Once Archer finished singing, the lounge was silent, and he found everyone staring at him with shock in their eyes.

Expressions of amazement and wonderment played across the faces of the crowd.

Some exchanged wide-eyed glances while others leaned forward, unable to tear their gaze away from him.

He shrugged and walked toward Nefertiti, who had the same look on her face. Archer sat down and got comfortable before drinking some wine.

Archer sensed the depth of her gaze, a look brimming with profound love. It was an intense love emanating a warmth deep into his soul.

Before he could respond to the unspoken exchange, Nefertiti's voice, soft and filled with admiration, broke the brief silence.

"That song was so good. Where is it from?" Her eyes sparkled with genuine curiosity.

He smiled before answering as he finished some wine. ''It was from my childhood back on Earth, and I changed some words around to fit these lands.''

Nefertiti grinned while sipping her wine, and Archer couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes from those around them, causing him to chuckle.

Their conversation continued until the same waitress approached, a friendly smile on her face as she addressed Nefertiti. "Princess, have you and your husband finished?"

She nodded her head as Archer asked the young woman. ''How much for the meal?''

''One hundred gold, my prince.'' The waitress answered as she was putting their empty plates on the trolley.

Archer, satisfied after the meal, handed the waitress a pouch with the coins in it. As she took it, her eyes widened, and a genuine smile spread across her face.

"Thank you," she said, her appreciation evident.

Excitement brimming, the waitress leaned in, her voice hushed with admiration. "Your voice is incredible. Our manager would like to meet you. Would you consider dropping by?"

The unexpected compliment caught Archer off guard, but he was about to reply when Nefertiti answered. ''Yes, let's go now. I want to get home before the snow starts.''

When the waitress heard this, she grew confused and asked in a curious voice. ''Sorry for being rude, princess. But Zenia doesn't get snow? Only the moon elf lands in the far north.''

The pink-haired girl giggled before replying with pride in her tone. ''I live with my husband past The Lunaris Empire. We study at the College of Magic in the Land of Plenty.''

Following their conversation, the pink-haired girl rose, and Archer quickly followed suit as they were guided to the manager's office.

When they entered the room, Archer found himself in a beautifully styled office adorned with detailed hieroglyphics and golden accents.

The room exuded an air of regality, with ornate furniture and a bookshelf with perfectly organized cookbooks.

The scent of exotic incense lingered in the air, adding to the peaceful feeling of the room, and he decided to find out what they were.

Nefertiti wouldn't let him go as she held onto him with a smile. When they appeared in the living room, Archer closed his eyes to scan for the other girls.

He found each one asleep as Hecate was awake with Stella and Eione making potions for the shop.

Once Archer did that, he let Nefertiti drag him toward her bedroom. She turned to him with a smile as she spoke seductively. ''I have a promise to keep.''

After hearing her speak, he stripped out of his clothes under the lust-filled eyes of Nefertiti, whose eyes started to glow.

She told him to sit down as she got on her knees in front of him, which sent Archer's lust soaring, and he wanted to ravage the succubus.

Before Nefertiti started anything she leaned up and stole his lips with a passionate kiss which he happily returned while cupping her cheeks.

[The Pope's POV]

In a rage, the Pope slammed his fist on the desk, the force shattering it into pieces and sending splinters flying all over his office.

Madness glinted in his eyes as he seethed, "How dare that lizard insult my family! He will pay for his insults! Summon the Inquisitors!!"

The command echoed through the room, sending a chilling atmosphere as the Pope's fury reached its zenith.

His assistant hurried out of the room, searching for the Inquisitor commander, eventually locating him in the guard room.

The commander stood at an impressive seven feet, boasting a muscular build, blonde hair, and a sizable grey beard.

Spotting the commander, the assistant hastened towards him. "My Lord, the Pope has summoned you."

The man nodded before following him. When they were walking, the Inquisitor asked in a bored voice. ''What's happened now? Did he find another innocent village to burn? A woman with the power to cover the world in darkness?''

When the assistant heard this, he shook his head. He knew the commander hated the Pope but was committed to his job.

So he quickly replied. ''Well, he was contacted by the white dragon, which made him extremely angry.''

The corridor leading to the Pope's office was adorned with intricate religious decorations, and the air was thick with an almost sacred atmosphere.

But the two men ignored it, entered the Pope's office, and saw him sitting there with a look of rage.

When he saw the Inquisitor, he smiled, giving the man his orders. ''Hunt down the white dragon and bring him here alive.''

The commander nodded his head with a smile as he wanted to hunt this dragon down for years.

After that, the Pope spoke. ''He's a menace, Gregory. You must be careful with him as he is very sneaky and always surrounded by guards.

Once the talk was over, the commander traveled around the central continent, recruiting people to help him.

Three months passed as they traveled across the sea on a mana ship heading for the western continent Pluoria.

The Pope gave them information that the dragon was fighting in the Arcane Tournament and that he would be easy to find.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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