Archer looked at the mines and wondered how it was still standing, but that's when he saw a weird white pillar running up the walls.

He noticed the chamber was dark but had no problem seeing anything, thanks to his dragon eyes.

The chamber was empty, so he approached the white pillar and poked it. When he did that, he felt a sticky substance and was baffled.

Archer shrugged before trying to cast Gate, which opened but instantly closed as something blocked it.

That's when he tried using the bracelet or dragon tattoos to summon the girls, but nothing. It didn't activate.

After that, he tried to teleport to the domain but wasn't allowed and thought about the time he was trapped in the Nether Realm.

Archer thinks it is the same thing and stops thinking about it as he walks down one of the tunnels, hoping to find the girls.

The ominous surroundings pressed in on him as he ventured further down the dark tunnel.

Aura Detector flared to life, emitting a series of rapid pings warning him about an incoming threat.

The unnerving sound of scuttling, reminiscent of many legs moving swiftly, echoed from the tunnel's depths, intensifying with each passing moment.

The sound got closer, and the dark tunnel ahead swarmed with beetle-like creatures on every surface.

Archer's eyes widened at the sight of the approaching horde, their dark carapaces reflecting the eerie glow of his violet eyes.

In response, a mischievous grin played on Archer's lips as he embraced the incoming challenge.

That's when he unleashed a barrage of Eldritch Blasts. The violet blasts streaked through the tunnel, illuminating the darkness as they met the approaching swarm of beetles head-on.

When the spell collided with the beasts, it created explosions of mana that sent shockwaves echoing through the confined space.

Archer skillfully aimed at the oncoming horde and spammed Eldritch Blasts, striking multiple targets.

The tunnel shook with the chaos of his attack, the beetles screeching and hissing as they met their demise.

Despite the overwhelming numbers, Archer stood his ground. The horde, though numerous, began to thin under the relentless barrage.

His grin persisted, a mixture of confidence and amusement as he continued to spam Eldritch Blast into the beetles.

The tunnel briefly quieted as the last beetles fell to his spell. The once bustling scuttling sounds were replaced by the fading echoes of the beetle's bodies sizzling.

Archer continued walking down the tunnel but didn't see anything else, so he checked his status.

[Experience: 2645000/4000000]

[Strength: 26700>26900]

[Constitution: 25200>25300]

[Stamina: 25700>26000]

[Intelligence: 25950>26050]

Holding her tight, she cast a spell that allowed her to breathe and see underwater. Sera opened her eyes, saw darkness below her, and she panicked.

Teuila sighed before speaking, "Stop flapping around like a fish. You'll be fine if you stay close to me."

As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted it as the dragon girl clung to her like a baby monkey and refused to let go.

She shook her head, looking at her amusedly before flicking her forehead. "You silly dragon, stop acting so dramatic. It's not like you're going to drown."

"Shut up, Teuila. I'm a dragon, not a fish or sea serpent. How do you expect me to act when I'm suddenly dumped in cold water?" Sera snapped back, though she continued clinging onto the Aquarian.

As they floated in the water, Sera continued to rant about being a soaking wet dragon, her words pouring out in a continuous stream.

Clinging onto Teuila, she expressed her displeasure at the experience. Meanwhile, Teuila calmly looked around and commented, "This is very deep. It's like an underground sea."

However, Sera was too absorbed in her rant to pay much attention, and her words flowed on, oblivious to the aquatic surroundings Teuila observed.

"I can't believe I'm all wet! Dragons aren't supposed to get wet, you know? It's undignified, and my scales won't be the same for days. And my wings, oh, don't get me started on my wings. How am I supposed to fly with waterlogged wings? Ugh!"

Teuila listened with amusement and patience, occasionally looking around the underwater expanse.

They both tried teleporting the dragon tattoo to the domain, but it didn't work, which baffled the ocean princess.

Sera's rants echoed through the submerged cavern. The redhead looked down at the darkness and bit Teuila when she saw how dark it was.

Her actions caused the blue-haired girl to scream out. ''Ouch! Why are you biting me? Are you a wild beast?''

"Teuila! Teuila! What if there's something down there? I can't see a thing, and it's so deep! What if there are sea monsters or... or something worse? We could get lost forever!" Sera's panicked voice echoed through the watery expanse.

Teuila glanced down and sighed. "Sera, it's just the natural darkness of the underwater world. There's nothing to worry about. We have to swim down to reach wherever this leads."

[Nefertiti & Hecate's POV]

The two girls found themselves in a mysterious underground forest. Nefertiti sat up and surveyed her surroundings.

All she could see were dense trees stretching as far as her eyes could discern, leaving her puzzled about their location.

Nefertiti tried teleporting to the domain, but it didn't work, which annoyed her because it always worked when she tried it.

Spotting Hecate lying unconscious, she got to her feet and approached the moon elf. Crouching down, she called out, "Hecate, wake up! We've been separated from the others.

As Hecate regained her senses, she looked around the unfamiliar, creepy forest. The gnarled trees stretched endlessly into the darkness above.

The branches cast eerie shadows on the uneven ground, creating a creepy, depressive atmosphere that unsettled the entire place.

Nefertiti glanced around, her succubus instincts tingling with curiosity and wariness.

The dim light filtering through the twisted branches created a haunting ambiance, with unsettled whispers and rustling leaves adding to the mysterious aura.

"This place is... strange," Nefertiti commented, her gaze flickering between the tree trunks. "I've never seen anything like it. It's like a nightmare forest."

Hecate, now fully awake, surveyed their surroundings with wonder and concern. "Nightmare forest indeed. What happened? Where are the others?"

Nefertiti shook her head, expressing uncertainty. "I'm not sure. We were with the group one moment, and the next... here. We need to find the others and figure out where we are.''

The moon elf agreed, and the two started searching for the others but soon stopped when Hecate heard something surrounding them.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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