"Mr. Shen Si and I are i

ocent. Until then, we hadn't even crossed paths. That year, when the Mei Family did all this to me, Mr. Shen Si was moved by it and helped me a little, but he did not take any credit from me and we quickly got out of contact. It was only today, five years later, when I, who did not have any foundation or co

ections, was forced to ask for help from Mr. Shen Si for the sake of my child, that we were implicated once again. So, how i

ocent was Mr. Shen Si? This is just a bad debt between me and Mei Family, what right do you have to be so confident that you can base your selfish desire on Mr. Shen Si's kindness and sincerity? Why did you moral kidnap a good man? Is this what you call a friend? "

"Mei Cong Lin kept on saying that he was Mr. Shen Si's friend, but for the rest of you, do you think that your friends are indifferent to you? I don't want to talk about what happened that year. Just right now. Mei Family and I are already clear about each other, clearly separated from each other. Do I have the freedom to fall in love with anyone? Do I have custody of the children? Why would the Mei Family interfere with my freedom and rights? Mei Family, do you really think that you are the local tyrant, omnipotent? Even the freedom of marriage of unrelated people has to be interfered with? "

"Shi Ran is my son, and he is in my account book. I am his 100% guardian. All of you wanted to take him away without my permission. Do you people of Mei Family have any laws in your eyes? " Shi Yi Jin's words were so sharp that Mei Ling and Mei Cong Lin were unable to say a word.

Shi Yi Jin took the initiative to uncover all the scars he had left back then, and those who did not know of it, instantly burst into an uproar.

This was especially so for the ladies, who felt sympathy for Shi Yi Jin, hence they all stood up to speak for her: "This is really interesting! There was no lack of shameless people in this world! It was bad enough that he had concealed his married identity to be in love with someone else. Would he still have the face to ask for custody of the child after he was pregnant and forced to beat the child up? You truly have no sense of shame! "

"No wonder the people of the Mei Family have always kept this matter a secret. We misunderstood Miss Shi. This kind of thing, let alone a person without any co

ections or foundation, even if we were to encounter something like this, we would be so furious that our lungs would explode. The people of Mei Family sure have a lot of face! "

"I've also heard that the Mei Family has always been a pure and i

ocent place, and every one of them is a righteous man. But now, it seems, it's not even as good as us! A hypocrite is not even as good as us vile people! "

"That's right!" The more self-conscious the family, the more filthy ~! I am also a mother, I hate such a face the most! Let's not talk about the fact that a girl who was ruined by such a waste still wants to take away her only remaining son. Where is her conscience? "

"I feel that Mr. Shen Si is the real man! Despite knowing Miss Shi's situation, he still followed her without hesitation. Well, I believe in love again! "

The sound of everyone discussing with one voice after another burrowed itself into Mei Cong Lin's ears. Mei Cong Lin's body trembled, and he almost fell down on the spot!

He never thought that this would be the result!

No, it shouldn't be like this!

Mei Ling suddenly held Mei Cong Lin, and looked at him worriedly: "Father?"

Mei Cong Lin gently shook his head, raised his head and looked at Shen Si: "Are you really determined to be with her?"

Shen Si arrogantly replied: "Yes! Furthermore, no one could take Shi Ran away without permission! My Shen family will take care of this matter! "

Mei Ling also asked, "Even if Auntie disagrees?"

"I will get her to agree! That is my problem, please do not exceed your authority. " Shen Si looked at Mei Ling with a cold gaze. "Miss Mei, please don't come near me from now on. I already have a girlfriend. I don't want my girlfriend to worry about me. I'll be responsible for her all my life. From today onwards, there will be no other woman besides her at my side. "

Mei Ling's face suddenly turned incomparably pale. His lips moved, but in the end, he did not say a single word.

Shi Yi Jin was moved, and looked at Shen Si gently.

Shen Si held Shi Yi Jin's hand, placed it on his lips, and sincerely kissed.

Because of love, they were willing to stay together for the rest of their lives.

Because of love, he was willing to have only one woman in his entire life.

Because of love, the three thousand people who drown only get one ladle of water.

Shi Yi Jin replied gently, "Thank you, thank you for your love. The old days had been lived up to. "Now, I am willing to be gentle to you towards the future, towards the years to come."

After Shen Si heard this, he instantly burst into laughter.

Everyone present understood.

It was true love.

Only true love would have such a gentle look in its eyes.

This kind of gaze was something that couldn't be faked.

Everyone applauded and wished them well at the same time.

Mei Cong Lin and Mei Ling stood alone in the midst of the crowd.

From today onwards, the Mei Family that Mei Cong Lin represented could be considered to have a completely ruined reputation.

Even Mai Ling would be affected. He would no longer have a place in the upper class.

Mei Cong Lin and Mei Ling really did not have the face to continue staying in this place, so when they saw that group of people sending their blessings to Shen Si and Shi Yi Jin, they could only dejectedly leave this venue.

Shi Yi Jin turned his head to look for a long time, but didn't find any trace of them.

If they were to give up, it could be considered as having something on their minds.

He was afraid ??

Forget it, let's just deal with it.

It was originally a normal banquet, but after this incident, it had almost become a public meeting of the relationship between Shen Si and Shen Si.

After the banquet ended, Shen Si drove Shi Yi Jin home.

On the way back, Shi Yi Jin couldn't help but ask: "Is it worth it?"

Shen Si laughed: "What do you think? We're not kids anymore. We know what to do and what not to do, don't we? "

Shi Yi Jin also laughed softly.

The two stopped talking, but silence was better than sound.

Because Shen Si had publicly revealed his feelings, the news quickly spread to the ears of the Fourth Aunt, and also spread to the Shen family which was far away in the northeast.

Fourth Aunt was so angry that she almost went mad.

She was just about to call Shen Si and curse him.

Without waiting for her call, Old Lady Shen called first.

When Fourth Aunt saw that it was her mother-in-law's phone call, she immediately picked it up. "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Are you going to settle things with Fourth Bro?" Old Lady Shen was currently very energetic, so he did not beat around the bush with his daughter-in-law and went straight to the point. "Fourth Elder has already reported this to me, don't ask too much about his marriage. Don't get involved unless you intend to keep Fourth Bro married for the rest of your life. Fourth Bro is already over thirty years old, so he's pretty good at doing things. "

"Mom!" Fourth Aunt was stu

ed: "You agree? That Shi Yi Jin... "

Old Lady Shen replied in a domineering tone: "Our Shen Family, what else is unacceptable? Xiao Liu and Chong Ming's wedding is coming up, why can't I accept a mere Shi Yi Jin? If you dare to denounce someone, don't call me mother! "

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