The sun rose above the thick jungle, and a cacophony of sounds burst forth from the awakening wilderness.

The air pulsed with the cries, roars, and chirps of different creatures, turning the forest into a musical performance.

Archer woke up, tuning in to the lively sounds of the jungle. The deep roar of a faraway creature echoed through the trees, while monkey-like beings swung from one branch to another, chattering and hooting with enthusiasm.

Colorful birds soared above, their melodious songs filling the air. Archer's eyes slowly opened as he saw blue hair all over his face.

He carefully removed the hair and saw Teuila fast asleep, with half of her body resting on top of him, her breasts pressed against his chest.

Then, he shifted his gaze to the right and spotted Ella curled up like a squirrel in winter, appearing remarkably snug and content.

Archer gently moved Teuila aside and used his Blink to get out of bed. He stretched upon reappearing in the middle of the tent.

He cast Cleanse on himself, instantly experiencing a refreshing sensation coursing through his body.

Archer swiftly changed into clean clothes, grabbed a handful of chocolate from his Item Box, and commenced munching as he strolled out of the tent.

As he stepped outside, a pleasant breeze ruffled his untidy hair, prompting him to consider asking Ella to give him a haircut.

Realizing he needed scissors, he opened a portal to his domain and materialized in his cottage.

He called out, "Are any brownies up and about this early?"

In response, a soft poof sounded behind him, and he turned around to find a brownie standing there.

She respectfully bowed and spoke, "Master Archer, how can Cinnamon help you?"

He smiled at Cinnamon, then made his request. "Do you have a pair of scissors? I'd like to cut my hair."

Cinnamon nodded and vanished, returning moments later with a sleek pair of scissors. She handed them to Archer with a bow.

"Here you go, Master Archer. These are excellent scissors. We acquired them from the dwarves in Tent City."

Archer graciously accepted the scissors from Cinnamon, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you, Cinnamon. Have a wonderful day!"

He swiftly opened a portal and materialized outside the tent. The once intense beast noises had subsided, and he marveled at the sight of numerous birds fluttering and chirping in the air.

As Archer entered the tent, he heard laughter filling the space. He discovered Sera playfully leaping around, evading the girls' attempts to catch her.

Noticing him, Sera hurriedly flew to him, looking for safety. She settled on his shoulder and coiled her tail around his neck, making it challenging for the girls to get her.

Sera snuggled affectionately, caressing Archer's face while her delicate wings gently fluttered behind her. The girls observed this and shook their heads, sporting smiles.

Ella playfully spoke in a feigned upset tone, "Her boy shows up, and she instantly wants him. We just wanted some cuddles."

Teuila laughed at the scene unfolding before her. "It's alright. She adores him so much. Sometimes, the way she looks at him is like a maiden in love."

Ella nodded in agreement, and they glanced over to see Sera nodding her little head, causing all three of them to burst into laughter.

Archer lovingly stroked Sera and addressed the girls. "Ella, would you mind giving me a haircut, please?"

She nodded with a smile as he handed her the scissors. Motioning for him to sit in a chair, she playfully snapped the scissors at him, pretending to be threatening.

When he shook his head in response, she giggled. After an hour of work, she was finally done.

She had given him short sides with a ponytail, which reminded him of a certain witcher from a game he used to play.

Teuila had to lend them her sharp knife to cut it short enough but it worked, Archer cast Cleanse on the three of them but they still wanted to change.

Ella expressed her thoughts as she walked away. "I don't want to wear underwear that's already dirty."

Archer chuckled to himself, thinking, "No matter the world, girls are always the same."

He waited outside the tent while Sera affectionately licked his cheek. Curious, he turned to her and asked, "Why are you showing so much affection? I love it, but I'm just wondering why."

Sera momentarily ceased her affectionate licking and, after a brief pause, gracefully hopped off Archer's shoulder, gently touching the ground.

He watched as she traced a rough heart shape in the dirt using her tail. With a glimmer in her eyes, Sera pointed to herself, then to the heart, and finally directed her gaze at Archer.

Archer witnessed this adorable display and a question sparked in his mind. 'Does she love me?'

Unable to contain his fondness for the fairy dragon, Archer slowly crouched down, his arms encircling Sera's petite form, and tenderly caressed her delicate scales.

