Niu Niu did not know what to say, and could only look at Wen Jian Qing blankly.

Wen Jian Qing slowly raised his hand, wanting to touch Niu Niu's face.

Niu Niu turned her head, missing Wen Jian Qing's finger.

"There are some things that I'd rather not say." Niu Niu whispered, "I'm relieved to know that you're doing very well."

"I'm not good." Wen Jian Qing opened his mouth and replied, "What's going on? The necklace I gave you, you did not take, said leave at once, the phone no longer can be reached. I know you're avoiding me, but I don't know why you're avoiding me. Is it because I'm not good enough? Is it because I once liked someone else? "Or is it because I'm just a young master with no business of my own? I don't have the ability to make you accept me without worry ??"

"No!" Niu Niu interrupted Wen Jian Qing and replied anxiously, "Don't ask anymore! If we don't ask anything, maybe we can pretend that nothing happened and be friends! Once you know the truth of the matter, you will only feel disgusted just by looking at me! Wen Jian Qing, we... Let's not talk about this! If you think my presence here will make you u

atural, then I'll leave! "I'm going to book a plane ticket and leave right now ??"

Wen Jian Qing propped himself up against the door and went straight for Niu Niu. He raised the corner of his eyes, and his eyes revealed a trace of coldness: "Go? Are you leaving again? Leave after just meeting? Last time, you left without saying a word. I was going to look for you, but my sister slapped me. My sister said, "I can go find you, but only if I have the ability to!" I didn't even have time to look for you before you showed up. But do you think I'll let you go this time for free? "Niuniu, I don't care what the hell you're hiding from me, but this time, you can't just turn around and leave!"

"I ??" Niuniu panicked. She didn't know what to say.

"I don't care why you left, I didn't look for you last time. But this time, since you've appeared in front of me, I won't let you leave so easily! Last time, I promised my sister that I wouldn't go find you. This time, no one can stop me! Niuniu, where do you think you can escape to? I just need to find someone and there's no reason why I can't find him! You have seen today how huge our family is! If I don't have enough information, I will use other information! As long as I open my mouth, Dad won't refuse! " Wen Jian Qing said to Niu Niu seriously, "I don't believe that you can hide at the ends of the world! This is fate, and you have to accept it! The heavens sent you to my side once again, which proves that the fate between us has not ended. Since the fate has not ended, I will not let go this time! "

Even though Niu Niu had experienced a lot of things, facing Wen Jian Qing's overbearing declaration, she was still a little panicked. "What are you trying to do?"

"I should say, what do you want to do?" Wen Jian Qing replied, "I just want to look at you like that. I don't want to do anything. I won't do anything until I've made a name for myself. I just want you to see my efforts with your own eyes, and how serious I am. Niu Niu, before, I did not know, I thought fresh is like love. I was wrong. The mistake was outrageous. Ever since I was young, no one has ever told me what it means to like. So I took novelty for pleasure. I made a mistake. But I also got to know you because of this mistake. Niuniu, I don't regret knowing you. "However, I regret not being able to meet you again when I possess everything. If that is the case, I do not need to wait. I can calmly tell you how serious I am."

Niuniu started to panic. She didn't know what to say anymore.

Wen Jian Qing finally concluded his speech, "Niu Niu, I missed you very much. So don't run away from me, okay? I promise I won't do anything to you. I just want to see you like this and I'll be satisfied. "

She did not dare to look straight into Wen Jian Qing's eyes. She bit her lips and said softly, "You should go and ask your sister. "As long as you ??"

"Do you want to say that as long as my sister doesn't object, you won't disappear?" Wen Jian Qing chuckled, "Oh, Niu Niu, you've underestimated yourself, and you've underestimated my big sister. My sister is not the kind of person you think she is. The last time she stopped me from coming to find you, it wasn't because she despised your family, but it was because she despised me for being too weak. What elder sister said was right. When a man wants to give a promise, he must first fulfill it! I've just taken over the family's affairs and I haven't figured it out yet. I'm not up to the task yet! So I won't give you any pressure. But you're not allowed to disappear until I figure it out! I will prove to you that I, Wen Jian Qing, am a man who deserves to be seen! "

Niuniu really didn't know what to say.

What else could she say?

As a psychological counselor, this was the first time she felt that he had nothing to say.

"Since you have nothing to say, then do as I say! Niuniu, if you dare to book a plane ticket and secretly leave, I'll scour the entire world and I'll find you to come back! "If you don't believe me, you can give it a try!" Wen Jian Qing finally revealed his domineering side.


This was the correct way for Wen Jian Qing to open it!

In the past, Wen Jian Qing was just a fool. He only felt that Zheng Zheng Zheng was new to him, which was why he had a good impression of him.

But Niu Niu had hit the soft spot in his heart.

Such feelings were what he truly liked.

And another one, as a Wen Family's Young Master, how could Wen Jian Qing be weak enough to bully others?

The reason he was being honest in front of Shen He was because Shen He was his family, her big sister.

How could he be against his sister?

He was gentle in front of his family, but that didn't mean he was a sheep to others.

When he was truly angry, no one could suppress him!

Only now did Niu Niu fully understand Wen Jian Qing's temper, and completely gave up on the thought of sneaking away.

Wen Jian Qing was afraid that he had done what he said!

In this way, Niuniu was actually more at ease.

As long as Wen Jian Qing knew what happened, he would probably give up himself.

As long as he knew that Niuniu's appearance at that time was not a coincidence, but was was purposely arranged for, and precisely for Wen Jian Qing to divert his attention and direction.

He probably wouldn't pester her like this, right?

Thinking about this, Niuniu nodded and said, "Okay, I won't run away. No matter how you treat me when you know the truth, I won't run away. Unless you let me go! "

Hearing Niu Niu's guarantee, Wen Jian Qing finally smiled.

In the other room, He Shen Zhou impatiently called Shen He: "Sis, I need to ask you something! Do you know a girl named Niu Niu? "

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