A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

Chapter 1463 Rui He Academys Selection

Sure enough, this sentence was especially effective.

After Shen Cong Zi finished this sentence, Chu Ge's crying stopped abruptly.

As if he didn't know Shen Cong Zi, Chu Ge just looked at him for a long time before saying: "Can I talk to you alone for a while? Just the two of us. "

He Shen Zhou and Wen Jian Qing immediately stood up and said: "Then why don't you guys talk. Let's go out for a stroll."

With that, He Shen Zhou and Wen Jian Qing left.

Chu Ge waited until he and Shen Cong Zi were the only ones remaining before she asked: "The reason why you are so heartless to me right now, is because you like that foreign girl who came up to me, right?"

Shen Cong Zi did not deny it: "Yes."

"How is she better than me?" Chu Ge gnashed his teeth.

"She's good everywhere." Shen Cong Zi answered without thinking: "She is a musician, has her own goals and ambitions. She had a very good personality and was very calm. She was beautiful. Her family is a good match for mine. So I can't think of any reason not to like her. Most importantly, although she likes me a lot, she never gives me any burden. She understands the respect of love. "

Chu Ge's face contorted: "Then what you're saying is, I'm giving you a burden, and not respecting you anymore?"

"Have you given me respect?" Shen Cong Zi asked her: "You went to get a room with another man to roll around the bed, is this respect for me? Or is it because you got drunk with someone and my people tried to persuade you to get scolded by them? Is that your respect for me? Or am I just refusing you, and you're going to commit suicide out of respect for me? Chu Ge, you're not young anymore, you should grow up! What you should grow up for is not your body, but your brain! "

Chu Ge's complexion alternated between ashen and white after being scolded by Shen Cong Zi, as it became unbearably tight.

"Didn't I get beaten up by you to the point where I can't do anything about it?" Chu Ge tried to defend himself: "Even though my body is no longer clean, I still love you! "How can you push me away so cruelly?"

Shen Cong Zi rubbed his temples helplessly.

In this world, there were people that could not be explained!

He was simply a god-like existence.

"Alright, let's not talk about anything else." Shen Cong Zi immediately a

ounced: "As you can see, I already have someone I like. So, it won't be long before we have a public affair. So, give up! "

With that said, Shen Cong Zi stood up, and without saying anymore, he turned and left.

"Shen Cong Zi!" Chu Ge began to wail: "Why, why are you doing this to me ?? Actually, you can stop all this! "Why didn't you stop him ??"

Unfortunately, no one answered her.

Sometimes, a mistake is a mistake.

No one will pay for your mistakes.

While He Shen Zhou was helping Shen Cong Zi deal with this matter, the few people in H City also started their busy lives.

After the Campus Sacrifice finished, the victors had made their preparations to welcome Niu Niu, Fei Lin Nuo and Shen Yuan Shen Mo as well as Fan Dou Dou in preparing for the preliminaries.

Because of Shen He's trust, all of the preliminaries were given to them.

Therefore, Niu Niu and the others also felt the pressure.

Niu Niu and Fei Lin Nuo, after researching all kinds of exam questions on Civilian students for the past few years, finally came up with a set of exam questions.

This set of questions focused on the exam for basic knowledge. However, it covered a lot of different types of questions.

Not only does it contain the knowledge of the cultural lessons taught in the school, but it also contains a lot of sociological content.

Therefore, the exam questions would be all-encompassing, and they would be able to test the students' mastery of this knowledge.

The preliminary test was set to be held on the third day after Campus Sacrifice.

The exam was a

ounced suddenly.

In other words, without any preparation, the exam was a

ounced all of a sudden.

This was also a test of everyone's ability to respond on stage and how much they could bear in their hearts.

After all, Ruihe Aristocrat Academy had her eyes on not only the mastery of knowledge, but also individual abilities.

In the future, one would be able to enter society after graduation, and the number of unexpected incidents would be many.

Therefore, the ability to react on the spot was extremely important.

The examination hall was fixed on the field of the Second National Male Middle School.

There were so many tables arranged in a row. Everyone was very far from each other, so it was impossible to see the answers from the surrounding students.

Niu Niu and a few others, part-time invigilator, and also asked the school teachers to help supervise the written test.

There was only one round of exams, but there were five sheets in total.

Everyone took three hours to answer the questions.

There was a period of time to go to the toilet, but each person had no more than ten minutes to go to the toilet.

Anyone who has lasted more than ten minutes shall be deemed to have abstained.

With such a strict exam room system, everyone was fully alert and didn't dare to slack off!

With the chance to change fate right before their eyes, who would dare slack off?

No one dared to cheat!

Who would be so foolish as to give themselves the chance to climb upwards and give themselves up to someone else?

This was not the time for Kong Rong to give in!

Therefore, the entire exam grounds was solemn and solemn.

Everyone was busy scrubbing their answers.

There were also many students who were helpless in the face of the blank scrolls.

After all, not all students had solid fundamentals.

After the exam ended, Niu Niu sealed the exam papers on the spot and handed them over to the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy's representative. The examination papers would be collectively read by the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy's seniors.

And the reading process would also be overseen by everyone.

After the exam ended, the students gathered together and discussed the exam's questions and difficulty. They could not help but answer the questions.

In the end, after hearing the answer, everyone felt even more perplexed.

Because no one could be sure what the correct answer was!

Niu Niu and Fei Lin Nuo finished their final step and the two of them left the examination grounds.

Fei Lin Nuo said excitedly: "I really never thought that there would actually come a day where I could give a question setting exam to a student of Ruihe Aristocrat Academy! "I'm so excited!"

Niu Niu laughed and said, "That's right, I also didn't expect that the National Princess would trust us so much, to actually give us the rights to participate in the primary selection. Looks like National Princess is testing her future sister-in-law! "

Fei Lin Nuo's face flushed red: "What are you saying! Don't talk nonsense! "

"I have a feeling that the matter between you and Shen Cong Zi will come to an end soon." Niu Niu smiled and said, "You have to believe in the intuition of a counselor. Really. What do you think would happen if He Shen Zhou and the others were to go to Northeast China? "

Fei Lin Nuo said longingly: "If I can be with him, it's obviously good. But if we can't be together, I won't force it! After all, emotions couldn't be forced. I've done my best. That's enough. "

Niu Niu smiled but didn't say anything.

At this time, Yu Yu Mo's voice sounded from behind the two of them: "Sorry to interrupt. May I ask if you will also be responsible for the second round? "

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