Gong Zi Ya lowered her head and thought for a moment: "I'll think about it."

Shi Ran nodded and said: "Can I use the kitchen?"

"Of course, over there." Gong Zi Ya pointed to the direction of the kitchen, then stood up and walked over.

After Shi Ran left, there were only three girls left in the living room.

There was no need to be so formal when girls talked to each other.

Gong Zi Ya was a little unfamiliar with Shi Ran.

"Student Zi Ya, did you choose to go home to eat di

er because you want to go home to help with the housework?" Yu Xiao Wan was extremely meticulous, when she saw that Gong Zi Ya knew everything about the house like the back of his hand, she knew that the household chores were all done by Gong Zi Ya.

Gong Zi Ya nodded and replied, "Yes. Dad works until late to come back, mother does not want the body, bend over more back pain. His younger brother was still in primary school, so I was the one who did the housework. I don't really care if I eat di

er at school. I only ate at home with a pair of chopsticks. However, it can help the family do a little housework, to ease some of the pressure on parents, it is also pretty good. Furthermore, the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy only provides accommodations for a few students in the area. With such a big campus and just a few of us living here, I also feel scared. Anyway, my home is local, so it's not a big deal to go back and forth. "

Shen He nodded: "You did remind me. In the past, the students of the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy were all members of nobility. Everyone had their own houses or villas, so the school did not arrange dormitories. Later on, when I was preparing the dorms for you transfer students, it was rather rushed. I just found a small house and renovated it, then I used it as my dorm. In fact, the school can also add dormitory function. Is it Xiao Wan? "

Yu Xiao Wan nodded and said: "That makes sense. This was something that she could mention to Director. After all, the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy now was not the academy from before. She always had to take care of Civilian students. If she only allowed Civilian students to stay there while the other students did not, it would inevitably cause Civilian students to feel inferior. If we all live together in school, can we get rid of this feeling? "

Shen He dragged her chin, and immediately recorded this matter in her mind. He was prepared to return home to discuss it with her brother.

Gong Zi Ya could not help but ask: "If the school had additional dormitories, would that be mandatory?"

"Not necessarily. In a special situation like yours, naturally you wouldn't force it. " Shen He explained, "I just feel that a while ago, the cracks between the noble children and the Civilian students needed to be repaired. Because you will all be pillars of the Our He Family in the future, maintaining this kind of enmity will actually be detrimental to your future development. You must know that in the future, if you are not working in the He Family, you will be working under the jurisdiction of those families. You might even end up working in a clan that is prejudiced against you. At that time, how can they reuse you when they are prejudiced? Then everything that you all learned in the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy would be wasted? "

Shen He's words were suddenly filled with wisdom, causing Gong Zi Ya to instantly understand many things.

Gong Zi Ya said with an ashamed face: "It's all my fault! These two incidents were caused by me and have nothing to do with the civilian alliance! They were implicated by me! "

"This sort of thing will happen sooner or later. It's just that your matter has become an opportunity." Yu Xiao Wan said to Gong Zi Ya: "The two completely different cultures and concepts will collide, and the two completely different backgrounds will also collide. This is inevitable. It's just that this time, the explosion was too intense and too quick, we didn't even have time to react. "

Shen He nodded in agreement, "Yes, so you don't have to blame yourself too much. I saw that video. It was clearly edited. She only edited what you said about attacking noble students, but didn't a

ounce that you are sure of their side. This person had ulterior motives. She was deliberately provoking trouble. No one knew who it was, but it was obvious that they had such malicious thoughts and were purposely instigating a war. The question is, what benefits will she get from the two of you fighting? "

Yu Xiao Wan agreed, "That's right. This is also something that I don't fully understand. What good will a war between two classes do her? "

Shen He and Yu Xiao Wan shook their heads and sighed, saying, "This person's insight is too shallow, making him look bad is extremely useful. She only knew how to trample on others and humiliate them, but she didn't know how to use others. Even if she was the heir of a certain family, her family wouldn't go that far. This style is too terrible! "

Gong Zi Ya listened to Shen He's evaluation of the person who secretly posted the video. She had a complicated feeling in her heart, she did not know what to say anymore.

Could it really be because their positions were different that their eyes were different?

At this time, Shi Ran came out of the kitchen with a plate in his hands. On the plate were a few fruits that he had just cut earlier, and he said with a smile: "Come, let's talk while we eat."

Gong Zi Ya looked at Shi Ran in shock, "Ah? When did you get the fruit? "

Shi Ran smiled and said: "I just went out to buy some fruits."

Gong Zi Ya's face reddened, and said: "Sorry, it was my negligence, I forgot to buy fruit."

Yu Xiao Wan and Shen He shook their heads at the same time.

As you can see, our family's financial situation is indeed a bit poor, so we rarely buy fruit. Even if we did, we would only buy a few cheaper fruits. Gong Zi Ya explained: "I had originally wanted to buy some fruits to entertain you all, but before I even had the chance to go out, you all came over. I'm so sorry! "

"It doesn't matter at all." Shen He waved her hand while beaming: "We won't mind this kind of thing."

Shi Ran placed the fruit on the table and said: "The suggestion you made just now is very good. I also feel that I can report it to Director. As a student, living in the dorms of a school seemed to be a matter of course. It's just that most of us skip this step because we have decent family conditions. However, I have to admit that living in the dormitory with other students can really deepen our relationship a bit. "

Shen He smacked the table and said: "Alright, I'll personally mention this matter to my mother."

Yu Xiao Wan added: "We can also make appropriate adjustments, and do not need to live in the school every week. This way, it will be convenient for many students who are inconvenient to stay in the school, such as Zia, who can take leave at any time or be allowed to continue studying."

Shen He and Shi Ran both nodded their heads in agreement.

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