Fine, she admitted that she was scared at this moment.

Because this He Yi Ning didn't follow his plan at all!

She had seen a lot of people in the upper classes.

But there was no such thing as He Yi Ning!

The first time they met, he actually dared to feed the macaron with his own mouth!

Which family's young master would dare to be so unrestrained?

However, the most impossible person had done just that!

Hearing Shen Qi's rejection, He Yi Ning acted as if she did not hear at all, raised her hand, grabbed Shen Qi's wrist and walked towards the outside with large strides.

The people present all opened their mouths wide in disbelief.

Four years.

This was the first time the Director He, who had never approached women, had taken the initiative to hold onto a woman's hand!

At this time, someone in the crowd whispered, "Ai ai, I felt that Miss Sven was very familiar. Look, isn't Miss Sven a bit like the old The He Family's Second Young Lady? "

"Yeah, when you said that, you actually reminded me!" They really are a bit like each other! However, this Miss Sven is said to be of German Chinese descent, and her original The He Family's Second Young Lady was born and bred in China! "

"Director He couldn't be thinking that Miss Sven is very similar to his former wife, which is why he treats Miss Sven ??"

He didn't dare to say the following words.

Everyone fell silent.

They really didn't dare to talk about it anymore.

The current He Yi Ning was just this tyra


Shen Qi was forcefully pulled to the door by He Yi Ning, but Xiaochun had already pulled the car over and respectfully opened the car door for Shen Qi.

Shen Qi said angrily at He Yi Ning: "What are you trying to do?"

"I'll take you home." He Yi Ning lowered his head and glanced at Shen Qi's chest: "It's so cold, and I'm still wearing so little!"

Where was the cold!

It was only October!

The temperature was just right for a comfortable time!

What was going on with this man?

What did it have to do with him whether I was cold or not?

He Yi Ning domineeringly lifted Shen Qi's chin. Her phoenix eyes landed on the birthmark in the middle of Shen Qi's collarbone, and her eyes flickered.

The illusion that had flashed by had disappeared, and he could no longer feel it.

What was going on?

He Yi Ning subconsciously raised his hand to touch the birthmark on Shen Qi's neck.

Well, it feels good.

Shen Qi opened her eyes wide!

No way!

Was he so brazenly teasing her?

Hey hey hey, is there still justice?

Shen Qi angrily reached out and slapped He Yi Ning's hand away, then became angry from embarrassment: "Director He, please have some self-respect."

He Yi Ning immediately laughed.

He hadn't smiled in a long time.

But the moment he faced Shen Qi, he seemed to have unlocked the skill: Smiling.

As Xiao Chun Gen Xiao Xia watched from the side, not only did he feel sad, he also felt emotional.

Indeed, there were so many people in the world, but only one would make the CEO laugh.

"Are you angry?" He Yi Ning raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "Let's go."

Shen Qi stood in place without moving. "I'll go back by myself."

"Are you going to let me carry you to the car? Or do you want me to carry you to the car? Don't worry, I can satisfy you with both. With my physical strength, there definitely won't be a problem. " He Yi Ning arrogantly gave Shen Qi two choices.

Shen Qi's expression froze, and she obediently got on the carriage.

She didn't dare to lose anyone here again.

She wouldn't have the face to meet anyone!

She was the CEO of the S.A., you can't be afraid of her!

Shen Qi purposely lifted her head and stuck out her chest to get on the carriage, with a posture that did not show her strength.

He Yi Ning personally drove Shen Qi home. Xiaochun Xiao Xia and the other bodyguard assistants sat in other cars and followed behind.

Shen Qi sat in the front passenger seat, she was really restless.

There was only so little space in the car. When the two of them closed the door, the whole car was filled with his smell.

Even though Shen Qi was just sitting there obediently, she could still feel that the hormones beside him were emitting an enticing smell.

No wonder he could be rated as the world's top beauty value and the most popular super king, Ol 'Five.

There were probably not many women who could resist her temperament, superior looks, and the hormones she emitted at all times.

"Where?" He Yi Ning took the initiative to break the silence.

"The Embroidered Capital Hotel." Shen Qi replied.

He Yi Ning raised his brows, "What kind of place is that?"

"A hotel chain." Shen Qi bit her lips as she replied.

"Oh?" He Yi Ning raised his eyebrows, and immediately called Xiaochun: "What kind of hotel is nearby?"

"Back to CEO, there are a total of three hotels around here. One is a five-star local hotel, one is a branch of Hilton in this city, and the other is a hotel owned by our He's Consortium."

"Go to your own hotel and get a room." He Yi Ning instructed, and then immediately hung up.

Shen Qi looked at He Yi Ning, dumbstruck.

He Yi Ning did not look at Shen Qi. "He's Consortium's Hotel is safer. Not only are there twenty-four hours of security, but there are no blind spots. "

For once, He Yi Ning took the initiative to explain, "The hotel you live in is not as safe as our He's Consortium's."

