Archer and the girls embarked on their journey, leaving Aquaria City and heading north. While they were walking along he got attacked.

His ear was being nibbled by the affectionate Sera who was sitting comfortably, her tail wrapped around his neck.

As they left the city behind, a trader approached them, suggesting they travel together. The group agreed and followed closely behind the caravan.

Things took an interesting turn when they noticed a young woman with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hi, I'm Mary. Do you mind sharing your names?" she asked.

Ella took the lead and introduced herself, pointing to Teuila. "I'm Ella, this is Teuila, and our fiancé Archer."

Upon hearing Ella's words, Mary's eyes widened. "Teuila? Are you Princess Teuila Aquaria, the fourth Princess of the Aquarian Kingdom?"

Teuila nodded with a smile, and the astonishment reflected in Mary's green eyes. The three of them exchanged glances and continued their conversation.

"So, Archer, how do we reach the Zenia Empire?" Mary asked.

Archer scratched his cheek, deep in thought, trying to recall the exact path.

"I know we need to head north," He pondered, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Flying would be faster, but where's the fun in that? Although, once we reach that cursed jungle, I might consider taking to the skies."

The girls grew curious, so Teuila asked, "Cursed jungle? What is that?"

Archer looked at Teuila, his expression filled with curiosity. He shook his head and replied.

"It's known as the Howling Jungle. It's plagued by shrieking cannibals who pursued me for quite some time. They would leap out of the bushes, making me jump a few times.''

The two girls giggled at Archer's reaction, they were traveling down a long dirt road with some wood off to the right and a lake to the left.

Suddenly, his Aura detector activated, alerting Archer to an imminent assault.

Arrows whizzed through the air, aimed at their group, but he swiftly reacted by summoning a Cosmic Shield, enveloping himself and the girls in its protective barrier.

The guards from the caravan deflected the incoming arrows and braced themselves for an attack.

Teuila unsheathed her sword with practiced ease, while Ella swiftly retrieved her bow from a storage ring gifted to her by Queen Mele before their departure.

Both girls poised themselves for imminent action. Meanwhile, Archer uttered a word he has started to love.


Magnificent white wings unfurled from his back, stretching out to showcase their awe-inspiring beauty.

His hands morph into claws gleaming with a lethal white hue. Further still, additional scales adorned his body, enhancing his already formidable appearance.

With his dragon eyes scanning the approaching bandit gang, he quickly turned to the girls and gave them clear instructions.

"Bandits are coming from the front, and another large group is closing in from behind. You two handle those up front, while I'll take care of the rest."

They nodded in agreement as Archer quickly cast Blink, teleporting himself in front of the group of thirty scruffy bandits.

A confident smile played on his lips as he initiated his assault. With swift movements, he conjured and hurled Earth Bolts toward the nearest bandits, piercing through their shabby armor.

The projectiles found their marks, toppling some of the bandits and creating an obstacle that caused others to stumble.

Archer's grin widened, revealing his menacing serrated teeth that instilled fear in the remaining bandits.

Swift as lightning, he engaged the bandits in close combat. His wings and scales became an impenetrable defense, deflecting their relentless attacks.

With deadly precision, his agile tail claimed the lives of the bandits, striking them down like a mythical bringer of doom.

Taking advantage of the moment, Archer lunged at a towering bandit, sinking his teeth into the man's neck.

With a forceful jerk, he tore away a chunk of flesh, leaving a brutal wound. Spitting out the flesh, he swiftly slashed the man's throat, sealing his fate.

Undeterred, a fresh wave of bandits charged forward, thrusting their spears in an attempt to breach Archer's defenses.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Archer swiftly responded, unfurling his majestic wings to shield himself against the relentless assault of the bandits.

Effortlessly, he deflected their barrage of attacks, effortlessly parrying their every strike.

As the bandits' attack was stopped, Archer took advantage of the situation and cast Thunder Wave. The shockwave surged forward, striking the bandits and forcefully launching them back into the air.

Amidst the chaos, Sera leaped from Archer's shoulder and started burning the stunned bandits.

While evading the desperate strikes of the remaining bandits with agility and speed, she was too quick for them to hit.

With the bandits dead, she gracefully returned to Archer's shoulder, affectionately licking his cheek.

Taking a moment to indulge in their bond, Archer lovingly petted his girl.

