Calm, I have to calm down.

He needed to be calm.

However, when the cold water slapped on his body, his mind was filled with Shen Qi.

There was the present Shen Qi, and there was the past Shen Qi.

The two figures intertwined with each other, like a magic spell, and couldn't get rid of him no matter how hard they tried.

"Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi!" He Yi Ning couldn't help but shout out this name. This name seemed to be stuck in his chest for several thousand years, it would be bad if he didn't spit it out.

He Yi Ning leaned against the wall, his mind thinking of Shen Qi's smiling face and his crying face in despair.

The more he saw, the more stuffy He Yi Ning felt in his chest.

It was unknown if it was because of Zhan Bo and the others, but they had successfully opened his memory vault door.

Countless memories came flooding in without any forewarning.

He Yi Ning felt that his heart was about to split open from the pain, his mind was enduring the memories.

As he recalled every single detail, his love for Shen Qi increased by one point.

By the time he had received all his memories, his entire body was as cold as ice.

The true love of four years ago had overlapped the love of the present. Dual love had almost swallowed He Yi Ning's rationality.

He rushed out of the room with a body drenched in cold water, impatient to find Shen Qi!

But when he stood outside Shen Qi's room, he suddenly stopped.

He could not scare Shen Qi.

He absolutely could not let Xiao Qi leave his world anymore!

Absolutely not!

With a sinister look, He Yi Ning turned around and rushed back to his own room, allowing his thoughts to torture his mental state.

Repeated nibbling at his patience.

On one side, it was an expression of urgency to vent his feelings, and on the other, it was to take care of Shen Qi's emotions.

In this scale, He Yi Ning chose to protect Shen Qi.

He would rather risk the damage to his body to avoid harming Shen Qi again.

He Yi Ning took out her phone, caressing the photo on her phone, the love in his eyes couldn't be stopped.

Shen Qi Gen Liu Yi was talking about his troubles when his phone suddenly rang.

Shen Qi picked up the phone: "Hello."

"Xiao Qi? "I'm your Uncle Zhan. Are you able to pick up the phone right now?" A middle-aged man's voice came over the phone.

Shen Qi was startled for a moment, and immediately reacted.

This is Zhan Bo's father!

Shen Qi stood up immediately. "I am the Xiao Qi, Uncle Zhan, speak!"

"It's like this, Zhan Bo's mother suddenly fainted tonight. I just brought her to the hospital, and the doctor said that the situation isn't looking good, it's very possible that he is. Cancer. These few years, because of Zhan Bo's death, she and I did not have the mood to manage the company, so we lost a lot of money. Now that she's so sick, on my hands. I wanted to sell our house, but I couldn't. " Father Zhan Bo hesitated and said, "I know, you and Zhan Bo have already separated. You already have your own life, I shouldn't have asked for your help. But, I really have no other choice! No one in the Zhan Clan can help me now, not even Zhan Bo.

"Uncle, don't worry. Where are you now?" Which hospital? I'll be right there! Right, give me your bank card number. It doesn't matter, I have money! We are family, don't say such things! Zhan Bo is no longer here, I will show filial piety to all of you! " Shen Qi immediately said, "Just treat me as your own daughter and don't hide it from me."

Zhan Bo's father choked with emotions. "We, Zhan Bo, are not blessed! I can't marry such a good wife like you! "

"Uncle, don't say that. I'll be right there. " After Shen Qi asked about the location of the hospital, she hung up and said to Liu Yi: "I ca

ot continue participating in this event. Zhan Bo's mother was in trouble. The doctor said that it was a cancer, I have to go back and see. Zhan Bo was no longer around, the impact on Uncle and Auntie was huge, the company had already cashed in losses. Now that such a big thing has happened, Uncle alone will not be able to take it. I must go and take a look. "

Liu Yi immediately stood up and said: "Then what are you still standing there for? Come, I'll accompany you! Anyway, I'm here to accompany you! "

Shen Qi nodded, and said: "I'll call big brother, tell him, and then we'll go."

"You go call, I'll pack. It just so happens that I have to take advantage of this opportunity to go out and clear my mind and clear my mind. " Liu Yi said.

"I know." Shen Qi immediately retracted his emotions and called Shen Lu to explain the situation.

Shen Lu was very supportive of his sister's decision, and he repeatedly asked her whether she needed money or not.

After Shen Qi expressed that she did not need it, Shen Lu then said: "Alright, no matter what, tell me at any time."

After hanging up, Liu Yi had already packed up and paid respects. Shen Lu had his subordinates drive Shen Qi and Liu Yi to the airport.

Coincidentally, there was a plane that landed at Zhan Bo's parents' place late in the night.

Shen Qi Gen Liu Yi scrambled onto the plane, and at daybreak, he got off the plane and rushed to the hospital without stopping.

Once he entered the gate of the hospital, Shen Qi saw Zhan Bo's father's haggard look.

