Yu Xiao Wan immediately laughed: "You are pursuing someone else because of your freedom, what need is there to tell me? I'm not your person, so you don't need my permission. "

With that, Yu Xiao Wan turned and left.

Zhu Ge You You stopped Yu Xiao Wan all of a sudden, and looked at her with a wronged expression: "Xiao Wan, we have been friends for so many years, and I only have this one request, agree to it. You don't know, I've liked Shen Rui since I was young. When I was young, I didn't know anything, so I couldn't tell him. Now that everyone has grown up, you have also discovered that many people in Ruihe Aristocrat Academy are staring at him. "

"And then?" Yu Xiao Wan asked in reply: "It's still not related to me."

"I know it has nothing to do with you. However, Shen Rui doesn't seem to hate you. " Zhu Ge You You said with tears in her eyes: "If he were to ask you out, can you give me the chance? I know that you are a princess of E Kingdom, and your marriage doesn't count at all. You and Shen Rui won't have any results either. And I can! My marriage is autonomous! I can be with Shen Rui! "

Yu Xiao Wan opened her mouth, and in the end said helplessly: "Alright, if Shen Rui wishes to invite me, I will bring you along. As for whether or not I can catch up to him, that's your problem, and I can't help him. "

"Xiao Wan, you are great! You really are the best princess in the world! " Zhu Ge You You was extremely happy when she finally got to Yu Xiao Wan's loosen mouth. She held Yu Xiao Wan's hand and said affectionately: "If I ever marry Shen Rui, I will definitely be grateful to you!"

Yu Xiao Wan wanted to pull back her hand, but she was helpless as Zhu Ge You You's grip was too tight.

After going back, Zhu Ge You You looked forward to it day and night, hoping that Shen Rui would go on a date with Yu Xiao Wan, so that she could follow along with him.

But even after waiting for several days, Shen Rui did not make a move. Zhu Ge You You was starting to get impatient from waiting.

On this day, Zhu Ge You You was really unable to endure it any longer and went to the second grade. She wanted to ask if Yu Xiao Wan had been looking for her recently.

However, she wasn't even in her second year of high school when she was stopped.

Zhu Ge You You asked: "We can always come before, why can't we come today?"

She was told: "Now the management is borrowing a conference room in the second year of high school to have a meeting! The others went out. If you have something to say, you should come back another day. "

"The management meeting in the conference room of the second year of high school?" Zhu Ge You You asked curiously: "What meeting?"

"Issues relating to the admission of middle-class students to the National Day Examination. Alright, I won't tell you anymore, hurry up and go back. " The other party said, "I'm going to be busy too."

With that, the man closed the door.

Zhu Ge You You looked at the glass door as it slowly closed, the doubts in his heart unable to be hidden.

At this moment, in the senior year's conference room, the school's management staff had all arrived.

Shen Rui and Shen He were among them.

Shen Qi sat on the seat of Director and was listening to the principal's report.

The Principal then compiled the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy's big data for the past few years and explained them one by one, "Director, please take a look. Ruihe Aristocrat Academy's student sources are generally as such these past few years. "Our student base is very scattered. After all, they are only a few in the middle class, and they are not specialized for managerial positions."

Shen Qi nodded.

The principal continued, "Regarding the targeted expansion of the school's student recruitment, the school has made this kind of setting. The students recruited by the expansion are specifically groomed, and after enjoying the school's resources for free, they have to go to a few large companies to work for them. "

Shen Qi said: "Does anyone else have any additional opinions?"

Shen Rui raised his hand.

Shen Qi called out: "He Shen Rui, speak."

Shen Rui stood up, left his seat and stood at the principal's seat. After putting on the wireless microphone, he said: "Everyone, this is what I think. Our Ruihe Aristocrat Academy's initial goal was to train outstanding successors and successors for our families. It was not impossible to say that this goal had always been carried out. But since the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy had gone from being a targeted organization to a listed company, then not only was the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy a targeted organization, it was also a listed company. As long as the enterprise, must carry on the pluralistic management and open source. I think we can relax the conditions a little bit more when we first set the threshold for an open middle class, "he said.

"Go on." Shen Qi nodded.

"Since you've already relaxed to the middle class, why can't you relax a little more? Among the common people, there were many children with excellent conditions. Their future entry into society was a very powerful pillar. If guided, they might be able to reach the position of senior management. The social class is fixed, it is very difficult to break through this barrier. What we need to do now is to break this barrier and give them a chance to climb the mountain. Of course, this was not an opportunity that could be given to him for free. They had to put in ten or even a hundred times more effort than ordinary people in order to obtain it. In return, they will also have the opportunity to enter the ranks of the future middle class and even the rich. Do you think they will cherish such opportunities? "

"My specific vision is this. The first step was to enlarge the number of people who would be taking the National Day examination from the middle class to the ordinary class. Select the best students from among them for special enrollment. The specially recruited students want to sign a contract with us. When they are going to be employed in the future, they will give priority to our family of shareholders. After we give up, they will have the right to choose their own jobs. Second, He's Consortium can take out a subsidiary company and absorb these people to further refine and extract them. This way, they will be able to more meet the requirements of the enterprise. "

"The third step is to further develop and develop the post in a timely ma

er. In case of further study, the choice may be made on its own or through training. This contract had to be further refined. It was very likely that the other party would be able to obtain a lifetime contract and become the backbone of the He's Consortium. The training target for walking to the post was placed at the middle level and below. These locations were also very important. They were like screws, unremarkable on the surface, but they could not be used when they were missing. These positions will also have to refine the contract, but they may not be able to get a permanent contract. "

"Fourth step. Through these people, we can absorb and store more people so that more and more people can see the bright spots of the various subsidiaries under the He's Consortium, and take the initiative to join our He's Consortium to create more wealth, forming a virtuous circle. These are my first thoughts. "Thank you."

After Shen Rui finished speaking, he immediately stood up and clapped.

Brother is great!

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