging into the heart of London's wizarding community.

At the entrance of the Future World Company headquarters, a crowd gathered, lively and boisterous. Laughter and chatter mingled with attempts of the staff to maintain order.

"What's going on here?"

Standing to the side, Felix observed for a moment before stepping forward. The crowd parted, and a staff member halted him, "Wait, sir... Mr. Harp?!" The staffer's eyes widened in surprise, ushering him into the grand castle-like building.

"Mr. Harp, please come in. I'll keep order," the staff member said respectfully.

Felix nodded and ascended the steps, taking in the transformed scene within the hall.

It looked entirely different from what he remembered.

It used to be an empty space, with dark floors, a towering chandelier above, and spiraling steps connecting every floor of the castle.

Felix recalled dueling Snape and Lupin here once, then later sitting together to discuss the company's future.

But the current hall resembled a magnificent museum, teeming with people.

Young witches gestured towards various display cases - probably products from the company's researchers. Uniformed staff bustled nearby.

"Professor Harp," a long-haired girl said.

"Krivat," Felix addressed the nearby person. "The company has changed significantly. It's almost unrecognizable."

"It's the effort of everyone," Penelope smiled, leading them upstairs. She explained, "The idea of showcasing unfinished products in the ground floor hall was Clementine's suggestion. We invite visitors regularly for trials and feedback."

"I see, you're doing a great job," Felix nodded, feeling nostalgic. "Maybe I should consider a raise for you all."

He stood at the railing on the second floor, observing.

A young witch, adorned with a jade crown, emanated a crimson glow, her hair transformed to a frosty hue. Magical radiance cascaded, culminating in a pastel princess gown, flowers blooming at its hem.

"I want that! How much is it?" she exclaimed, resembling a radiant princess.

"It's not for sale, it's still in testing..." the staffer explained, somewhat disappointedly.

A bit farther away, a curly-haired boy blew a sky-blue bubble, encasing his toddler brother, who floated within it. They giggled as a fairy emerged from a blossoming flower bud.

Their cautious parents stood nearby, checking repeatedly for any issues...

Continuing upstairs, Felix inquired, "How's Percy doing at the Ministry?"

"He's swamped. He's eager to make an impact, and with Mr. Crouch on a long leave, he has ample autonomy through owl directives. He's engrossed," Penelope sighed. "He even mentioned wanting to live at the Ministry, but I discouraged him."

Felix paused, recalling Percy's diligent study habits and rigidness in everyday life, lacking humor. He might not crack a joke, but he'd appreciate one. However, that wasn't visible in Percy.

As Mrs. Weasley put it, "He'd stick to his decisions like glue."

Felix looked at Penelope thoughtfully.

"Could you persuade him?" he asked.

"Usually... yes," Penelope replied, a bit puzzled.

"Hmm," Felix nodded.

They reached the third floor, entering a spacious room where Lupin and a few others conversed earnestly.

In the center, a large canvas-like screen displayed live footage of two finely crafted magical puppets engaged in a duel - blue lightning and orange flames intertwining. Researchers observed intently, gasping at intense maneuvers.

Felix realized it wasn't a spell-enhanced painting but a form of live streaming. Clementine and Alrick directed the puppets, a camera-like device capturing their 'battlefield.'

Approaching, Lupin complained, "I thought you'd vanished if not for the continuous owl deliveries."

"Didn't I visit recently?" Felix awkwardly replied.

"Yes," Lupin nodded teasingly, "let me think... if my memory's unaltered, it was last week, no, through the mirror? Or was it the week before? Your patronus delivered two alchemical formulae. Or was it the week before that? I'm mistaken, it was Dobby..."

"Ahem!" Felix quickly changed the subject. "What about those spatial capsules we discussed?"

Together, they observed a young researcher tossing a capsule from a metal box, erupting into a cloud of white smoke. Various items scattered, including a tent, a kettle, clothes, even a few pieces of firewood...

The researcher sighed in disappointment, "Still not working..."

"When it comes to the Ministry, they're stringent on Untraceable Extension Charms," Lupin said seriously.

"Don't worry about the Ministry's interference," Felix assured.

Lupin stared at him incredulously, "The people at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement don't say the same."

"Don't worry, Limes," Felix reassured. "As long as they permit the public sale of Untraceable Extension Charm-enabled items, whether tents or otherwise... even if it's just one type, Future World Company qualifies."

"Just ensure tamper-proofing; the product's purpose mustn't change," Felix instructed the young wizard in the distance. "No transporting living beings, especially humans. It'd be best to prompt the Ministry to define specific parameters for expansion."

"You speak as if the Ministry's your family business; I don't share your confidence," Lupin grumbled, but Felix pretended not to hear. He led Lupin to a vast workbench, cluttered with various items. "Give me an overview. What are the new products, and how's the company progressing?" Felix asked.

"We've seventeen products, twelve in refining stages, including those in the lobby. The remaining five, including the Weasley Twins' Lover's Mirror—marketed as the Communicator Mirror for public sales due to its limitation on image transmission—are already available in seven outlets."

"Not counting overseas orders..."

Lupin's expression brightened, "The Quidditch World Cup's light show was a hit. We've received numerous orders, understaffed, had to collaborate with the Owl Postal Service."

A tawny owl flew in through a castle window, circled Lupin twice, and dropped a letter.

Quickly scanning it, Lupin explained, "Inquiry about the release date of our products. Your strategy works; along with our Magical Lamps, we included a list of upcoming products in our shipments... received several inquiries."

"Counting international orders, Future World has over a hundred employees. Even the Daily Prophet doesn't have as many," Lupin concluded.

Felix was unimpressed. "Continue expanding. We need more staff."

"We're barely managing now. Although we're busy lately due to the company's expansion phase, when things stabilize, we won't need as many hands," Lupin hesitated.

The wizarding world's companies generally had few employees. With only around twenty to thirty thousand wizards in Britain and magic's convenience, a handful of skilled workers sufficed.

And these small companies usually remained within a family, rarely hiring externally for over a decade. In some sense, Felix's Future World was unconventional—given its current trajectory, with no brakes, it could surpass the Ministry in just two or three years, in terms of staff.

Felix looked at Lupin, his azure eyes meeting his. He said calmly, "For a long time to come, I want the company in expansion mode. As for stable operations... maybe after your retirement."


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