This not only tested one's mental ability, but also one's physical strength!

So, where would everyone have the time to cheat?

I can't even finish looking at the questions, okay?

Really busy, okay?

If he wasn't careful and missed the question, he would really regret it to death, alright?

Thus, the entire classroom was filled with the sound of "shua shua shua". No one raised their hands to go to the toilet!

Well, for today's exam, they don't even drink water in the morning!

Because they needed to save time going to the toilet and use it to answer their questions!

In addition, there were too many different types of questions. Their minds were working between the various subjects!

Maybe the first question was still Chinese language analysis, but the next question would be algebraic geometry. Then, the next question would become a combination of physics and biology!

In short, after reading for so many years, they had never seen such a wondrous test!

Therefore, they were excited and nervous at the same time. Their minds kept spi

ing and spi


The questions were passed one by one, one by one. They were just like Tang Xuanzang, going past mountains and rivers.

Finally, three hours had passed, and he had completed the final question.

The student didn't even have time to go back and check. He threw down his pen and stood up while raising his hand. "I've done the last question!"

Niuniu nodded and the boy ran out!

Ten minutes!

Ten minutes!

If he wasn't able to get to the field in time within ten minutes, then all his previous efforts would have been in vain!

Then this boy rushed to the field like a madman.

At this moment, someone was counting down on their watch on the field.

When Niuniu pressed the timer button, the student's time slot started up on the big screen in the field.

If he couldn't get there in ten minutes, then out!

At this time, Shen Mo's sweet voice resounded throughout the school's broadcast, "The first student to rush into the field is Ma Xiaodong. It had already taken him seven minutes. If he still could not get to the field within three minutes, then he would not be able to make the final interview. Oh, I saw Ma Xiaodong's figure. He seemed to have lost a shoe, but he was still out of breath as he ran towards the end of the field. Now, there were two minutes until the countdown. One minute fifty seconds ?? One minute, forty seconds... One minute twenty seconds ?? One minute... Fifty seconds ?? 40 seconds... Oh! Student Ma Xiaodong had made it to the sports field and pressed his own time stop button! Congratulations to Student Ma Xiaodong for entering the next round of the selection! "

The students of the whole school were no longer interested in learning. They all ran out to watch!

Oh my god, listening to Shen Mo's explanation on the broadcast, why does it feel more fun than watching a variety show!

In particular, everyone was extremely curious about the content of the second round of examination.

As a result, not a single student in the academy was able to study peacefully. They all went out to watch the commotion.

Zhou Zhao was probably the only one, mm, who didn't run out to watch the show, but he also didn't learn.

He had a computer in front of him with information about Shen Mo on it.

The information he could find on Shen Mo was very little.

Needless to say, this was the clan's special protection for Shen Mo.

Who is Chong Ming?

How could he let others know too much about Shen Mo?

The information that Zhou Zhao had obtained was already hard work.

However, it only contained some basic information regarding Shen Mo.

For example, age, height, weight, hobbies, taste, character, constellation, etc.

However, nothing else could be investigated.

Even if some people knew, they wouldn't dare to say it.

After all, life was more important.

However, although Shen Mo did not have much information, she did have a lot of photos.

A while ago, she was in that spy movie with Shen He. Many of the photos were being released.

Shen Mo was acting the part of a noble lady in the movie.

Zhou Zhao looked at the photo of Shen Mo carefully, his expression turning darker and darker.

At this time, Shen Mo's cheerful voice came from outside again: "Right now, our second classmate has also smoothly entered the next stage. I wonder how many students will be able to get our last jobs as scheduled? I'm looking forward to it! "

Following the ringing of the bell in the examination hall, the answers for the written questions came to an end.

Those students who had not finished answering the questions no longer cared about their regrets. They reported their names and then ran outside!

They were betting on those who had submitted their answer in advance, on those who had made mistakes in their answers and lost points, so that they would have the same chance to get the answer from the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy!

Then, Shen Mo's brisk voice resounded from the radio, "All of the remaining students are rushing towards the direction of the sports field like a swarm of bees! Oh, the surrounding students were curious. Why was there such a wondrous test? Well, it's actually very simple. What the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy needed was a strong student in all aspects, not a bookworm. In the future, when he studied in Ruihe Aristocrat Academy, he would need a lot of physical strength. If his physical fitness did not reach that level, he would be persuaded to leave. Moreover, there was another very important reason. After graduation, there would be a lot of overtime work, business trips, and hard training. If one didn't have a good body, it would be very difficult for them to keep up with the pace of the company. Therefore, we used this simple method to test some students who didn't have physical fitness. In this way, if the body is really unable to adapt, there is no need to waste too much time. Although the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy was a direct train. But all roads lead to Rome. "Since I can't walk down this path, I might as well take a different road."

Shen Mo's voice was extremely sweet and charming, and after hearing her explanation, the surrounding students' breathing stopped.

They were really, really, very eager and curious about Ruihe Aristocrat Academy.

They urgently wanted to know everything about the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy. They also wanted to know what those who had successfully transferred to a different school had obtained, possessed, and experienced.

Shen Mo's explanation greatly satisfied their curiosity, so everyone's good impression of Shen Mo also increased.

"Oh, the deadline is almost up. Let's count down together! There were only ten seconds left! However, there are still three students who are still very far from the field. " Shen Mo's voice once again rang: "Countdown begins! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Time's up! The final result was: Jiang Xiaochun out of Jiang Xiaochun out of nowhere! Liu Xia out Liu Xia out! Immense Stone Force had appeared! Congratulations to the twenty students who have successfully completed the examination! Please take a break of fifteen minutes to prepare for the rest of the physical fitness exam. Our next physical fitness exam will be conducted as a game. Please adjust your breathing and get ready as soon as possible! We'll meet again in fifteen minutes! "

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