"Did you suspect me then?" Zhan Bo laughed bitterly: "I thought I hid it very well."

"I will not mistake your figure." Shen Qi said as tears streamed down her face, "Answer me, where have you been these past four years!? Why didn't you come? "

"I ??" Zhan Bo's face was filled with pain and struggle, "So what if I'm back? There was no way back to the past! "It's ruined, everything is ruined!"

Shen Qi shook her head in puzzlement: "I don't believe it, if you had come back earlier, aunty wouldn't have ??"

Zhan Bo opened his clothes in an instant, revealing a body full of scars. He said indifferently: "These are scars left behind after I fell off the cliff, this is only a part of it. In order to cure the body, in order to stop the pain, I have injected too many anesthetic, I have become addicted. Do you think my parents would accept me like this? Will you still want me? "

Shen Qi continuously shook his head, "But no matter how you change, your family will always accept you!"

Zhan Bo laughed bitterly and said, "Xiao Qi, you are still as naive as you were before! No. I have always been the pride of my parents. If they knew that I have become like this, they would only wish they were dead. "Rather than that, it would be better to just disappear completely and let them think I'm dead."

Shen Qi interrupted him with a loud voice: "You're lying! Who told you that? "Even if you're addicted, let's help you quit it together!"

Liu Yi frowned, and said: "Uncle is about to come, are you sure you want to continue?"

Shen Qi wiped her tears and looked at the time, saying, "Zhan Bo, let's talk outside! You must give me an explanation! "

Zhan Bo looked at Shen Qi and her with a complicated gaze, and did not refuse.

"Little Yi, I'll leave this to you!" Shen Qi said, "When uncle comes, tell him the truth. He has the right to know the truth about aunt!"

"Alright." Liu Yi gave a deep glance at Zhan Bo, and said: "Brat, don't bully my Xiao Qi, or else I'll beat you up! You can't beat me! "

Zhan Bo's throat moved but he did not say a word.

He really couldn't beat him.

Shen Qi and Zhan Bo left the sickroom. Liu Yi stood at the same place and muttered to himself: "It's over, something big happened this time! If Zhan Bo comes back, what about Xiao Qi and He Yi Ning? "

Shen Qi dragged Zhan Bo out of the sickroom and headed straight for the back door of the hospital.

"Speak, give me an explanation." Shen Qi raised his head and looked at Zhan Bo: "What exactly happened?"

Zhan Bo stood in front of Shen Qi, and stared at him in a daze, asking: "Xiao Qi, how have you been these past few years?"

"Why ask when you already know the answer?" Shen Qi lowered her eyes and looked elsewhere: "That day on the boat, I saw you. I ran over to find you, but you were hiding! At one point, I thought I was seeing things, but after thinking about it, I realized that I was familiar with your figure, so why would I be seeing things? "

Zhan Bo did not speak.

"In the morning, you appeared before me, caught off guard. At that moment, I felt that I was not mistaken! " Shen Qi closed his eyes lightly and said: "Four years. Even if four years have passed, I still won't recognize wrongly. Then you couldn't help it, and that time I saw your back. Zhan Bo, you lied to us.

"Alright, I'll tell you what happened in the past four years." Zhan Bo gently closed his eyes and said: "On that day, I refused to listen to your persuasion and insisted on participating in that donkey friend event. As I was climbing the cliff, my seat belt snapped and I fell from a mountaintop nearly a hundred meters high. The moment I fell, my mind went blank. I thought of my parents. I thought of you. Xiao Qi, you are the person I have let down the most in my life. "

Shen Qi immediately covered her mouth, preventing herself from making a sound.

"After I fell down, I smashed into the body of a deer. That deer was immediately smashed into a bloody mess by me. At the same time, my entire body fractured and I fainted. When I woke up, I was in a very, very small hospital. I was rescued. I wanted them to spread the news that I was still alive, but they didn't understand me, and I didn't understand them. In those days, I was tortured to the point of death, those people saw that I could not bear it and gave me a pain-relieving injection. I didn't know where they got so many painkillers at the time. "

"No matter how stupid I am, I know this medicine has control. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to get that many medicines. Sure enough, on the third day, a man appeared in front of me and told me in English that he had saved me and wanted me to repay him. I agreed. Then he gave me a bigger dose of the drug, and I got through my convalescence, but I also got addicted. "

Shen Qi shouted in shock, "Who is that man?"

