A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 142 Deep Below & The Winterclaw Legion. [Bonus]

Subterra, a concealed realm beneath the surface of Thrylos, stretches with an intricate network of tunnels, hidden from the eyes of those dwelling above.

Within this subterranean domain, a malevolent force known as The Swarm holds sway, instilling fear and terror in its wake.

Among the inhabitants of The Swarm, a race known as Ratlings holds a position of dominance, their origins shrouded in dark and sinister experiments carried out by an ancient dark god.

These winding tunnels serve as an eerie home to a multitude of monstrous and dangerous creatures.

The cunning entities within The Swarm have masterfully subjugated and harnessed these creatures.

Molding them into formidable weapons poised to unleash havoc upon the unsuspecting surface dwellers.

Deep beneath the surface of Thrylos, a vast and sprawling makeshift metropolis served as one of the many abodes for the cunning Ratlings, where they reveled in their realm of twisted ingenuity and malevolence.

Within the depths of their subterranean city, they engaged in their brutal experiments, subjecting captive humans, elves, and demi-humans to their grotesque machinations.

An air of palpable anticipation and foreboding pervaded the surroundings, as the Ratlings toiled relentlessly, driven by their unquenchable thirst for knowledge and their insidious ambition to forge new abominations.

Within the dimly lit laboratory chambers, cries of pain and despair echoed off the cold stone walls.

Bound figures, their bodies marked by scars and torture, writhed in agony as they became subjects of the Ratlings' vile machinations.

Using dark magic and twisted concoctions, they pushed the boundaries of nature, splicing and fusing together genetic material in their unholy experiments.

The chamber was filled with the stench of alchemical reagents and the acrid scent of forbidden rituals.

One by one, the captives were subjected to the horrors of transformation. Their bodies convulsed and contorted, their flesh warping and reshaping under the influence of the twisted magic.

Moans of despair turned into agonized screams as the transformation took hold. From the dark depths of the laboratory emerged a parade of monstrous beings.

Each creature bore grotesque features, an amalgamation of different races, and twisted genetic experiments.

Some had elongated limbs, others possessed unnatural strength, and a few had grotesque mutations that defied all logic.

The Ratlings observed their creations with a mixture of scientific fascination and sadistic glee.

They reveled in the chaos they had unleashed, relishing in the suffering and deformity they had wrought upon their unwilling test subjects.

As the wails of the transformed echoed through the cavernous halls, it became evident that The Swarm had birthed a horde of abominations.

In the dim light of the laboratory, the abominations lurched and shuffled, their eyes gleaming with an unsettling mix of confusion and malice.

The Ratlings, satisfied with their grotesque creations, prepared to unleash these monsters upon the unsuspecting surface world, eager to witness the havoc and terror they would sow.

Sometime later, an army of sinister humanoid monsters was waiting in a sprawling tunnel that stretched beneath a city in the heart of the central continent.

These abominations, created through the Ratlings' dark experiments, were bestowed with the name "Blightborn."

A title that perfectly embodied the terror and destruction they would bring to the surface world.

With whips cracking and chains clanging, they relentlessly drove the Blightborn onward, their monstrous forms surging with an insatiable hunger to breach the surface world.

"Fetch more Manlings for our glorious experiments, yes-yes! Engulf their cities in the fires of doom we will! Obliterate the feeble and scorch the surface, so that our wicked swarm may rise to conquer all!"

The Blightborn charged forward while some Ratlings brought down the tunnel entrance leading into a city in the Novgorod Empire.

[Saratovsk City, Southern part of the Novgorod Empire] 

The relentless swarm poured into the city, emerging from the depths of its darkened parks, overwhelming all resistance in its path.

The city stood no chance against their sheer numbers and relentless force.

In response to the dire situation, the wise Novgorodian Emperor issued a decisive decree, commanding the immediate deployment of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th armies to the southern region.

Their mission was clear: to confront the invaders head-on and eliminate them without mercy.

Furthermore, the Emperor, recognizing the gravity of the situation, authorized the mobilization of the renowned Winterclaw Legion.

This formidable force was under the skilled leadership of the esteemed 4th Princess Yevdokiya Petrova, a warrior of unparalleled prowess and courage.

Tundrawalkers of the Winterclaw Legion appeared like Polar Bears infused with extraordinary power, surpassing even the mightiest of their kind.

Clad in sturdy metal armor that shielded their vulnerable body parts, their eyes glowed with a fiery red hue, while their teeth were honed to razor-sharp perfection.

