A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 499 The Arcane Tournament

Chapter 499 The Arcane Tournament

Archer's eyes widened, taking in the details of the tragic events. The people's desperate struggle and the valiant attempts to fight the creatures unfolded before him.

He delved into accounts of families escaping the continent, witnessing the heart-wrenching scenes of fellow citizens being dragged away, kicking and screaming.

The book narrated stories of kings making their last stands, fighting to buy time for their families and people to escape.

The revelation surprised Archer. He found it hard to believe there was a lost continent to the west.

Once vibrant and full of life like Pluoria, it now had fallen to the relentless advance of the Swarm.

It was a story of courage, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of those who faced an unimaginable threat.

Discovering that the Swarm had the potential to devour an entire continent left Archer awestruck.

He found an account that disclosed how they first took hold in a small kingdom, where darkness spread relentlessly like an unstoppable tide.

Upon receiving this information, soldiers from the neighboring realms were sent to investigate, only to mysteriously vanish.

His gaze widened as he delved further into the accounts detailing the valiant efforts of the kings and generals trying to repel the Swarm in bloody battles.

Archer uncovered a gripping account of how the kingdoms were overwhelmed despite joining forces with their neighbors.

Despite unity, the relentless waves of ghouls appeared insurmountable and overwhelmed all that stood before them.

He grew curious when he read more about the ghouls who were the main attackers until the Ratlings appeared.

In the following paragraph, the unsettling truth unveiled itself – the ghouls were once captured humanoids subjected to sinister and malevolent experiments.

They were twisted and turned into the vile ghouls who turned around and attacked the remaining kingdoms.

The chilling revelation made Archer shudder, grappling with the implications of the twisted plans behind the creation of these creatures.

The book portrayed a bleak picture of a chaotic world where alliances crumbled before an enemy was born from below.

Archer continued reading until the class bell rang, and Sera started poking his cheek, pulling him out of the book and back to reality.

Shaking his head, he apologized, "Sorry, I got carried away. Some of the things the survivors saw affected them until the day they passed away."

Nefertiti commented as she turned to him, "Why do you read such things? It's in the past and should stay there."

Just as he was about to reply, the Professor interrupted. "Well, as you know, history regularly repeats itself. Look at what happened a while back. It could have been another Placidia again, but you stopped."

The man directed his gaze towards Archer after speaking, who acknowledged with a nod before rising to return the book.

However, the Professor halted him with an upheld hand. "Keep it. It will prove useful."

"Time for class, handsome," she teased, giving him a wink before Nefertiti stepped forward with a confident smile.

"See you later, husband. I will meet you before our date." Nefertiti said before she headed to her class.

A bit stunned by the sudden turn of events, Archer looked at Sera with an amused expression before he offered his arm. "Shall we, then?"

Sera grinned, intertwining her arm with his. "Absolutely."

As they walked down the sunlit corridors of the academy, the air hummed with the excitement of a new day.

His expression was thoughtful, and Archer glanced at the vibrant tapestries adorning the walls.

Their laughter echoed through the halls until they reached the imposing door of the Spellcraft classroom. Archer held the door open for Sera, and they entered the room together.

The scent of ancient tomes and the faint aroma of mystical herbs filled the air as they reached empty seats.

Professor Jade Ashguard commanded the front of the room. Archer's gaze shifted toward her, noticing the green dress that clung to her curves.

Her massive boobs swayed with each subtle movement, and her well-suited short brown hair framed her face gracefully.

Archer stood in the doorway, deep in contemplation, until Sera playfully poked him in the side with a giggle.

"Stop lusting after your aunt, you naughty dragon," she teased.

Chuckling, Archer shook his head, dispelling his reverie, and followed the redhead as she walked past him to take a seat.

Taking their seats, they noticed more students entering the classroom and finding their places.

He noticed the lion boy accompanied by his two fiancées. They exchanged smiles with Archer and Sera before settling down at the desk adjacent to theirs.

As the room filled, all the students took their places, their anticipation growing as they awaited the professor's address.

The Spellcraft classroom buzzed eagerly as the air hummed with electric energy, and Professor Jade Ashguard stood at the front, a spark of enthusiasm in her eyes.

"Good morning, students!" she greeted with a wide smile. "I hope you all had a restful night because today marks the beginning of something truly fantastic."

The room hushed, attention captured, as Professor Ashguard paced in front of the class. "I'm thrilled to announce the upcoming Arcane Tournament!"

Excitement filled the room as she shared the news. "The Arcane Tournament is a big deal, bringing in participants from all over Pluoria. It's even more exciting this year because the top three hundred students selected will get to represent our continent in the Celestial Magic Tournament!''

A collective gasp swept through the room. Archer exchanged a surprised glance with Sera, both captivated by the unexpected twist.

Professor Ashguard continued, her voice resonating with excitement. "The Celestial Magic Tournament awaits in the Nightshade Empire on the central continent. It's a chance to showcase your strength on an international stage. The prestigious event will draw the attention of renowned magical scholars, emperors, kings, and all sorts of people.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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