"I don't know, I only know that his aura is terrifying! It gave off a sinister feeling. Wherever he appears, everyone goes silent. " Zhan Bo laughed bitterly and said: "Besides him, who knows English, everyone else speak a language that I do not understand. After the man appeared once, he disappeared. When I was well, someone brought me an envelope and asked me to do something. Yes, you're right, it's all illegal. I had no choice, because someone was watching me, and I was being controlled by drugs. "

"From then on, I embarked on the road of no return. It's not that I don't want to come back, it's that I can't. People looked at me every day, what I did, who I talked to, they watched. Even I was followed to the bathroom. I lived like that for two years. Until this year, when that evil man suddenly appeared in front of me and asked me a few strange questions. This time, he used Chinese. "

Shen Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise.

"He asked me, 'Do Chinese people value love?'" Are men who fall in love with China a tragedy? Is the obsession of Chinese people particularly deep? I don't know how to answer these three questions. He sat there quietly for a long time before he left in silence. I always felt that these three questions were not for me, but for himself. But no one followed me after that day. All surveillance on me has been removed. "

"I didn't believe it at first, but after I tried it a few times and tried to escape, there was no reaction from the other side! I knew then that I had been released! At that moment, I was wild with joy. I couldn't wait to return to my homeland. I wanted to return to your side! But when I saw my scarred self in the mirror, I stopped. I'm finished, I won't be able to come back! I don't have a passport, I don't have an identity, and I can't even come back by the normal route. "

"These years, I've also saved up a lot of money. I want it back for you, I can't do it. After a few rounds, I finally made it back through the snake's head. But I see you all living in the sun, I look at the ugly self, I want to despise myself! Xiao Qi, I know you have already married someone, you have two cute children. How do you expect me to show up? How can my parents accept me like this? How do you expect me to have the courage to stand in front of them? "

Shen Qi gently shook her head: "It's not like that. Zhan Bo, in the heart of the Uncle and Auntie, you will always be their son. "

"Xiao Qi, don't you feel that these words are deceiving yourself?" Zhan Bo asked her, "Since they think I'm dead, why not leave a good impression on them? Do you think they can take it if they see my drug addiction? No! My parents will definitely go crazy! "

Shen Qi could no longer hold it in and blurted out, "But do you know? Due to overthinking, Auntie had something in her brain. It was cancer, late stage! And it had already been moved! The doctor had just pronounced that there was no longer any need for surgery! If you showed up earlier, Auntie wouldn't have ??

"What!" Zhan Bo's body swayed, and he almost fell down. His face became pale: "No. "Impossible!"

Shen Qi's tears rolled down her face as she said, "Zhan Bo, come back! Even if you let auntie finish her final journey home. "

Zhan Bo also shed tears, as he looked at Shen Qi with misty eyes: "Xiao Qi, can I still come back?"

"Yes!" "Yes!" Shen Qi nodded strongly: "Don't let Auntie leave with regret!"

"Xiao Qi." Zhan Bo looked at Shen Qi, and suddenly stepped forward and hugged Shen Qi.

Four years later, Zhan Bo suddenly felt that he was still human after hugging his former lover in his arms.

When Shen Qi embraced Shen Qi, she did not resist, and only cried nonstop.

"Xiao Qi, thank you! All these years, thank goodness I had you! " Zhan Bo hugged Shen Qi tightly: "If there's still a next life, if there's still a chance, I'll definitely marry you!"

Shen Qi did not speak.

A car was parked quietly in the distance.

In the carriage, He Yi Ning stared straight at the back door of the hospital, staring at the two people who were hugging each other.

Xiaochun felt that the temperature in the car had dropped by a few degrees, and goosebumps were about to rise all over his body.

"Find out who this man is." He Yi Ning squeezed these words out from the gaps between his teeth.

He ignored all the hardships he had gone through and chased after them.

But he never imagined that he would see such an irrepressible scene as soon as he arrived.

"Yes." Xiaochun sighed, and exchanged a helpless look with Xiao Xia.

How did this man come out of nowhere?

Why didn't Young Mistress resist?

Could it be someone he knew from the past?

There aren't any records in the near future!

Seeing their intimate actions, it could be seen that their relationship was really out of the ordinary!

No wonder the CEO was going to go berserk.

It wasn't easy for him to recall the past, and before he could solve the problem left behind by the past, his love rival appeared.

Ai, the road to love is really bumpy!

Zhan Bo lowered his head, placed a kiss on Shen Qi's forehead, and said: "I'll go back first."

Shen Qi grabbed his arm. "Where are you going? Didn't you promise me to go see Uncle and Auntie? "

"I'll go, but not now." Zhan Bo looked at Shen Qi with tender eyes: "I need to create a perfect false identity in order to deceive them."

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