Each class corresponded to one class.

The remaining ones that couldn't be matched up with each other would be distributed among the other classes.

This forms a pair.

The students of the two classes would be together. They would come up with ideas and suggestions about what to do in their class.

As for the so-called Campus Sacrifice, this term originated from the Rainbow Nation, and it was then modified.

Actually, the general meaning behind his words was to show off his talents.

This event had actually been held many times, and each time, the results seemed to be quite good.

There was a year when the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy, through this Campus Sacrifice, selected two outstanding students from the Two Schools and transferred them to the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy for free, achieving the pi

acle of life.

This year, Two Schools hosting a Campus Sacrifice together would naturally attract more attention.

The Ruihe Aristocrat Academy a

ounced once again that those with the best results in the Campus Sacrifice would undergo a special examination and be selected to enter the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy.

Hence, He Shen Zhou and the others had another secret mission, to secretly inspect those students to see if they met the requirements of the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy.

As a result, even if Wen Jian Qing protested again, he had nothing to protest now.

Shen Qi had already spoken!

No one could change it!

Thus, Two Schools made every effort to prepare for this time's Campus Sacrifice.

Second High School and Acrobatics School are really brotherly schools.

This was because Two Schools's Principal was a pair of brothers.

At the begi

ing, my brother went to become the principal of the Second High School, but not long after, my brother went to the Acrobatics School to teach.

After the two brothers became the Principal, the relationship between Two Schools s grew closer.

Although the Two Schools walked a different path, they both walked the same path, and their final goal was the college entrance examination.

It's just that the way Two Schools walked was different.

In the China, since ancient times, the examination had always been a big blade shining above the students' heads.

This blade could separate people into different grades. It could allow one to reach the heavens in one step, and it could also allow one to fall into the depths of hell with a single step.

Therefore, everyone was trying their best to cross the bridge as if they were crazy.

No one wanted to be the stepping stone, they all wanted to trample others under their feet and rush over.

Therefore, all sorts of battles and covert battles were being fought one after another.

The most obvious performance would be to carry out the tactic of a sea of questions, to do as many papers as possible for others, and to nibble on the problems that had occurred in the previous years of Brother's Academy.

If it was a bit darker, they would probably be dragging each other down and charging forward.

These filthy things did not happen to the Second High School and the Acrobatics School. It was probably because the two of them were brothers, and it was also because the Two Schools walked different paths and did not have a competitive relationship with them. But there is still a climbing rate.

Therefore, in the united Campus Sacrifice, the two sides' students would also secretly compete, proving that they were more outstanding.

Thus, on the very first day of deciding the Campus Sacrifice, Mu Xiao Yu brought the representative of the first grade of Acrobatics School to come here and discuss with the second grade's first grade students about what the first grade of the second grade would perform on this year's Campus Sacrifice.

As expected, the moment Niu Niu saw Mu Xiao Yu, her expression became u


Unconsciously, he kept his distance from Wen Jian Qing.

Wen Jian Qing laughed bitterly.

He suddenly understood how difficult it was for his father to pursue his mother all those years ago, and how difficult it was for him to be together with his mother all those years ago.

He had lost too much!

If only he had stayed calm!

If he did not act recklessly, the family would not give him a Mu Xiao Yu.

But then again.

If he hadn't been foolish, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to meet Niuniu, right?

Life is indeed an exquisite game. After this step, I don't know what the next step will be like.

Right now, Wen Jian Qing could not care about this at all, and could only turn around to look at his good brother He Shen Zhou and cry for help.

He Shen Zhou coughed lightly and said to Yu Yu Mo: "Go and meet up with Mu Xiao Yu."

"Me?" Yu Yu Mo was startled at first, but quickly stood up and said to Mu Xiao Yu: "Hello, I am Yu Yu Mo, a student from the first class and a student from the first class. If the class monitor is not here, you can tell me for the time being. "

Mu Xiao Yu immediately smiled and said: "Alright, we are all representatives of the students of the Acrobatics School, so it is naturally the best if we meet with your class committee."

Afterwards, the students in the class quickly pulled open the tables and gathered around two tables. The student representatives from the schools on both sides of the table sat down in succession.

Yu Yu Mo led the class I officers and sat down, Mu Xiao Yu led his team and sat down, his eyes looking at Wen Jian Qing in the distance.

Wen Jian Qing pretended not to see it and continued to throw the pen in his hand.

The other students would listen on the side if they were interested, and the ones who were not interested would take the test questions left behind by the teachers. In any case, everyone was busy with their own things.

"This time, our Two Schools will form a pair and leave the Campus Sacrifice together, so I hope that everyone can put aside the prejudice in your heart and sincerely cooperate." Mu Xiao Yu opened her mouth and said: "This is a plan that our Acrobatics School has come up with. Take a look at it, if you have any different opinions, we can discuss them!"

With that said, Mu Xiao Yu passed the A4 paper printed on the computer to Yu Yu Mo and the other members of the class committee.

Several students from the first class of the second high school looked at it and indeed, they made their own dissenting suggestion, "Your suggestion is very good, but its operability is too low. Most of us aren't good at such fine work. Most of us don't even know how to sew. So, should we talk about this proposed event? "

Immediately, the students on both sides began to discuss amongst each other.

To come up with a novel idea, try not to repeat it to other classes.

He still had to create new tricks, and the difficulty was quite high.

Shen Cong Zi and Fei Lin Nuo played hand in hand as they swam in the last row.

Wen Jian Qing wanted to speak to Niu Niu, but Niu Niu ignored him, looking like she had cut a clear line between them.

Shen Yuan, Shen Mo and the rest were playing cards there, playing and losing several rounds with Shen Mo, and they immediately disagreed, dragging He Shen Zhou to take revenge for themselves. He Shen Zhou immediately sat on Shen Mo's seat, and started killing in all directions.

Very quickly, Wen Jian Qing dragged Niu Niu and joined the battle.

These people were playing their own games as if it had nothing to do with them.

No one can say that they lost their wits.

Who asked him to crush them with such a dismal result?

This was talent!

There was no way to compare!

As the few of them were playing, Shen Mo, who was standing by the window, suddenly exclaimed, and said: "Look, isn't that Zheng Ke Qi? What is he doing? "

The few of them turned their heads towards the window at the same time.

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