Archer and Teuila emerged from the portal and were immediately engulfed by the bustling tent city.

Thunderous cheers erupted from the Dragon-kin and Dwarves as they caught sight of him, but he paid little attention to the cheering.

Closing his eyes, Archer began searching for Ella. He quickly located her and headed in her direction.

Despite the cheers and well-wishes of the crowd, they parted to let him pass, knowing where he was going.

Approaching Jethro's tent together, they noticed guards standing outside, alert and ready.

After being saluted by the guards, they entered the tent where they found Ella engrossed in conversation with her mother.

As soon as she saw Archer, her eyes widened, and she leaped into his arms, holding on tightly.

Archer looked down at the girl and asked, "How do you feel, Ella? Are you okay?"

She looked up with her wet blue eyes and nodded, "Yes, I'm fine, Arch. Thank you for rescuing me."

He smiled and hugged her tighter, but suddenly Sera appeared and launched herself at Archer. Teuila quickly intervened, grabbing Sera and causing her to yelp.

Sera gave the stink eye to the blue-haired girl before redirecting her attention back to Archer.

Teuila noticed Sera's reaction and smiled warmly at the little dragon. She gently lifted her up and whispered reassuring words in her ear.

"Girl, don't worry. He hasn't forgotten about you," Teuila reassured her. She watched with interest as Ella gazed up at Archer with wide eyes, her heart swelling with love and emotion.

Ella's voice was filled with sweetness as she remarked, "You've become even more handsome in the past two years, and now you have four beautiful horns."

As she spoke, his heart melted, and he leaned down to kiss the little half-elf. Sheila and Sera were taken aback by the sudden display of affection.

Although Ella never expected him to kiss her with people around, she didn't mind and returned the kiss.

Teuila's smile remained, filled with genuine happiness for the two of them. However, Sera wriggled out of her arms and swiftly flew towards Archer.

Landing on his shoulder, her sudden presence surprised them both.

Playfully, Sera began nibbling all over Archer's face, turning his face pure red as she attacked him.

Ella, who was taken aback by the little red dragon's seemingly aggressive behavior, watched in amazement.

However, she couldn't help but giggle at the adorable growls Sera was making.

When Ella's laughter caught Sera's attention, the little red dragon's head quickly spun around, spotting her standing there.

Ignoring Ella, Sera continued nibbling on Archer's face until Ella approached the two of them.

Archer struggled to free himself from the grip of the feisty dragon on his face, but Ella reached out and gently stroked her.

"Hello, girl. What's your name?" Ella inquired, hoping to appease the dragon's jealousy and redirect her attention away from poor Archer's face.

While Sera was nibbling on Archer's ears, she turned to face Ella, who suddenly grabbed her and embraced her tightly.

He spoke, ''Her name is Sera.''

Initially refusing the affectionate gesture, Sera eventually relented and settled down, she quickly started to purr.

Amused, Archer chuckled as he observed Ella doting on the little dragon.

As their conversation progressed, Ella inquired, "You seem to have a close bond with Arch. Have you assisted him during your travels together?"

Sera ceased purring and regarded Ella with curiosity. Ella tilted her head, sporting a smile, and remarked. "You're quite perceptive, aren't you? Well, thank you for taking care of him."

She gently pecked the dragon on the head, initially surprising Sera, but she soon appeared to enjoy the gesture.

Sera departed from Ella's hands and landed on Archer's shoulder, where she showered him with affectionate licks.

Ella turned to Teuila, who stood to the side with a smile and introduced herself. "Hello there, I'm Ella. I want to express my gratitude for helping both me and Archer."

Teuila's gaze was fixed on the half-elf, whose short blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes perfectly complemented her petite stature.

Despite standing a head and a half shorter than Teuila, Ella's friendly demeanor made her seem larger than life.

Teuila returned the smile and introduced herself, saying. "I'm Teuila Aquaria, the fourth princess of the Aquarian Kingdom."

Ella extended her hand with a wide smile. "Nice to meet you, Teuila. I hope we'll get along well."