Perched atop her majestic Tundrawalker, Princess Yevdokiya, affectionately known as Yev by her loved ones, observed the swarm that laid siege to the port city of Moskovia.

Her short silver hair danced in the cold winds, and her piercing blue eyes remained fixed upon the distant enemy, their horrifying howls echoing through the air.

Approaching from behind, a man with a distinct Novgorodian accent broke the silence, addressing her.

"Princess, we must exercise patience for the moment. Only the 3rd army and half of the 5th have arrived. We must wait for the full force to assemble before we can engage the enemy."

Yevdokiya watched the relentless swarm of invaders continue their assault on the city, and every passing moment meant more lives were lost.

She could feel the frustration and impatience brewing within her, mirroring the sentiments of her fellow soldiers.

Addressing her legion and any nearby soldiers who could hear, Princess Yevdokiya's voice thundered with fiery anger.

"Brothers and sisters of Novgorod! Do you hear the cries of our fallen comrades? Do you feel the weight of their sacrifice upon your shoulders? We cannot stand idly by while our people suffer! The time for waiting has come to an end!"

Her words resonated through the hearts of the soldiers, stirring a blazing fury within them.

The air crackled with tension and determination as they gripped their weapons tighter, their gazes fixed on their valiant princess.

She continued, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "We are the Winterclaw Legion, the pride of Novgorod! We are the sword that defends our land, the shield that protects our people! The enemy seeks to trample upon everything we hold dear. They dare to defy our great empire! But we will not falter, we will not waver! Today, we charge into battle and bring the fury of the Winterclaw down upon them!"

A surge of adrenaline coursed through the soldiers' veins, their spirits ignited by the princess's impassioned words.

Without hesitation, they raised their weapons high, a resounding chorus of battle cries filling the air. The time for waiting was over.

With a swift motion, Princess Yevdokiya raised her arm, signaling the charge. The ground beneath the Tundrawalkers trembled as the legion and Novgorodian soldiers surged forward.

Yevdokiya gripped her massive bastard sword tightly as she surged forward atop her loyal Tundrawalker.

Reaching the frontlines, the mighty beast tore through the enemy ranks, decimating Blightborns and Ratlings alike.

With each powerful bite, heads rolled while the princess swung her imposing sword.

She cleaved two Blightborns in half effortlessly and pressed on with her charge, the giant bear unleashing sweeping swipes with its colossal paws.

Yevdokiya and her soldiers turned the Tundrawalker around and returned to the Novgorodian lines after dealing sufficient damage to the swarm ranks.

They didn't lose any Winterclaws but many foot soldiers fell which bothered her but they knew what they signed on for when they joined the imperial army.

As they regrouped, readying themselves for another charge, the sight of the swarm rallying and hurtling towards them gave Yevdokiya a sense of urgency.

Her voice echoed through the chaos, commanding her forces, "Winterclaws, form the wedge! Footmen, shield wall with spears at the ready!"

The Tundrawalkers swiftly arranged themselves into a wedge formation, their anticipation mounting as they prepared for another thunderous charge.

The bears, fueled by the prospect of feasting on even more foes, exuded a primal excitement.

Yet, before they could unleash their assault, a colossal eastern dragon, made from fiery red flames, descended upon the swarm, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Yevdokiya's gaze lifted skyward, and there she saw an elderly man, positioned amidst the heavens, his hands swirling with mystic energy.

It became evident that he held control over the flame dragon, using it to shield their advance.

Though the fiery onslaught held back the swarm's charge, it failed to exterminate them swiftly enough.

Sensing an opportunity thanks to the Grand Archmage, Yevdokiya signaled for another charge, urging her forces onward.

As the bears gracefully bounded over the flickering flames, they descended upon a cluster of Rat-Orges, their powerful jaws tearing through flesh with savage determination.

Yet, as the conflict intensified, new foes emerged, locking in a brutal confrontation with the Tundrawalkers.

Time wore on, and with each passing hour, even the formidable Winterclaws began to succumb.

Yevdokiya, now dismounted from her Tundrawalker, fought on foot, wielding her imposing bastard sword, cleaving through scores of Ratlings with each swing.

Even with the 3rd army, the Winterclaw Legion and the Grand Archmage they couldn't stem the tide.

Suddenly, a distant horn echoed through the air, capturing their attention. Everyone's heads swiveled in unison, their eyes drawn to the source of the sound.

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