Their moment of affection, however, was abruptly interrupted by Teuila and Ella coming out of the tent.

Sera noticed this and gently tapped Archer's face with her tail. He glanced at her, and she pointed toward the two girls and then back at him.

Understanding her message, he nodded, realizing she was referring to the three of them. Sera repeated the gesture, this time including herself.

His eyes widened as he realized what she meant. 'She believes she's my fiancée? But she's a fairy dragon, it's a shame she doesn't have a humanoid form.'

Archer smiled warmly, finding her incredibly cute. He couldn't resist showering her with kisses, which left her stunned.

Overwhelmed by his kisses, she quickly snapped out of her kiss-induced daze and burst with joy.

She soared through the air, her red scales glistening in the morning sun as she let out joyous chirps and happy noises.

Her agile movements and graceful flight filled the surroundings with an air of enchantment.

Archer observed with a blend of amusement and affection as she zipped around, executing daring loops and spins in the sky.

Her excitement infected him, making him smile brightly. The melodious sounds of the fairy dragon resonated, forming a harmonious symphony of joy within the small, serene clearing they were in.

Archer was filled with love for his playful companion, realizing the profound impact she had on his wounded spirit.

Little did he know, it would be years before he figured out that Sera's nibbles and comforting presence had mended his broken soul.

Sera settled back on his shoulder, Archer joined the girls and outlined their next move.

"Let's head towards the road and continue our journey. We should be cautious, as there's a possibility of ambush along the way."

Archer put the tent in his Item Box and followed the girls as they nodded and started walking toward the road.

As he was following behind he noticed how godly their backsides were. 

Teuila strolled with a perfectly toned bubble butt, and he could see every muscle flex. He was mesmerized by their rears while perving on them, and his little brother began to stir.

Teuila glanced back, she noticed Archer's fixed gaze on Ella's perky posterior. He couldn't help but be captivated by its alluring curves, and his fascination was evident on his face.

His mind seemed to melt as he continued to watch them. Teuila, seeing his reaction, wore a mischievous smile and playfully turned back around, swaying her own butt with a teasing rhythm.

Archer shook his head to rid his head of the naughty thoughts that were appearing, he laughed at her antics, before realizing he wanted to ask them something.

"Hey, girls, this may seem out of the blue, but where did you get your lingerie?"

They abruptly halted their steps, casting strange looks at him as if he were an odd creature, making Archer feel a sense of awkwardness.

However, it didn't take long for Teuila to burst into laughter, followed by Ella.

Ella took the initiative to provide an explanation after she stopped laughing. "Well, that's really random, but around about ten years ago, a man by the name of Percival Thornwhistle opened a clothing shop in Starfall City. He introduced a revolutionary concept of underwear that claimed to provide unparalleled comfort for women. The noble ladies were captivated by this innovation, causing it to gain immense popularity. Eventually, traders began exporting it far and wide. I even overheard a trader mentioning that my mother knew they were selling loads of underwear to other continents."

Archer nodded thoughtfully, a realization dawning on him.  'This Percival guy must be from Earth.' He thought inwardly.

As their conversation continued, the mention of the underwear triggered a rush of memories for Archer.

His mind drifted back to a time when he had inadvertently stumbled upon Alexa in the bathroom, catching a glimpse of her in her underwear as she was getting undressed.

The memory stirred a mix of embarrassment and curiosity in him, creating a longing sensation that lingered and wouldn't go away.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard Ella's voice. "Arch, can I go visit Mother, please?"

Archer looked at her and remembered Sheira was still there. "Sure, El. You don't have to ask."

He also recalled the bracelets he had made earlier for the girls. Taking them out of the Item Box, he gave Teuila the one with an ocean-blue gem that matched her eyes perfectly.

Then, he offered Ella the bracelet with a sky-blue gem. Both girls were surprised but thrilled to receive such thoughtful gifts from him.

They examined their bracelets, and Teuila couldn't contain her excitement. With a big smile, she expressed her gratitude.

"Arch, thank you so much. It's beautiful." Teuila said, admiring her bracelet once again.

Ella's eyes sparkled as she stared at the gift, her face beaming with a big smile.

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