"It's bustling at home right now. Big Bro is ru

ing around busily preparing a program for the Evening Primrose Festival!" "Grandma likes to listen to plays, so this time, she invited a few famous characters to sing a song. If you have the same interests, you can order a play." He Yi Ning smiled and explained, "These teachers are all truly at the Grandmaster level. It was only because of Grandma's invitation that they were willing to come. If he wanted to listen to their singing, it would be worth it! Do you think it's expensive for those celebrities to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for their appearances? These masters' appearance fees were countless times more expensive than theirs. "His voice doesn't sound too loud, but his voice is definitely at the level of a record player."

Shen Qi immediately cried out in surprise, "Ah, is this Fan Sheng Fan Li's favorite? Will Fan Sheng Fan Li also come? "

"Of course I will!" He Yi Ning laughed, "How could they be missing something like this? Besides, you should also know how complicated the situation is for Fan Sheng Fan Li's family. After their parents divorced, they rarely returned to their home. I heard that on this year's New Year, the two sides were in an unpleasant situation, forcing Fan Sheng Fan Li to directly flip the table and leave. "

Shen Qi was speechless. "It's the new year, yet it's so noisy."

"Yeah. This year, everyone seems to be very upset. " He Yi Ning sighed helplessly, and said: "Now, all of Vincent's Entertainment s are in Fan Sheng Fan Li's hands. But the two families were desperately giving it their all to Fan Sheng Fan Li, both wanted to command the two brothers remotely. The most outrageous thing was forcing them to go on a blind date. You know, with Fan Li's knot in his heart, it's hard to accept this sort of thing. "

Shen Qi nodded: "Yes. Fan Li's worry for a while ca

ot be resolved. "

He Yi Ning said: "Wen Yi Bo is still alright. However, the chicken feathers at home were quite a

oying. A bunch of parents were already waiting outside. The two of them simply looked as though they were on the same level. "After staying at home for one night, Bo couldn't take it anymore and ran out to relax."

Shen Qi sighed softly.

Why wasn't there a single person who wasn't worried at all?

It was something that almost every family would find troublesome.

"So, will they all come?" Shen Qi asked.

"Yes, they will all come if nothing unexpected happens. The house will be very lively! " He Yi Ning gently held onto Shen Qi's finger, and placed it on his lips as he kissed: "You, the proper mistress, has let you escape this year! Next year, you'll have to take responsibility. "

Shen Qi glared at him coquettishly. "But we haven't even formally gotten together yet!"

He Yi Ning intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Shen Qi's lower abdomen, and then laughed as if he was thinking of something.

With He Yi Ning's smile, Shen Qi could not help but lower his head and look at his lower abdomen, instantly understanding what He Yi Ning meant.

Shen Qi's face immediately flushed red, and she couldn't resist trying to struggle free from He Yi Ning's grasp. "You're hateful!"

He Yi Ning laughed, then said: "Xiao Qi, we are working so hard, do you think we will get pregnant?"

Shen Qi said with a reddened face, "Don't get pregnant!"

He Yi Ning pretended to be disappointed as he looked at Shen Qi: "Ah, you don't want to give birth anymore? Then I'll use contraception later. What measures would you suggest? "

Shen Qi blurted out, "When did I say I didn't want to live?"

He Yi Ning laughed out loud.

Shen Qi angrily pinched He Yi Ning: "You only know how to dig holes for me! Too bad! "

While the two of them were arguing, Shen Qi's phone rang.

Shen Qi casually took out his phone, opened it to take a look, and was immediately startled.

He Yi Ning immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

"How strange, this man is really strange." Shen Qi passed the phone to He Yi Ning: "This Han Ze Fang, is the person we met at the Gobi Desert. The day after Hot Springs Town came back, I met him. He went to my brother's company to send over the plan. I didn't think to come over at the time, but when I thought about it, that's not right! How could this person's heart be so strong? I'm fine because my godmother and I have always been protected. My godmother and I didn't have to fight, and we didn't have to face danger. Therefore, even though we were trembling, we weren't hurt that much. "

"Whether it's the fight, the hunger, or the cold, we've never faced them head on. So, my mind is safe with my godmother, normal. As for the others, after they were rescued by the military, they were sent to the hospital for treatment and psychological counseling. Why didn't Han Ze Fang go? He seems to be like me, and directly left the Hot Springs Town. " Shen Qi continued: "At that time, I just felt it was strange and didn't think about it too deeply. But I don't think it's appropriate for him to send a message. "

He Yi Ning looked at Shen Qi with praise, then raised a hand to stroke Shen Qi's long hair and said: "Xiao Qi has finally grown up and knows how to think about human nature. Don't worry, leave this person to me to investigate. What message did he send you? "

In his trust, He Yi Ning did not look at Shen Qi's phone.

Shen Qi took the initiative and said: "He seemed to be seeking help from me, saying that she was drinking at a bar and didn't have enough money on him. She wanted to borrow money from me."

"How much?" He Yi Ning asked.

"Not much. One thousand yuan." Shen Qi's finger moved and directly sent a thousand dollars via WeChat: "It doesn't matter if he's really borrowing money or not, I'll just treat it as doing a good deed."

He Yi Ning nodded.

Very quickly, Han Ze Fang sent another message over, "Xiao Qi, thank you so much. Sorry, I never knew a bar was so expensive! I always thought the wine in the bar was like the wine outside. "

Shen Qi looked at the time and replied: "Are you drunk all night?"

It was currently ten o'clock in the morning. No bar was open for business!

Then, there was only one explanation. He had been sleeping until now!

Han Ze Fang seemed very embarrassed and sent a voice message: "Yes, I'm sorry! How embarrassing! I don't have any friends in City H either. That day in Hot Springs Town, I gave all the money I had to the little girl, so I didn't have much money left. Then, I was in a bad mood and came to drink, but I drank too much and slept until now. When I went to settle the bill, I knew how much I had spent. I'll lend you the money, and I'll return it to you with interest. "

Shen Qi replied, "No need, pay more attention to your body."

Han Ze Fang sent another message: I have that young lady's home address. Xiao Qi, do you want to see her?

Originally, Shen Qi did not want to reply, but she felt a little pity for that child. Thus, he replied and asked: "Where?"

"What a coincidence, they're also seeking medical help in City H." Han Ze Fang said: "However, it is not in the city, but in a hospital in the countryside. I heard that the hospital has a very high level of attainment in the treatment of leukemia. "

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