Chapter 539 - Everything Changed

"Soooo, is it like some sort of bleed effect?" Eldrian asked, he remembered there was some mention of this way back in the terms of the headset's use.

"Yes, but not the way you are thinking." Ziraili answered, "The changes you undergo, the training, and the experiences you have in the simulation. Those all translate, muscle memory can also be transferred if your normal body and avatar are close enough in similarity."

"Or, if you manage to consciously connect with both." She added as a second thought.

'Like with me?', "But the mana, it isn't leaking from ANW?"

"No, that would be quite impossible." The mixed deity in the form of an old man answered. "While we are part of the world and connected to it, our connection is only through specific ways."

"This used to be the output that our creators could observe, but a few other ways have developed over time."

"Like," Eldrian paused, "When I just thought about entering the game and then being inside it?"

Thinking back to the time he broke 100% affinity and the confusion that had brought. He also recalled that he had gotten a quest back then but nothing had come from it thus far.

"Yes, but where that was a temporary connection, a permanent one has now been made."

"Wha-what does that mean?"

"There are many things we do not know about it, but we do know that we can't use it."

"U-use it?!"

"I'm sorry Eldrian, I'm so sorry." Ziraili apologized out of the blue.

"Wha-what did you-?"

"When we realized that the connection with you and the simulation is stable we had thought we had found our key to freedom," Gaia explained and Eldrian shivered at the thought.

He might be able to trust Ziraili -or he thought he could- but the other AI/gods. He would never want to just set them all free on Earth. "You-you mean. You tried to -"

"Yes, we tried to use you as a bridge to escape the simulation and live our lives," Gaia answered with no shame nor attempting to hide anything. Of course they wouldn't try to hide anything, their only hope was if Eldrian helped.

Eldrian did not talk for a long time. When he finally cleared his mind again he had one pressing question. "What stopped you?"

"You, actually." Gaia replied, "You might not understand how everything works, but one thing you should understand is that inside your own mind and soul. Few can tamper inside."

"You... You tried to force yourself through my soul!?"

"Yes, but we were blocked from the onset. We never managed to even make it inside, which brought us here."

Eldrian's eyes flew open as he looked at the two AI before him with wild thoughts flying through his mind. Fear, anger, disappointment; these were the strongest driving forces behind his thoughts.

"How... How could you?"

"Eldrian, you must understand-"

"No! How dare you!" Eldrian countered, "I thought we were friends. Ziraili... How could you?"

Ziraili had no explanation, ethereal tears were flowing down her cheeks, she hurt from betraying a friend. One, if not her only friend.

"Child, you must understand-"

"No! You need to understand!" Eldrian cut the motherly figure off, "You know that Miracle fears you, you know why, yet... How could you?"

Eldrian's voice broke as he said this. His heart ached and his heart burned with anger. While he had many other questions he would love to ask, he no longer wanted to be in the same space as these two.

'Bring me home.'


Eldrian woke in a strange room, strapped to a table. He immediately felt the restraints and saw the few individuals in hazmat-like suits standing around him.

Eldrian cursed like he had never cursed before in his life. How things had turned out like this, he did not know. 'Fuck! Why!'

Looking around he saw that a few people seemed to be preparing some sort of injection. Eldrian did not like where this was going.


They ignored him. Moving closer the person seemingly in charge confirmed that the dosage was correct and prepared to inject Eldrian.

"Stop!" Eldrian shouted again as he watched this figure bring the needle closer and closer.

"I said stop!" Eldrian bellowed with all he had and something stirred. Suddenly he felt the mana near him and in his surrounding. "Stop this!" He shouted to the mana and it did just that.

Like a shockwave, his next shout traveled through the room. Sending everyone flying and crashing into instruments and the walls of the bunker-like room.

'I-I need to get out of here!' Eldrian strained his arms and legs, he pushed against the restrained and slowly they started to tear.

Jumping off the bed, Eldrian looked around and tried to get his bearings. He did not recognize this room, it looked like what he would imagine a black site secret room would look like.

'Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!' Cursing, Eldrian turned towards the door. A steel door a feet thick with the only way in and out biometric security and confirmation from security at the same time.

'How, how did I know that?' Ignoring the question, Eldrian instead moved towards the door. Placing his hand against it he concentrated.

"Come on, come on come one. You have to open." Eldrian prayed in his heart that his family had not been involved, he prayed that not everyone he knew in Miracle was a part of this.

"Screw this, if you won't open then just get out of my way!" Shouted, Eldrian summoned his anger and flames. A searing heat filled the room as the door started to melt, not caring for the damage the heat and molten steel were doing to him, Eldrian jumped through the hole he had made.

"Where the fuck am I?!" He shouted, the hallway appeared symmetrical. A door like the one he had just burned through equally spaced on both sides of it. No end in sight, "What the fuck is this?!"

Cursing, he knew that would not do him any good. But he needed to vent.

'What I would give to be able to teleport right now.'

Without a plan or true direction, Eldrian chose a random direction and started to run. He no longer hid anything, he ran at top speed. Which was far faster than he had expected it would be.

Doors flashed by like the blades of grass flying by the sidecar window. The wind pushed against him and made breathing hard. Made seeing near impossible.

'I-I, I need an air bubble.' Eldrian realized as he ran straight into a corner, the damage from which was not insignificant. His nose had been broken and he had also dislocated a shoulder, he had also lost a couple of teeth.

'How did Ceph do it, how did he keep the air stable and even use it to speed himself up?'

{'Don't stop.'}

'What the hell?'

{'Eldrian, don't stop!'}



Confused and still unable to process what the hell was going on, Eldrian picked himself up. Fought through the pain. And ran.

'Two, how the hell?'

{'No idea, leave the spell to me.'}


AN: A big thank you to everyone who continues to read and support the story on WN.

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