Feng Man Lun did not speak.

Zhao Wen Wen continued to speak: "For those of us here, the one who gets married in the end might not be the one we love the most in the bottom of our hearts. But we all have to get married. Like you, like me. We are all tasked with the family's mission, and we are also responsible for extending the legacy of the future generations. Rather than looking for someone who was looked down on in every aspect, it was better to look for someone who was pleasing to the eye in every aspect. "What do you think?"

"Then why did you choose me? I don't seem to be the best. " Feng Man Lun squinted his eyes, still as refined as ever.

"But compared to me, it's the most suitable." Zhao Wen Wen laughed and said, "Who is the best person? He Yi Ning? Yes, he was indeed the best! Regardless of the aspects! But I've asked around, He Yi Ning was married four years ago, and his wife's whereabouts are suddenly unknown. Both of them lost their memories at the same time. Now that the two of them are in a state of amnesia, they are involuntarily attracted by each other and are once again walking together. "

Zhao Wen Wen looked towards He Yi Ning and her group and said: "Look at them. How could anyone else have a chance? But you are different. After all these years, you've had almost no scandal, and your private life is horribly clean! If not for the incident with Lin Xi, I would have thought that you had no interest in women. "

Feng Man Lun saw Shen Qi and He Yi Ning walking side by side by the beach, blowing the ocean breeze, it felt like they were playing a game.

Wherever the two of them went, it was a beautiful scenery.

Everyone could not help but secretly photograph them.

Who would have thought that the reality TV show's image of them was even more moving than in the game.

Quite a number of players exclaimed that this trip was worth it!

Feng Man Lun's eyes darkened.

What was Feng Ke Xin doing!

If she could not seize this opportunity, then she would become his chess piece!

He wouldn't give her a good way out for a useless chess game!

Zhao Wen Wen continued: "If you don't have a better choice, why don't you consider me?"

"What about you? Do you really like me? Or is it just because we are socially appropriate? " Feng Man Lun asked with sharpness: "I didn't feel that you had such deep love for me, although you had always voluntarily let go of your position and pursued me relentlessly. But I'm not a fool. I can tell if it's true or not. "

Zhao Wen Wen laughed bitterly: "Young Master Feng, can you not be so smart? Or should he break it? Yes, you and I have only known each other for a short period of time. Saying that we fell in love at first sight is too vulgar and doesn't have much credibility. Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. That's why I said, we're the best fit, but we don't necessarily love each other the most. "

Feng Man Lun nodded, "Your words are true. It's just that I, Feng Man Lun, have not reached this step yet. I heard that the Zhao Family's situation is not very good, that's why you're in such a hurry to get married. "

Zhao Wen Wen did not deny this situation: "Yes. I admit it. The reason I'm in such a hurry to get married is indeed for the clan's sake. As for me, it really is time to get married. Instead of taking this step, why not take the initiative in your own hands? "

"You're honest." Feng Man Lun laughed, picked up a cup of wine and lightly sipped, then said: "But I refused."

"Why?" Zhao Wen Wen lost her voice and asked: "Am I not sincere enough?"

"It's precisely because you have this kind of sincerity that I wanted to reject you." Feng Man Lun lowered his eyes: "Otherwise, I would have unceremoniously taken over your Zhao Family and split up with you."

Zhao Wen Wen's face suddenly changed!

"Since you've told me the truth, I can't do that." Feng Man Lun said: "I am not a good person. In order to achieve my goal, I've been doing everything in my power. Marriage was indeed one of my ways for me. But that was only the past, not the present. The current me, no one can decide my future direction. And I no longer had to rely on marriage to consolidate my position. "Therefore, you are very lucky."

Zhao Wen Wen stared blankly at Feng Man Lun, and didn't know what to say anymore.

This was completely different from the Feng Man Lun she had heard of!

They were like two different people!

Feng Man Lun lifted his wine cup and finished it in one gulp.

"You are a clever girl, but I am not your match. "Let's stop here." Feng Man Lun said resolutely: "If you continue to persevere like this, I will really swallow your Zhao Family, and I won't even spit out a single bone."

Zhao Wen Wen's face was already very ugly.

"Should I thank you for your advice?" Zhao Wen Wen smiled bitterly: "But what should I do? I really have no way out. "

"That's your problem." Feng Man Lun slowly replied: "I have nothing to say. Unless you are willing to allow the Zhao Family to become a part of Feng Family, otherwise, I do not have the obligation to teach you how to do it. "

"Young Master Feng, you are so cruel." Zhao Wen Wen could not help but ask: "Are you treating everyone in such a ma

er? That's not it, is it? Just so cruel to me? "

"Cruel? "To be cruel is to leave after deceiving your people and money." Feng Man Lun patted Zhao Wen Wen's shoulder and said, "I'm not interested in you."

With that, Feng Man Lun turned and left.

