Teuila held onto Archer's hand tightly as they shot through the water, their fingers intertwined.

He was amazed by the way she moved through the water, reminding him of a certain superhero from Earth who also flew through the water.

All around them, schools of fish, beautiful reefs, and large whale-like beasts swam by.

Archer wondered how he was able to breathe or avoid being crushed, but before he could ask, he heard Teuila's warm Aquarian accent, which he has started to love.

"By holding your hand, I can keep you safe in the depths. Just don't let go," Teuila answered with a big smile before he could even ask.

Teuila suddenly accelerated, her body slicing through the water like a knife as he spotted small Aquarian settlements dotted along the ocean floor.

The structures were adorned with beautiful shells and colorful coral, and Archer couldn't help but marvel at their intricate designs.

As they neared one of the settlements, she started to slow down. A crowd had gathered outside, watching them with curiosity as they entered a bubble-like area where he could breathe normally.

Teuila waved at them, and they responded with friendly gestures. The crowd started whispering, Archer couldn't help but hear their conversation.

"Is that him?" one of them asked.

"Yes, he's the Hero of Aquaria. He has the four horns and scales," another replied.

"I heard rumors that the princess will be engaged to him at the celebration," a third person added, expressing their hopes.

When he heard the crowd murmur his gaze turned toward Teuila as she spoke to a group of elders.

He couldn't help but be drawn to her muscular body and large boobs, he found himself thinking that she was drop-dead gorgeous.

Her light blue hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, and her piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through him.

Archer's mind began to wander, finding himself imagining what it would be like to have her as his wife.

The thought of waking up next to her every morning, running his hands through her hair, and feeling her body next to him made his heart beat quicker.

His gaze lingered on Teuila, as his thoughts turned to Ella, the woman who held a special place in his heart.

That's when Archer started to consider a harem, which he had seen in many novels and anime he watched, he couldn't help but wonder why he accepted it so easily.

On Earth, the idea of having multiple wives was considered taboo, but here it seemed to be just another aspect of everyday life for rich nobles.

As he grappled with his confusion, a sudden truth dawned on him: he was no longer the same person he once was.

The Thrylos Archer had never experienced love and only saw Ella as a friend, whereas Earth Archer understood the true depths of love and cared deeply for the maid.

Lost in thought, he suddenly realized that they had merged into a new being - one that was now filled with happiness and ready to embrace everything this world had to offer.

This newfound understanding of love and relationships was a result of their transmigration, although he felt a bit like a pervert, he couldn't help but be excited at the thought of having multiple wives.

Archer was lost in thought when he suddenly snapped out of it, noticing Teuila moving about. He felt an inexplicable pull towards her.

After finishing up her conversation with the elders, she bid them farewell, "Elders, it was good to see you. I hope to see you at the celebrations tomorrow."

She suddenly felt someone staring at her, having an idea of who the culprit was she turned to the white-haired young man watching her like he found something precious to him.

Teuila swam towards Archer with a broad smile and a wave, catching him off guard with her cheerful demeanor.

She started laughing when she saw his reaction. As she stopped in front of him, Teuila continued to smile, and his eyes brightened in response.

Teuila spoke up to bring him back to reality. "Hey, why are you staring at me like that?"

Archer was quick to recover, his senses returning at the sound of her angelic voice. Shaking his head before replying.

"Sorry, your beautiful smile caught me off guard."

As he was looking at her, noticing her brown cheeks were getting darker. He smiled and changed the subject, "What are we doing here, Teuila?"

Teuila cocked her head before smiling even bigger. "This way," she said, grabbing his hand and speeding off again.

She held his hand tight as she shot through the water like a rocket until they came to a stop at a cliff.

The two of them floated there, he wondered why she brought him here until he turned his head to see a massive underwater city.

The city is a breathtaking sight, with towering structures adorned with intricate carvings and patterns, all glowing with vibrant colors.

With eyes widened in wonder, Archer gazes at the breathtaking sight before him.

He observes schools of brightly colored fish darting in and out of the buildings, and sea turtles swimming lazily by.

The distant sound of music and laughter adds to the enchanting atmosphere, and he can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the magic of the ocean.

Taking a deep breath, he feels the cool water wash over him and turns to Teuila with a look of amazement on his face.

"It's beautiful," he says, his voice filled with wonder. "I've never seen anything like it."

With excitement bubbling inside her, she eagerly dragged him towards the city. As they approached the city gate, Archer noticed that they had entered another bubble-like area.

The sight that greeted him left him awestruck, colorful coral and underwater flowers swayed gently in the current.

Archer was so captivated by the sight that he came to a sudden stop, causing Teuila to jerk backward.

She turned her head to see what had caught his attention and smiled at the look of wonder on his face.

He gazed in amazement at the beautiful underwater flower, its translucent petals swaying gently in the current.

The other flowers around it boasted vibrant colors that were unlike anything he had ever seen before, and he couldn't take his eyes off them.

As sunlight hit the flowers, they emitted a stunning array of colors that danced around the underwater world.

The sound of the water and the soft rustle of the flowers filled his ears, and Teuila approached him to speak.

"Those are Ocean's Jewel," she said, "they cause a lovely color pattern to appear when the sunlight hits them. And the colorful flowers are Mermaid's Kiss. They are usually used to capture mermaids, but Father outlawed the hunting of them when he came to power."

Just then, a tall, stocky guard approached and kneeled before them.

"Princess, Hero," he said, "your father has given permission for the Hero to explore the city. Feel free to enter."

Teuila smiled as Archer looked confused. She quickly spoke as the guard got back up and returned to his post.

"To everyone in the kingdom, you're a hero. You saved our kingdom in its time of need. Even Father is excited to meet you."

Archer nodded, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the title of hero. He had only done what he did because of the girl standing next to him.

He looked at Teuila and spoke, "Would it be selfish if I helped out your kingdom because of you?"

Teuila's eyes widened in surprise at his question. She turned her head to the smiling Archer and shook her head.

"No," she said, "everyone has a reason for what they do. You saved us regardless of why you did it."

She never let go of his hand as she excitedly dragged him into the city to start exploring.

Archer and Teuila walked through the underwater city, he couldn't help but be reminded of Samoan culture back on Earth.

The vibrant colors of the buildings and the intricate designs on the walls and floors reminded Archer of the traditional Samoan tattoos he had seen in books and online.

Teuila led him through the winding streets, pointing out various landmarks and explaining their significance to her people.

They strolled past a bustling marketplace where vendors sold exotic fruits and handmade crafts.

The aroma of fresh produce and the chatter of locals filled the air, adding to the lively atmosphere.

Archer couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder as he took in the sights and sounds of the city. He was grateful to be experiencing this with Teuila by his side to guide him.

As they approached the edge of the city, Teuila pointed out a stunning coral reef that stretched out into the distance.

"That's where me and Triton used to go fishing when we were little, it's a good place to get some peace and quiet," she said with a smile.

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