Gold Boss looked at Shen Lu with regret. What a pity, he didn't have the chance to get intimate with his.

"Gold Boss, please." He Yi Ning raised his hand and Gold Boss immediately replied courteously, "Please, Director He!"

When Feng Ke Xin walked past Wen Yi Bo, she could not help but raise her head and glance at Wen Yi Bo.

There were no special fluctuations in Wen Yi Bo's eyes, Feng Ke Xin's expression was extremely complicated.

No wonder there was no news of Feng Ke Xin anymore, she had gone to Malaysia.

He even got to know such a boyfriend.

Wen Yi Bo really didn't have any objections!

Very consciously, he kept his distance from Feng Ke Xin.

This time, he didn't need anyone to remind him; he had already learned his lesson.

The predecessors were all from the Lightning Territory!

This was a bloody lesson!

Therefore, Wen Yi Bo very wisely stepped to the side, opening up a distance.

Feng Ke Xin glanced at Wen Yi Bo, and then walked in while playing with the Gold Boss's arm.

He Yi Ning and Shen Qi walked in front, shoulder-to-shoulder with Gold Boss and Feng Ke Xin.

Wen Yi Bo and Shen Lu followed behind.

Wen Yi Bo took the initiative to explain for Shen Lu: "This Gold Boss is of Chinese descent, but in my father's generation, he was already a Malay."

Shen Lu nodded.

"He rarely deals with the domestic market, you know, the domestic market, and he can't get in. So most of his business is in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam and other areas. " Wen Yi Bo continued to speak in a low voice: "Even though he's rich, don't worry. With the few of us here, he won't be able to compete with the Xiao Qi. "

Hearing Wen Yi Bo's words, Shen Lu revealed a slight smile.

"Yes." Shen Lu replied with a hint of happiness.

Shen Lu knew better than anyone else what Shen Qi had done for his.

Now that Shen Qi wanted to open up an area for jewelry design, of course Shen Lu would fully support him!

The six of them quickly verified their identities and entered the arena.

The moment Shen Qi entered, he saw that there were already a lot of people present.

The large exhibition hall was divided into many stalls. The crowd gathered in front of different stalls and repeatedly studied the stone that they had set their eyes on.

Shen Qi also chose a stall then, and started to see how the others would choose their stones, cut them up, and then watch them bid.

Shen Qi suddenly felt that it was very interesting.

Before he had stepped into the jewelry world, Shen Qi really didn't know anything about it.

After all, as a private stylist, he only needed to do his hair, change his makeup, and then wear the ready-made jewelry.

As for making jewelry, he would have to start from the begi


At the moment, this is a good learning process.

He Yi Ning and Gold Boss chatted for a while, as if they had expected that there would be a topic of mutual interest, so the two walked over to the side alone and continued their conversation.

Xiao Xia followed Shen Qi and strolled around.

Xiao Xia walked as he threw grapes into his mouth, and said to Shen Qi: "Young Mistress, how do you think they know if there are any jade materials inside these black rocks that can't be seen clearly?"

Shen Qi laughed and replied: This is filled with knowledge! I've only just started, so I've been working hard to supplement my knowledge in this area. "I've discovered that theory is just theory after all. If you don't cut a few stones yourself, you won't be able to learn true knowledge."

Xiao Xia thoughtfully nodded his head: "Then we must go buy a few stones, and open the gates on the spot?"

"Yeah, that's my plan for today." Shen Qi laughed and said softly: "I want to buy a good piece of material and design a set of jewelry for Grandmother. "Isn't this more meaningful than buying?"

Hearing that, Xiao Xia's eyebrows immediately curved into a smile: "Looks like Young Mistress is the most considerate one! Young Mistress has designed and made these jewelry. I'm sure the Old Mistress will love them! "

"Xiao Xia, are your instincts accurate? Do you want to try? " Shen Qi waved the card in her hand, laughing happily: "Yi Ning, give me a card, there's no limit! Should we buy a few stones and try to solve the problem on the spot? "

Xiao Xia was eager to give it a try, "Really? Good, good! This is my first time too! In the past, CEO had never been interested in these things! We, the He's Consortium, have people in charge of the jewelry, the CEO would not care about such a small thing! Such a fun opportunity, don't miss it! "

Shen Qi laughed and said to Xiao Xia: "Let's go buy some stones!"

Xiao Xia was also very lively, he had truly gone to buy stones from Shen Qi.

After Shen Lu and Wen Yi Bo came in, Feng Ke Xin immediately walked over and said: "Can I talk to you alone for a while?"

"I don't want it anymore!" Wen Yi Bo subconsciously replied: "Shen Lu isn't an outsider, so it's fine if you have something to say here."

"I just have my own matters to explain to you." Feng Ke Xin turned his head to look at Shen Lu: "Can you? Mr. Shen? "

Shen Lu slightly nodded his head: "I'll go and take a look at the stone ingredients. If Xiao Qi likes it, I'll accompany her in opening the stone."

After saying that, Shen Lu disloyally left.

Wen Yi Bo helplessly watched Shen Lu leave, his brows knitted as he said to Feng Ke Xin: "If you have something to say, just say it."