Shen Qi was speechless for a while, and then said: "He Yi Ning, have you always been this overbearing?"

The corner of He Yi Ning's mouth widened slightly, his phoenix eyes flowed with light as he glanced at Shen Qi sideways, "Not everyone is qualified enough to make this person act tyra


Shen Qi laughed and said, "So you're saying, I should feel honored?"

He Yi Ning nodded, with a look that said he should have done it in the first place.

Shen Qi was so angry that she almost cried.

Tyrant! Tyrant! Tyrant!

Too overbearing!

He Yi Ning quickly stopped in front of his own hotel.

Xiao Xia's eyes sparkled as he asked Xiaochun, "Hey hey, do you think that CEO will have a spring day here with Young Mistress?"

Xiaochun slapped Xiao Xia's head: "Wake up! They don't remember each other now. And it was even spring! Being able to interact with him in such a way was already quite good! We have to work harder! "

Xiao Xia looked disappointed: "We're already at the entrance of the hotel!"

As an assistant, she was truly worried for the love life of CEO!

Seeing that he really had no other choice, Shen Qi quietly got out of the car, and said: "But my things are all at the hotel over there."

He Yi Ning immediately said, "Someone will deliver your things to you in a while. Call the front desk if you need anything. "

What did Shen Qi need?

She needed this tyrant to leave!

Wearing high heels for so long was just too tiring!

Forget it, who cares about that room. I'll take off my high heels and relax first.

Shen Qi did not care about He Yi Ning, she took the room card and immediately went.

Just as Shen Qi was about to open the door, she heard footsteps coming from behind him.

When Shen Qi turned her head back, she nearly spat out fire!

Why did that He Yi Ning follow them?

Weren't the rumors saying that he was unapproachable?

Didn't he say that the women who pla

ed to stick to him would all die miserably?

Damn it, who was the one who spread these rumors?

I promise I won't beat her to death!

Shen Qi stood at the door, raised her head and looked at He Yi Ning, and said angrily: "Thank you Director He for sending me back, I should be getting some rest, good night!"

He Yi Ning actually completely ignored Shen Qi's words as he used one hand to support himself next to Shen Qi's ear.

Looking at He Yi Ning at such a close distance, even he was at a loss as to what to do.

The two of them looked at each other.

He felt that this scene was extremely familiar.

It seemed to have happened before.

But how?

The two of them clearly didn't know each other before!

He Yi Ning narrowed his phoenix eyes, "Sven, have we met before?"

If this was any other man speaking, everyone would probably think that this was a common method to pick up girls.

But these words came from He Yi Ning's mouth: Hehehehe, do you think the Director He still needs to pick up girls?

Shen Qi's eyes flashed: "I don't think so, right?"

He Yi Ning thoughtfully looked at the birthmark on Shen Qi's neck, and muttered to himself: "But why does this look so familiar?"

He asked himself, a man who had never cared about women.

However, he had a special feeling about this woman with the birthmark on her neck.

Shen Qi said a little u

aturally, "It might be an illusion. If there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave. "

Shen Qi then used the room card to open the door to her room, and slowly retreated step by step towards He Yi Ning. After that, he closed the door with a bang, as if she was on guard against He Yi Ning coming in.

Seeing how Shen Qi was on guard against him, He Yi Ning laughed softly instead.

He Yi Ning turned and saw a mirror in the hallway.

He didn't even have time to retract the smile on his face, so he could clearly see his own smile.

The smile froze on his face.

How long had it been since he laughed?

A long time?

A few years ago, when he woke up one day, he found that he had lost a year's worth of memories.

He had no recollection of what had happened that year.

He only felt that one of him had died and his current appearance was just another personality.

Because the deceased person hated people for certain things, he did not like those things as well.

In his eyes, the family that he had always tried to protect in the past had suddenly become insignificant.

He watched his parents being chased out of the house by his grandmother, but he never begged them to stay like he used to.

He seemed to be on the other side of his parents.

They were no longer as close as they used to be.

The whole house seemed to be shrouded in a strange atmosphere that made people feel uncomfortable.

Returning to the Jinghua Manor, he always felt that his home was missing something very important.

He walked up and down, but he could not find the important feelings that he had lost.

What had he lost?

Even Yi Bo and Fan Sheng Fan Li had a weird expression on their faces, wanting to say something, but then hesitated.

Why did it seem like there were many things that had not changed, but felt that something was amiss?

Ever since he woke up that day, he seemed to have lost the ability to smile.

No matter who he faced, he would not be able to smile anymore.

But what was going on today?

Why can't I help smiling when I see Seven?

What kind of magic did this woman have on her that allowed him, who had already lost his ability to smile, to instantly recover?

He Yi Ning gave a deep glance at Shen Qi's room door, then turned and left.

Seven, I'll find out!

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