"Sorry, a call first." Shen He released Prince Qiao Er, and turned to take the phone from the servant. When she saw the number, he was startled, and immediately said to Prince Qiao Er: "Big brother Qiao Er, you are really godly, I made you calculate correctly! It's Ai Di Lun. "

Qiao Er's green eyes curved, the way he smiled was extremely comfortable.

Shen He picked up the phone, and Ai Di Lun's voice sounded very excited on the phone, "Xiao He, you came to E Nation, why didn't you tell me? We can come back together! My dad saw you today and said you were even cuter than he thought! I'd like to invite you to my house, would you mind? "

Shen He replied: "Eh ?? Forget about being a guest. I only came here to have fun, not to do business visits. Besides, the one who inherited the Our He Family's family business was brother, not me. I'm not interested in these things either. "

"This is not a business opportunity, this is just an invitation from a classmate. Don't think too much. You see, when I was at Rui He Academy, I was taken care of by you guys, so I never really expressed my gratitude. Now that all of you are in my territory, of course I have to do my host's duty. " Ai Di Lun quickly explained. "I don't have any other intentions, just feel free to do whatever you want. It's just a little gathering between us students, there's no other meaning to it."

Shen He asked as she looked at Prince Qiao Er, who nodded slightly.

Shen He said, "Sure. "Then we'll just visit as classmates."

Ai Di Lun was overjoyed upon hearing Shen He's reply. She happily hung up the phone and went to prepare.

Shen He kept the phone and said: "I've let you say everything! Alright, then let's work hard to stop Ai Di, and match our big brother to Xiao Wan! "

After saying that, Shen He clenched her fists and made a gesture to cheer.

"Alright, then rest early. "Good night." Prince Qiao Er raised his hand and caressed Shen He's head.

"Good night." Shen He replied with a smile.

After sending off Prince Qiao Er, Shen He returned to his room.

The servants slept in the outer room, while Shen He slept in the i

er room, it was convenient for him to take care of her.

He slept soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly, soundly ??

The next morning, as soon as Shen He opened her eyes, she could smell the fragrant smell coming from outside. She could not help but yawn and come out, "Auntie, you prepared breakfast so early ??"

Shen He's words came to an abrupt end.

The person who was busy working in the kitchen was not his family's servant, but Qiao Er.

Prince Qiao Er was wearing an apron and had rolled up his sleeves as he fried eggs for Shen He.

The scene of the immortal Prince Qiao Er wearing an apron and frying eggs, ah ah ah ah, I really want to scream!

He was simply too handsome!

"Morning!" Hearing Shen He's voice, Qiao Er turned around and greeted her with a smile. "Go and wash up, we'll be able to eat breakfast later."

Only then did Shen He react as she ran out in her pajamas. She immediately let out a scream and ran back home with a wow!

Ah ah ah, I'm going to die!

How could he be so embarrassed in front of Big Brother Qiao Er?

Qiao Er looked at Shen He and immediately laughed.

Shen He rushed into the washroom, quickly washed up, and changed her clothes before daring to come out.

"Big Brother Qiao Er, why are you here?" Shen He sat at the dining table and could not help but ask.

"Your brother told me that he didn't have time to accompany you to breakfast, so he asked me to come and accompany you." Prince Qiao Er brought two sets of very fine breakfast and handed one to Shen He, saying: "Your cooking is not good, don't mind it."

How was this considered bad craftsmanship?

This is almost a work of art, okay?

The servants came over, giggling and handing over fresh milk and plates of fruit.

Shen He was indeed a little hungry, thus she did not bother to be courteous to Prince Qiao Er, picked up her knife and fork, and started to eat.

After eating his fill, Shen He, who had no conscience, asked: "What is my brother busy with? You're not eating breakfast with me so early in the morning? "

"It seems to be related to the royal family." Prince Qiao Er lowered his head and slowly ate, and answered: "Probably related to a Princess Ina. "Don't ask, your brother knows what he's doing."

"Oh." Shen He nodded: "Then where are we going after breakfast?"

Prince Qiao Er put down the knife and fork in his hand, and picked up the napkin with the corner of his mouth. He was waiting for Shen He to say that!

"Our country Y and E are different countries. We have different feelings, but there is one thing that is similar. That is, we have picturesque scenery. In the past, he had been to a place in E Country. It was picturesque and extremely beautiful. It's not too far from here. It's only an hour or two away by car, would you like to come with me and take a look? "

"Alright!" Shen He's eyes lit up. She had originally pla

ed to come here to play, and also play with her brother and Xiao Wan!

Right now, Prince Qiao Er was playing around with him, so it couldn't be any better!

Thus, after finishing his meal, Shen He sent Shen Rui a message and happily followed Prince Qiao Er out to play.

Before the two of them had walked far, Ai Di Lun's phone call came in again. "Xiao He, where have you been? Why is there no one in the hotel? "

Shen He's face was gloomy, this Ai Di was really like a lingering spirit!

Hmm, since big brother is with Xiao Wan, I must not let this Ai Di disturb Xiao Wan and big brother no matter what.

Shen He immediately replied: I'm with big brother Qiao Er, I don't know where he went with Xiao Wan. Big Brother Qiao Er and I are going to take a look at the scenery, do you want to come along? "

"Good, good, good." Ai Di immediately replied.

He didn't care where Yu Xiao Wan went from the start, and the person he liked wasn't Yu Xiao Wan!

That Prince Qiao Er was indeed a little troublesome, if he was an ordinary person, then it would be fine. However, he was a second prince, and one that had a lot of influence in the country at that.

Un, that's alright. Let's have a fair competition then!

After a while, Ai Di Lun, the super light bulb, caught up with him in his RV.

When Shen He saw Ai Di's caravan, she immediately shouted: "Whoa, what a grand show!"

On the other hand, Shen He and Prince Qiao Er had only driven a few normal SUVs, it couldn't be any simpler.

These two teams were not on the same level at all!

Shen He pursed her lips, it was just a tour of the outskirts, why would they fight so hard? Was this Nightmare's plan?

Prince Qiao Er held Shen He's hand and walked towards Ai Di Lun. When Ai Di Lun got off the car, he walked over and said: ", welcome to our travelling party."

Ai Di Lun's gaze immediately fell on the hand that Prince Qiao Er and Shen He were holding.

Although the two of them only held onto the wrist in a simple and friendly ma

er, and did not clasp onto it like lovers, Ai Di Lun's heart still felt a little stifled as he watched on.

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