Archer sat on the large ledge that jutted out from the side of a mountain, feeling relaxed and secure with the knowledge that no one could reach him up here without flying.

He looked around and saw a bunch of trees and bushes, realizing that he had stumbled upon a strange, secluded place.

But he didn't mind, as he continued to stroke Sera, who clung to him tightly.

As the sun began to set, the sky turned a beautiful shade of orange.

Archer checked his new status, eager to see if he had gained any new abilities or powers during his recent training.


[Experience: 000/15000]

[Level Up: 98>103]

[SP: 0>10]

[Rank Up: Master>Magus]

[HP: 2900>4000]

[Mana: 10910>20000]

[Strength: 2000>3000]

[Constitution: 2000>3000]

[Stamina: 1800>2800]

[Charisma: 2000>3000]

[Intelligence: 1550>2550]

[Blink: 1>2]

[Plasma Missiles: 1>2]

[Dragon's Breath: 1>2]

[Learned Dragon Form]

[Magic unlocked: Spirit Magic]

As Archer smiled at his gains, Sera nudged him to get his attention. He looked down and smiled as he saw her curling up on his lap.

They were sitting on some soft grass, he pulled her closer to his chest, cuddling her. This made Sera extremely happy.

As the sun set and night took over, he lay back on the soft grass. From below the outcropping, all sorts of beast noises could be heard.

Archer quickly fell asleep and let out soft breaths as he started dreaming.

[Sera P.O.V]

Sera couldn't rest. She jumped up and stood on Archer's chest, staring at the white-haired boy who had saved her in her time of need.

The more time she spent with him, the more attracted to him she became.

Slowly, she approached him and started licking his face as she sat down. However, something was still bothering her.

She narrowed her eyes and realized her Archer had changed while she was in the domain, she got an idea and brought her little grinning mouth to his neck and bit down really hard.

After the bite opened his skin and bled, she licked it clean. Sera settled back down in his arms, falling asleep alongside her boy.

[Back to Archer]

As he slept, he found himself standing atop a mountain, with a massive jungle stretching as far as his eyes could see. He noticed treehouses high in the trees in the distance.

That's when Archer heard a voice he never expected to hear again.

"Who are you?"

He spun around and saw an older-looking Alexa standing there, looking around in shock. He approached her but noticed the scene started to fade.

Archer panicked and quickly spoke.

"Lexi, it's me, Arch. I'll come back for you, I promise."

The young woman looked at him with wide eyes but smiled before saying three words.

"I'll be waiting."

The scene changed to a battlefield, where blurs were charging toward him as an army of different races stood strong.

Women commanded many of the soldiers, a curvy dwarf woman with long black hair shouted orders at dwarves and gnomes who were working on massive cannon-like structures.

Archer looked up and saw a black dragon engaged in battle with larger blurs. It tore pieces off the blurs and hurled them at the incoming enemies.

Suddenly, a swarm of elves riding horse-like creatures charged into the oncoming cavalry.

At the front of the charge was a tanned elf woman wearing light armor and swinging a tomahawk-like weapon at the enemy.

Archer was confused and didn't know why he was seeing this. He looked around and saw a massive white dragon that stood 40 meters tall.

Soon, he realized that it was him. The dragon roared, and all the soldiers cheered with excitement.

Archer spotted three women leading a group of elite-looking warriors.

One was a red-skinned demon woman and a woman who had lion ears. All three of them looked like strong warriors, standing next to the white dragon.

Suddenly, Archer felt a wet sensation and woke up. He turned his head to the left, seeing Sera staring at him with her beautiful red eyes.

She chirped at him as he rubbed his eyes and sat up to look around. Thick fog was everywhere.

He made his way over to the edge and couldn't see anything, that's when he remembered he got a new magic affinity.

[Spirit magic is a type of magic that involves manipulating the spiritual energy that flows through all living things. It is often associated with healing and purification, as well as communication with spirits and other supernatural entities]

"Interesting," Sera watched as Archer talked to himself and flew over to him, landing on his shoulder. He turned to her with a smile and asked.

"Hello, girl, are you okay?"

She nodded her small head and nudged up against his, then started nibbling his ears. Shivers ran through his body, but he let her continue.

Ignoring her, he activated his Aura Detector getting a few hits underneath him. He leaned over and saw something flying toward him.

He quickly stepped back as a log flew past him, crashing into the side of the mountain. Looking back down he couldn't see shit.

''Who the fuck is throwing shit at me!'' He spoke to himself.

Turning to Sera, he asked her something.

''Want to see something amazing?''

She nodded and started flying in front of him. Archer turned around dropping backward, causing Sera to panic and wonder what he was doing.

As he fell, he whispered, "Draco." A bright white light emanated from him as he started to change.

A five-meter white dragon appeared as he reached the ground, with a thunderous roar, he slammed into the ground on all fours, shaking the earth beneath him.

Archer scanned the area and spotted a group of Demi-giants just standing there.

Without hesitation, he lunged forward and bit one's head off, then slashed at another who tried to block his attack.

His powerful claws tore through the giant's shield and armor, causing it to slump to the ground. He quickly finished off the rest of the enemies.

After slaughtering the random giants who appeared he flew back up to his perch as it was still nighttime, he wondered how they found him.

Without giving it much thought, he began to search for Sera and soon spotted her flying ahead of him.

As she drew closer, she grew more excited and eventually settled on his head, purring contentedly.

Hours later, he woke up to the sound of birds chirping and was surprised by what he saw.

Six wyverns were sitting nearby, watching him with sparkling eyes. He quickly transformed back into his humanoid form.


Approaching the wyverns, Archer greeted them with a nod. They all bowed respectfully in return.

"Hello," he said, addressing the creatures. "What can I do for you?"

The wyverns looked at each other and nodded before the one in the middle spoke slowly with a raspy and deep voice.

"We... want... to join... the white dragon."

Archer smiled as he heard their request. He opened a white portal and gestured for them to follow him. Together, they entered the domain and landed safely on the other side.

As they arrived at the base of a towering mountain, Archer closed his eyes and extended his hands.

In his mind's eye, he envisioned a large wyvern nest situated on the mountainside, complete with multiple comfortable living spaces and a staircase leading up to it.

The group of wyverns watched in awe as Archer focused his energy on creating this new home for them.

They turned their heads towards the nests that were just visible on the edge of their vision.

Archer smiled and spoke to the wyverns. "Take a look, but we still have more to discuss."

As the group took off and flew up to the new nests, Archer watched as Jethro and several other elders approached him. They all bowed respectfully as Jethro addressed him.

"Your Majesty, we thank you for freeing more of our people. They have settled in and are eager to explore the domain."

Archer nodded in acknowledgment and greeted Jethro warmly.

"Hello, old friend. That's great news. I also met some wyverns who wanted to join us, so I built them a nest on the mountain."

Jethro's eyes widened in surprise at Archer's casual mention of befriending wyverns. However, he quickly regained his composure and responded.

"That is impressive, Your Majesty.''

Archer looked at the old man and started laughing.

"Jethro, it's not that impressive. I was sleeping with Sera when I woke up to find a group of wyverns staring at me with adoration in their eyes. I couldn't just leave them there," Archer explained before summoning his wings.

Jethro nodded as he smiled and went back to what he was doing.

Archer took off and flew towards the wyvern nest. As he entered, he saw a group of excited wyverns jumping around, eager to greet their new friend.

They approached him with excitement in their steps and then stopped to bow before him.

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