Chapter 76

“That’s the reason?”

“Yes, that’s the reason. Since Your Highness has planted a spy in our home, you should know that she was only framed. It wasn’t true that she was an older sister who only harasses her adoptive younger sister, and nor is she truly what people call her ‘Everett’s wicked woman’.”

Roen explained one after another.

“All this time, that child had endured years of humiliation for all the things she was unwarrantedly blamed for. In the middle of suffocating throughout all this, the only thing she barely asked for was to honor her wish of not getting married. If this wish would not be honored, she would undoubtedly leave this all behind and disappear.”

“But as far as I know, not all of her actions were false charges…”

“Her reputation has changed now, but I don’t know how things will turn out. She is still notoriously known as a ‘villainess’ here in the capital, but if she becomes a member of the imperial family… No, even if she won’t become part of the imperial family— Even if she is taken in as a bride in any other noble household, she will still suffer from all those sharp gazes and negative rumors. If she is to be married, I won’t be able to protect her.”

“Still, even within your own household, she doesn’t seem to be free from all the gazes and rumors you speak of.”

“…If possible, I only wish for her to act however she wants.”

As Roen was explaining calmly, Rajaden tried to interrupt him. However, Roen firmly continued speaking his mind.

In any case, as Roen managed to convey all that he wanted to convey, Rajaden soon understood.

“Anyway, I quite understand what you’re trying to say.”


“I’ll be sending a formal proposal.”

“Did you or did you not understand a single word I said just now?”

Rajaden gave Roen a stunning smile. All Roen wanted right now was for this damn crown prince to direct that smile not on him, but on the young ladies who tend to flock around him.

“That’s why I want her to be my consort. She’s a ducal lady who, despite all false accusations, just wishes to be left alone. She has the ability to reverse her notoriety, and she even managed to get you on her side. I also know the first ducal lady of House Everett because we’ve met before. Contrary to the rumors, she’s got quite the elegant image.”


“The imperial family attracts quite a few jackals. If one of those jackals takes hold of even a single member of the imperial family, that jackal would not anymore know its place and would proceed to go wild. In that respect, isn’t the esteemed daughter of House Everett the perfect candidate with her ability to control the people below her?”

“…No, she’s not as outstanding as you paint her out to be.”

“You’re disparaging your younger sister too much now. Really, my proposal isn’t that out of the blue.”


Though their interests once intersected, they now drew two parallel lines.

Roen was firm in his conviction that this was not the way to go, but Rajaden continued to insist that it was.

Not knowing why the crown prince was so persistent about this, Roen looked at the guy with annoyance.

“So, you’re telling me to put Violet in the loneliest throne just because she is the most worthy of the title of your consort.”

“While it is the loneliest, it is also the throne that holds the highest power.”

“There is no way that she wishes to attain that power.”

“Why do you think so? I know that there aren’t many young ladies who can be deemed worthy as the next empress, but there won’t be many of them who’ll reject the position either.”

“If she truly wishes to have power, then she will have taken the duke’s seat, not the empress’s throne.”

It was an undeniable fact. The current Duke Everett had a particularly soft spot for his daughter, so if Violet were to mention that she wanted to become the next duke, then he would have willingly given her the position.

Rajaden could understand what his friend was saying, but it was not enough to break his obstinately one-track mind.

“Becoming the empress or the duke are two separate things. Are you worried because the imperial family is full of jackals roaming around? There are a lot of old fogeys who wish to make their daughters my consort. However, I have no intention of bringing in a wife who’s no different from an outsider’s puppet. I don’t want to take in any concubines either. It’s not good to see the imperial family’s blood being spilled elsewhere for no reason.”


“You know about that, don’t you? Back when the empress dowager of a few generations ago had seized the country. Or, that time when emperors of the old killed off all their siblings and their own fathers just to take the throne. Such incidents frequently appear in our history books. That’s why, currently, my father has taken such actions.”

It was for this reason that the current emperor had taken in only one empress, and they sired only one crown prince and one imperial princess.

Rajaden also had a full mind to follow after his father’s example.

“Even if I can’t give her my love, I can be a good husband. I can even pretend to love her, if that’s what she wants.”


Right now, all she wanted was to stop everything and just live a normal, comfortable life. All she wanted was to be happy.

As Violet’s eyes flashed before Roen’s gaze, he glared at the golden eyes of the crown prince.

Green eyes met with those golden eyes that resembled that of a beast.


It hadn’t been that long since Roen had admitted his guilt and had apologized to his younger sister.

“I don’t want to incur any more sins against her.”

“That answer is no fun at all.”

“I will pretend I didn’t hear about any of this. Please note that even if you send a formal proposal letter, it shall be returned to the sender.”

Thank you for the tea.

Roen got up from his seat on his own despite the crown prince not giving a go-ahead. Seeing this, Rajaden clicked his tongue.

It’s not as if Rajaden didn’t expect to get this reaction at all, but he was nonetheless surprised to receive such a staunch refusal. In all honesty, he was quite taken aback.

“In that case…”


“This means that Her Ladyship can give me her permission, yes?”

Roen was almost out the door at this point, but the moment he heard the crown prince’s words, he stopped in his tracks.

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