"Xiao Qi!" Seeing Shen Qi, it was as if Zhan Bo's father had found his backbone, and his tears flowed down immediately, "Your aunt ?? He was afraid that he couldn't do it anymore! The doctor just told me that it was a brain tumor. It was already very big, and the brain CT scan told me that the operation was not very meaningful anymore. Even if the operation was successful, it would affect the human body's function and turn into a vegetable. Xiao Qi, what should I do!? "

Shen Qi sucked in a cold breath of air: "How could that be?"

"For the past four years, your aunt has been shedding tears every day. No matter how hard I tried to persuade her, she just couldn't take it." Zhan Bo's father said, "The doctor said that the rapid growth of the brain tumor was most likely due to the extreme depression that caused the body's functions to decline."

Liu Yi quickly said: "Uncle, don't be in such a hurry. Did the doctor say that the probability of failure is very high?"

Shen Qi nodded immediately: "That's right, maybe we still have a chance of survival!"

"The failure rate is over 80%." Zhan Bo's father covered his face with both hands and tears flowed down his cheeks.

Shen Qi quickly comforted him, "Uncle, we still have a fifty-fifty chance! Perhaps the Heavens have let Auntie wake up because we're so pious? "

Liu Yi also said: "That's right, luckily everything was delivered in time, everything will be fine!"

Shen Qi hurriedly took out a card from her bag and handed it over to Zhan Bo's father, saying, "Uncle, this is the money I saved myself, it should be enough for Auntie's surgery fees! The password is 457623. If it's not enough, I'll think of something. "

Zhan Bo's father pushed Shen Qi's hand away: Where else would I take your money from? I want you to come and help me sell the house! I have to take care of your aunt alone in the hospital, I don't care! After all these years, you've been sending us things. But I can't take this money! "

Shen Qi forcibly stuffed the bank card into Zhan Bo's father: "Uncle! How dare you say such words to me at this time! Didn't I say that? Zhan Bo is gone, I am your daughter! To save your own mother, are there any outsiders? "

Liu Yi also advised: "Uncle, please accept it, otherwise, this Xiao Qi will not be at ease!"

Shen Qi nodded.

Only then did Zhan Bo's father accept the card and said: "If you really are our daughter, how nice would that be! We, Zhan Bo, are not blessed! "

"That house is your last resort. Stop selling it. Even when Zhan Bo's soul returns, there will still be no return. " Shen Qi said in a low voice: "As long as I can earn money in a day, I won't leave you two alone and helpless."

Liu Yi grabbed Shen Qi's shoulders and said heroically: "There's still me! I'll help you! "

At this time, Zhan Bo's father finally realised something: "This is?"

"Her name is Liu Yi, she's my sworn sister." Shen Qi introduced: "He's also my best friend. Thus, when I heard that something had happened to my aunt, she put down her business and accompanied me over. She said, 'Just the two of us, afraid we won't be able to handle this. Come and help us.'

Zhan Bo's father immediately said, "I'm really sorry for the trouble."

Liu Yi waved his hand, "It's nothing. We should pay the money first, and get the operation done earlier! "

Shen Qi nodded her head: "Right, we will go and pay first!"

The three of them quickly turned around and left.

Not long after the three of them left, a figure flashed by.

Shen Qi and the other two had just said their names and were about to pay when the staff member at the payment window said in surprise: "The patient already paid the bill? Why did you turn it in again? "

"What?" Zhan Bo's father was confused. "No, I only paid twenty thousand just now, and I never did. Was there a mistake? "

"There's no mistake! Look, this is the payment record. Someone just paid three hundred thousand yuan into the account! Don't you have insurance? This amount of money should be enough for the operation, you just need to pay the follow-up fee. " The staff member replied.

The three of them looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Zhan Bo's father returned the bank card to Shen Qi: "Since someone paid for me, then take this card back!"

Shen Qi immediately pushed him back. "Uncle, you don't have to be so courteous to me."

After Shen Qi finished this sentence, she said to Liu Yi: "Let's go find the doctor for a chat."

"Alright." Liu Yi nodded.

Shen Qi pulled Liu Yi along, and quickly left, not giving Zhan Bo's father another chance to refuse.

As the two walked along the road, Shen Qi looked at the sky and said, "We've been tormenting ourselves the entire night. After asking the doctor in a while, you should go find a room to rest."

"I should be the one saying these words to you!" Look at how haggard you are! He would ask about the situation later and then go to a hotel to get a room to rest. You can't get an operation here right now, you'll have to wait a bit! " Liu Yi said: "Anyway, we will just stay here for a while."

Shen Qi nodded silently.

On the other side, He Yi Ning endured through the entire morning. It wasn't easy for him to endure until dawn when he excitedly knocked on Shen Qi's door.

But he knocked for a long time and no one answered.

Just then, the door opened. The person inside was not Shen Qi, but a hotel attendant.

He Yi Ning was startled: "Where is everyone in the room?"

"He checked out. He left last night in the middle of the night." The waiter replied, "The two girls that were living together have left!"

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