Zhao Wen Wen sat there blankly, not knowing what to do.

If Feng Man Lun couldn't do it, then who could he look for?

Who could save the Zhao Family?

At this time, Fan Sheng Fan Li walked in happily and sat on the seat beside Zhao Wen Wen.

"Would you mind giving us a cold cocktail?" Fan Sheng Fan Li shouted in unison.

The waiter immediately opened the cocktail and pushed it over.

Zhao Wen Wen looked towards Fan Sheng Fan Li, and was immediately attracted by the two of them acting in exactly the same motion.

Everyone knew each other's names, but they didn't talk much in private.

When Fan Sheng Fan Li saw that Zhao Wen Wen had looked over, he immediately raised the cocktail in his hand.

Zhao Wen Wen shook her head.

Fan Sheng Fan Li continued to drink.

Zhao Wen Wen couldn't help but ask: "The two of you have been together since you were young. Don't you feel bored? After all, you are adults, not children. Why are we still together every day? "

Fan Sheng Fan Li turned at the same time and looked at Zhao Wen Wen, saying at the same time: "I didn't think that Big Miss Zhao would be interested in our matter as well."

Zhao Wen Wen laughed: "It was just a flash of inspiration."

"To you, it's just a flash of inspiration. "For us, it's a lifelong decision." Fan Sheng said.

"If you see too much sadness, you will reject happiness." Fan Li replied.

Zhao Wen Wen looked at them in confusion.

The twins were extremely famous in the circle.

Since young, they had never been separated.

I'm not in love, and I'm not gay.

Just like a baby, it couldn't be separated from Meng, nor could it be separated from Meng.

No one knew why. Except themselves.

Fan Sheng Fan Li did not plan to explain his life to others, he only laughed, then turned and left.

In the distance, the players had already begun interacting with each other.

The game was actually very simple. It was just to communicate with the feelings of the players, so that everyone could get to know each other as soon as possible.

Shen Qi is on the same team as He Yi Ning, so we can play games together.

It was unknown if Shen Qi and He Yi Ning were really too telepathic, but the two of them passed each other and rushed to the final stage.

Fan Sheng Fan Li had also come to join in on the fun. The twins' hearts were originally linked to each other, so there was no suspense at all!

Liu Yi looked around but did not find Wen Yi Bo.

He was here just a moment ago.

Feng Man Lun walked over and stood beside Liu Yi: "You don't mind forming a team, right?"

"Of course not." Liu Yi immediately calmed his emotions and replied.

Feng Man Lun looked at the audience, but Wen Yi Bo and Feng Ke Xin were the only ones present.

He had already guessed at something.

He was enraged, but on the surface, he didn't seem surprised at all.

A chess piece that was trying to escape his control could indeed be destroyed!

Feng Man Lun and Liu Yi formed a party and joined the game.

It was just that Feng Man Lun and Liu Yi lacked tacit understanding, so the two of them were eliminated after only two stages.

At this time, Wen Yi Bo came over.

The moment Liu Yi saw Wen Yi Bo, his gaze immediately fell on Wen Yi Bo's body.

His clothes were wet.

Wen Yi Bo said apologetically: "I'm sorry I came late."

Liu Yi did not speak, he only nodded his head.

Shen Qi and He Yi Ning who were on the stage, had already rushed to the most critical moment.

No matter what Shen Qi tried, He Yi Ning could immediately guess what she was thinking.

The crowd once again erupted into cheers and applause.

The host couldn't help but run over and ask, "Did you guys really not grow up together? Why is your tacit understanding level so high? "

He Yi Ning smiled enigmatically and replied: "Destined."

His answer instantly won applause and cheers from the audience!

The host couldn't help but ask, "Excuse me, are the two of you here for the show?"

Shen Qi's face reddened, and did not dare to reply.

He Yi Ning looked at Shen Qi, his phoenix eyes brimming with laughter.

"Wow!" The crowd burst into an uproar of exclamations.

The purple dragonfly stood in the crowd with a face full of dissatisfaction.

Since yesterday, they had taken away all the limelight.

She had tried her best today, tried her best, but she still couldn't take away even the slightest bit of their attention!

How hateful!

She had made so many preparations for this event!

Seeing that her concentration had plummeted, she stomped her feet in anger and left the crowd.

The purple dragonfly hadn't gone far when it heard someone talking in front of it. It subconsciously stopped its steps.

The two people next door were none other than Feng Ke Xin and Liu Yi.

Feng Ke Xin intentionally found Liu Yi, and said with an apologetic expression: "Liu Yi, I'm so sorry! I wasn't feeling well just now, so Bo took care of me for a while. You see, he's always been this careless, ever since he was a kid. I even forgot about the handkerchief. "

Liu Yi looked at the handkerchief that Feng Ke Xin had given him, and his gaze immediately fell on the handkerchief.


Why did Wen Yi Bo's handkerchief have this word?

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