Ella quickly stepped through the portal, her eyes eagerly scanning the crowd in search of her mother.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally spotted Sheira engaged in conversation with a group of Dragon-kin women.

A surge of happiness washed over her when she noticed her mother's gaze shifting toward her.

Sheira excused herself from the group, a smile illuminating her face. She hurried over to Ella, arms outstretched in a welcoming embrace.

Their embrace filled Ella with warmth and love, sparking a joyous giggle to escape her lips.

"How are you, my darling? Are you enjoying your time away from the castle?" Sheira asked, genuine concern shining in her eyes.

Ella beamed up at her mother, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Yes, Mother. It's been wonderful being with Archer and Teuila."

Curiosity flickered in Sheira's eyes as she inquired further. "And who is Teuila, El?"

Ella's smile grew even brighter as she spoke, her voice filled with fondness. "She's Archer's other fiancée."

Her mother's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation, her voice tinged with shock and disbelief. "Other fiancée?"

Ella smiled and began to explain. "Well, he proposed to both me and Teuila, and then the king officially engaged them both at a party."

Sheira's shock deepened, and she quickly sought clarification. "So, you're engaged to the young master?"

Ella nodded eagerly, her smile unwavering. "Yes, Mother. I am now engaged to Archer."

Her mother's face lit up with joy, and she pulled Ella into another tight embrace. She chuckled at her mother's exuberance.

"I'm so happy for you, my dear. You've finally got what you've always wanted." Sheira exclaimed.

Ella smiled warmly and gently pulled away from her mother's embrace. She spoke with a sense of urgency, "Mother, I need to check on Sarah, but I'll be back soon."

Sheira's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why is Sarah here?"

Ella nodded, understanding her mother's confusion, and proceeded to explain what had transpired, recounting Archer's actions, which left the older woman shocked.

"El, who is he? He doesn't sound like the same young master you grew up with," Sheira asked, her voice filled with concern.

Ella couldn't help but giggle at her mother's apprehension, but she quickly reassured her, "Mama, he has changed for the better. Before he was gloomy, distant, and angry, but now he's happy, cheerful, and smiles a lot more. Don't get me wrong, he can still be quirky at times, but that's what I love about him."

Her mother's smile widened, her head nodding in approval. She was genuinely delighted that her daughter had finally got the boy she had always longed for.

"I'll join you, El. I want to spend some time with you before you go back to him," Sheira declared, happily accompanying her daughter.

As they walked together towards the cottage, a loud roar echoed above them, catching their attention.

They instinctively looked up and witnessed a magnificent wyvern soaring through the sky, hunting the flying creatures that the Dragon-kin had introduced to the domain a while back.

Sheila shook her head and thought to herself. 'What else can this boy do.'

[Back to Archer]

After successfully disabling the trap, Archer and Teuila cautiously entered the cave. Aware of the narrow confines.

He cast the spell Crown of Stars, causing dim violet lights to radiate and illuminated the area around him.

Teuila, quick on her feet, retrieved two daggers from her storage ring, readying herself for anything. With Archer leading the way, they ventured further into the tunnel.

Just before they began to walk, Teuila noticed the faint violet lights swirling around Archer's head and curiously inquired about them.

"Arch, what are those lights around your head?" She asked.

He turned towards her, his gaze meeting hers. "It's a spell I bought during our visit to Vassia."

The mention of the spells reminded him of the ones he had purchased for Teuila and Ella. "By the way, I have some spells for both you and El when we're on the road." He told her.

Teuila nodded, acknowledging his words. As they proceeded along the cave path, Archer activated his Aura Detector, causing a barrage of signals to flood in.

The influx of pings caused a slight headache, but Archer pushed through and ignored the discomfort. The limited space compelled him to dismiss his Draconic form.

He cast Cosmic Sword and got two Roman gladius short swords to fight with, he smiled as they came to the first turn.

As they drew closer, Sera unexpectedly burst forth from her hiding place, spreading her wings and gracefully soaring around the corner.

Archer and Teuila watched in astonishment as the little dragon darted through the air. Teuila's voice filled with concern, and she quickly spoke to Archer. "What is she up to, Arch?"

Worry etched across his face, Archer was uncertain of Sera's intentions so he shrugged.

Concerned for his little dragon, he was about to rush around the corner when a series of soft chirps reached their ears, growing louder as Sera approached.

Sera landed in front of them, a cheerful smile lighting up her tiny face. Using her tail, she drew ten lines in the dirt.

Archer glanced at the markings, then back at Sera, and inquired, "Are there ten bandits around that corner?"

Sera nodded vigorously, she then flew up to perch on his shoulder. With a playful lick on his cheek, bringing a smile to his face.

As he caressed Sera, Teuila also reached out to stroke her, but Sera only showed affection to Archer. She quickly curled up on his shoulder, securing herself to him with her tail.

Observing this scene, Teuila wondered to herself, 'This little girl is utterly smitten with him. I wonder if she has a human form like him.'

Undeterred, they pressed forward, cautiously poking their heads around the corner. Before them, in a large chamber cluttered with crates, stood the group of ten bandits.

Archer eavesdropped on the conversation of the bandits, focusing on a tall, bald man who seemed to be the leader.

"The team we sent south hasn't returned yet," the bald bandit informed the others. "We'll give them a few more days, and if they don't show up, we'll send a group to search for them."

The bandit scanned the crates, then continued speaking.

"We made a good haul the other day during the raid on that trader's caravan." He boasted. "It's a shame the women put up a fight and ended up dying. But enough about that. The boss wants this cave cleared out before we head to Mediterra."

Upon hearing the agreement from the nine men, they promptly sprang into action, busying themselves with tasks in the chamber.

Watching their movements, Archer's mind began to churn with thoughts and plans. He turned to Teuila, a grin etched on his face, and instructed, "Stay here and keep watch."

With determination in his stride, Archer stood up and made his way toward the chamber, the Crown of Stars continuing to circle his head.

As he walked, the vibrant violet lights emitted by the spell brightened, casting a glow that could be seen emanating from the tunnel.

The sudden illumination startled the ten bandits within the chamber, momentarily freezing them in surprise.

Meanwhile, as Archer made his way, he found himself attending to Sera, who was affectionately nibbling on his ear.

He gently stroked her, eliciting a purr of contentment from the little dragon.

Finally, Archer entered the chamber, much to the astonishment of the bandits, who paused what they were doing.

Their leader spoke to Archer, "What are you doing here, pretty boy?"

Archer gazed at them with a confident smile, his intentions clear. With a wave of his hand, he unleashed several Earth bolts, propelling them toward the bandits.

Though a few managed to evade the attack, the majority were struck, their heads pierced by the projectiles.

Lifeless bodies littered the floor, while the remaining four bandits, filled with shock, quickly retaliated.

Unfazed by their charge, Archer's Crown of Stars activated, and four vibrant violet motes shot forth, targeting the unsuspecting assailants.

The motes seared through their armor and flesh, leaving no chance for survival. The remaining bandits fell lifelessly to the ground.

Teuila emerged from the tunnel, her eyes filled with astonishment as she surveyed the scene before her. "Arch, this is incredible. I've never seen a spell so aware and deadly."

A smile graced Archer's lips as he responded, "Yes, it's a powerful spell. I'm glad I chose it."

He looted the hearts and valuables from the fallen bandits, as Teuila approached him with a smile.

"Impressive. You didn't even have to engage in direct combat. I wonder if it would work against stronger opponents."

Scratching his head, Archer pondered her question. "Most likely not. Stronger foes would be able to dodge or block the spell.

They started searching the chamber and Archer decided when they rest for the night he will eat the hearts and check his status. 

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