She responded with delightful purring and chirping, her contentment evident as she stretched out on his shoulder.

Archer continued to lavish her with attention, playfully rubbing her tiny belly, causing a cascade of happy purrs, chirps, and other delightful sounds.

With a broad grin on his face, he proceeded to gather 22 human hearts and all their coin pouches, storing them safely in his Item Box.

Among the fallen bandits, Archer discovered one who was still clinging to life. Determined to extract information, he coerced the bandit into revealing the location of their hideout.

The bandit, trembling and desperate, pointed towards the Howling Jungle, conveniently aligning with their journey.

[Ella and Teuila's P.O.V]

As Archer charged into battle, the girls swiftly sprang into action. Ella unleashed a volley of piercing arrows picking off the incoming bandits one by one.

With grace and precision, Teuila closed the distance. Drawing her sword, she expertly parried an attack and swiftly plunged her blade into the neck of a bandit, taking him out of the fight.

The caravan guards sprung into action, their blades slicing through the ranks of bandits with fierce determination.

Teuila wore a smile on her face as she gracefully moved with agility and finesse. Evading attacks effortlessly, she swiftly eliminated the bandits with lethal strikes.

Meanwhile, Ella's arrows soared through the air, finding their marks with remarkable precision, bringing down multiple adversaries in rapid succession.

The combined efforts of Teuila and Ella left a trail of dead bandits in their wake.

Even as the numbers dwindled, Ella continued to unleash her arrows upon the remaining foes, ensuring no escape, while Teuila dealt the final blows to eliminate the remaining threats.

As they finished, a voice sounded behind them. "Thank you for your assistance, ladies."

Teuila and Ella spun around to find Mary approaching, wearing a forced smile as she surveyed the lifeless bodies.

Stopping in front of them, she engaged in casual conversation about the battle and any other topic that crossed her mind to distract herself.

[Back to Archer]

After collecting the hearts and storing them away, he made his way back to the caravan and noticed the girls conversing with Mary.

When Mary spotted him, she abruptly ended the conversation and retreated to her carriage.

He observed the girl, perplexed by her avoidance, he chose not to dwell on it. Approaching the two girls with a smile, he dismissed his Draconic Form.

"Hello, my girls! How was the fight? Did you have a good time?" he asked.

Ella eagerly responded first, "It was a blast! I got to unleash my bow skills and take down several bandits."

Archer found her infectious smile captivating, finding her absolutely adorable. Her warm grin spoke of death, but it didn't diminish her charm.

Shifting his attention to Teuila, who also wore a smile, Archer asked, "I had a great time, Arch. It's refreshing to battle against humans once in a while. I even picked up a new trick along the way."

Nodding at the girls, Archer suggested something, "I've discovered their hideout. Would you two like to join me in raiding it?"

The two girls looked at him with questioning eyes, and Ella asked, "Raid it? Why?"

Teuila nodded, curious about the answer. They both awaited his response, Archer simply gazed at them before smiling.

"For gold coins. I want their wealth."

Upon hearing his proposal and realizing his greed, they both rolled their eyes. Ella took it a step further and playfully pinched Archer's side.

"You greedy dragon! Risking yourself for mere coins!" She exclaimed.

Archer yelped and hopped back, attempting to escape the mischievous half-elf.

Teuila observed their antics, finding amusement in their silliness. Ella ceased her playful attack and spoke up.

"Yes, we'll go with you, but you better be careful, Arch. Otherwise, you know what will happen," she warned, flashing a mischievous grin while mimicking a pinching motion with her fingers.

Archer looked down at Ella, just staring at her, finding her completely adorable. She wouldn't say no to him, but she would always worry about him.

He smiled as he replied, "Yes, I will be careful. Plus, I have you two with me. We need to head north to reach the hideout."

The two girls nodded in agreement. Ella headed towards Mary's carriage and informed her that they would catch up if possible.

Sera flew over to Teuila and sat on her shoulder, which caused the girl in question to smile. With that settled, Archer whispered the command, "Draco."

Transforming into his dragon form, he displayed a breathtaking sight. His scales shimmered in a pristine white, emitting a radiant glow.

Adorning his head were four magnificent white horns. His massive body featured four sturdy limbs and a pair of grand white wings.

Archer's tail was swaying behind him, the people in the caravan were taken aback by the sudden appearance of this colossal dragon, their astonishment evident on their faces.

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