"Yibo, are you still mad at me?" Feng Ke Xin bit her lips with a wronged look on her face, "I was forced to do this!"

"Alright, it's all in the past now. I don't want to talk about it. " Wen Yi Bo looked at the people around him and said, "You and Gold Boss are pretty suitable. No matter how old the other party was, at the very least, you chose them yourself. If you were willing, you wouldn't have to worry about what Feng Man Lun would do to you. "It's pretty good."

"I ?? Gold Boss and I ??" Feng Ke Xin had a wronged expression as she said softly, "How could I be willing? I'm only in my twenties, not even thirty, and he's already in his forties! And there was a wife in the front. "

"It's not too bad!" Wen Yi Bo replied: "Just over forty years old, I'm not even fifty or sixty years old! Just ten years older than you. Besides, you chose this yourself, didn't you? "

"Isn't that because of you?" Feng Ke Xin blurted out.

"Don't lean on me! We are i

ocent. " Wen Yi Bo was shocked: "Don't speak nonsense!"

What he was most afraid of now was that Liu Yi would misunderstand!

Feng Ke Xin's eyes reddened. "Yibo, how did you become like this? Is Liu Yi making things difficult for you? "

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaoyi is doing fine! I like her that way! " Wen Yi Bo immediately defended Liu Yi: "Her personality is straightforward, sincere, kind, and considerate. It is my fortune to be able to meet her. "

When Wen Yi Bo mentioned Liu Yi, the words of praise from his mouth could not be kept.

Listening to Wen Yi Bo's endless praises of Liu Yi, Feng Ke Xin's heart turned sour even more.

"Yibo, when we're together, can you not mention Liu Yi?" Feng Ke Xin was really jealous!

She was crazy jealous of Liu Yi!

Wen Yi Bo looked at her: "Then who should we talk about? Oh, by the way, about your boyfriend? "

Wen Yi Bo took a glance at Gold Boss. Right now, he was walking in the opposite direction from He Yi Ning, as if they were talking about the most crucial moment. Then, he raised his hand and casually supported the metal armrest on the side of his hand, saying with an indifferent expression: "However, you being together with Gold Boss is also pretty good, Feng Man Lun should be very happy, right?"

"I was with the Gold Boss because I had no other choice." Feng Ke Xin looked like he was about to cry but he couldn't, and yet he had to put on a face of suffering.

In the past, Wen Yi Bo was used to this.

However, ever since the last incident, he had stopped using this tactic!

"Come on, no one is forcing you to stay with him. No one is forcing you to separate from him. If you don't believe me, I'll call Feng Man Lun and ask him. After Wen Yi Bo finished speaking, he took out his phone.

Feng Ke Xin panicked.

She didn't think that after these few days of not seeing Wen Yi Bo, Wen Yi Bo would become a completely different person. He raised his hand and instantly pressed down on Wen Yi Bo's hand, then said with an anxious and pale face: "Alright, alright, I won't say it anymore! I volunteered, didn't I? "

Wen Yi Bo sighed, he kept his phone and said: "Then is there anything else you need from me?"

"Can you lend me some money?" Feng Ke Xin bit her lips and said.

Wen Yi Bo couldn't help but look up. Mhm, the light was very bright.

Otherwise, he would have thought he heard wrong.

He would have believed it if it was the past, that the dignified young miss of Feng Family would actually borrow money from him.

But now, he wouldn't believe it!

"Don't just look at me with Gold Boss, he is very stingy and won't give me too much money. I have already left the Feng Family. And it's not like you don't know what the Feng Family is like. " Feng Ke Xin continued: "Ever since my brother's engagement, after my matter with you was exposed, my parents stopped my allowance. I admit, I did it, I ruined myself. But isn't there any responsibility in my family? My parents are now. Listen to my big brother. And my big brother, apart from using me, has no brotherly feelings at all. I saw through all this long ago, and that's why I went to Malaysia. "

"I do have some property in Malaysia. All these years, Feng Family has not treated me badly, so I have also accumulated some wealth. " Right now, Feng Ke Xin was finally much more normal, and was no longer acting coquettishly. Wen Yi Bo expressed that it was more normal to be like this.

"I'm going to Malaysia, my brother knows. However, he did not stop them. Of course, I'm already losing my value! On the day of my brother's engagement, I publicly made a fool of myself and became the joke of Feng Family. This so-called young miss of the Feng Family, who else could I look for other than men like the Gold Boss? Everyone knows that Feng Man Lun and the Feng Family won't protect me now. This big brother of mine is extremely ruthless! His title of Young Heartless was not given in vain! "

"When I'm with Gold Boss, it can be considered as me working together with a jewelry store. I gave a portion of the funding, and most of it was from the Gold Boss. So I had to hang him. I couldn't act rashly. I borrowed money from you because I wanted to eat the shares in his possession. "Only when that jewelry store belongs to me will I be able to gain a foothold in Malaysia." Feng Ke Xin said straightforwardly: "Otherwise, I can form a partnership with you. "How much stock do you want? Just directly raise it!"

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