Teuila nodded and then turned her attention to Archer, who was watching the interaction with a smile.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot? We have the celebration tomorrow, so let's rest for the night."

Before any of them could depart, Ella's mother, Sheila, spoke up. "Um, young master Archer, thank you for rescuing my Ella and for helping us escape from that family."

Archer nodded and replied. "You're welcome, Sheila. You can stay here in Tent City. There are plenty of spare tents, and Jethro can arrange some work for you in the meantime."

Sheila smiled and added one last remark before taking her leave. "Take care of her, young master. She has been waiting for you."

He smiled at the blonde woman before leaving the tent with Teuila and Ella.

As Archer stepped outside, he ran into General Mohamet, who was standing with the hundred Dragon-kin who had fought earlier.

They all kneeled in front of them. Teuila was taken aback because all of the soldiers here were mountains; they were massive.

But Ella was wide-eyed as she saw so many Dragon-kin in one place.

Mohamet spoke. "Your Majesty, thank you for letting us fight. I hope you can rely on us more in the future. There are many Dragon-kin who want to fight for you."

"General Mohamet, thank you for your help. I appreciate it and thank you to all the soldiers who came. Go get some rest, you all deserve it." Archer said to the gathered Dragon-kin.

His words earned him even more respect from the soldiers. He wished them goodnight and made his way to the cottage with Teuila and Ella.

They made their way through a large open field, the stars in the sky shone bright, illuminating the path to the cottage.

Insects had settled into the surrounding area, and their sounds were relaxing to hear.

Finally breaking the silence, Ella asked Archer. "What is this place? Why were there so many Dragon-kin people, and why did that man call you 'Your Majesty'?"

Archer came to a sudden stop, causing both girls to halt as well. He closed his eyes and focused his thoughts, imagining a small lake to his right with a comfortable bench on the side.

The domain shook slightly, shocking both girls as they saw a beautiful lake and bench suddenly appear out of nowhere.

Archer gestured towards the bench, both girls walked over to take a seat, as he lay down on the soft grass to gaze up at the starry sky.

Sera took flight from his shoulder and perched on his chest. After a brief moment of silence, he spoke.

"This is my domain. When I first arrived in the Southlands, I got a strange feeling that led me to create this."

As he was speaking, he created two beautiful red roses that magically appeared in his hand. He handed them to the girls, gaining two beautiful smiles in return.

They smelled them and became even happier.

"Thank you, Arch. They are beautiful." Ella said in a happy tone.

Teuila gazed at the rose in awe before turning to Archer with her piercing blue eyes. "Thank you, it's so pretty. I've never seen a flower like this." She said.

Archer nodded with a smile as he continued speaking. "Regarding your second question, I rescued most of them. Sagana and her husband Drogath also helped save many people here."

Suddenly, he called out. "Twigg!" A poof was heard, and a brownie appeared, startling both girls.

Ella calmed down as Twigg spoke. "How can I help, Master Archer?"

"Could you bring us some drinks, please?" Archer requested.

Twigg nodded and vanished again. A little while later, he reappeared with three bottles. He gave one to the two girls and one to Archer.

He popped the lid and started drinking, and it was the same drink as before, once he finished it he continued to speak.

''And the answer to your third question El, remember when I fell into that deep sleep?''

Ella nodded, prompting Archer to continue. "Well, I was chosen by the Dragon Goddess Tiamat chose me to become a white dragon. That's when I woke up with white hair, violet eyes, and my ears." He explained.

When he mentioned his ears, they twitched as if they had a mind of their own.

Ella's eyes widened when she heard him speak and Teuila smiled as she remembered Archer sitting on the wall watching over the city.

The three fell silent as they finished their drinks. Then, Ella spoke up and asked. "Arch, can I see your dragon form, please?"

Her blue eyes sparkled when she asked him, he found it hard to say no so he nodded his head.

He rose to his feet and walked away from them, Archer was standing in a clearing not far away and thought to himself.


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