Perched on the roof, they watched as soldiers scurried around the streets searching for them, however, their hiding spot remained undiscovered.

As the sun began its descent, he became aware of the advancing hour. His gaze shifted to Teuila, who lay on her back, her eyes fixed on the sky above.

"I want to buy some chocolate," he said. "The shop should still be open. We have enough time to go buy some. Or would you prefer to wait here, your Highness?"

Teuila sat up, her expression serious. "Don't call me 'your Highness,' you idiot. But yeah, let's go."

Archer picked up Sera and placed her on his shoulder as they made their way off the roof. Teuila put up her hood and followed behind him.

After walking for a little while, they found themselves outside the Sticky Sweets shop that Archer had visited years ago.

As they entered, the smell of chocolate hit their noses, and they both loved it. The shopkeeper, Garret, looked up and his eyes widened.

''Well look who it is, you haven't been here for years young master Archer.''

Archer raised an eyebrow at the man, whom he hadn't seen in years but who still looked the same.

He approached the counter with a smile and said, "Don't call me that Garret. I'm just Archer."

Garret smiled and stood up, noticing a girl wearing a hood standing next to Archer. He was curious but didn't ask.

"How can I help you?" he asked.

Archer smiled in response and said, "I want to buy all of your chocolate, please."

Garret shook his head with a smile and replied, "Wait here, I'll be back shortly." He then made his way to the back of the store.

After a brief wait, Garret returned with a few bags, which he placed on the counter before turning around and walking back to the storeroom.

He repeated this process several times, each time returning with more bags until dozens of them were piled up on the counter.

Archer looked at the impressive stack of bags and asked, "How much for all of this?"

Garret put his hand on his chin and began to think. "Let's see...57 gold," he said, considering the impressive quantity of chocolate before him. "That's a lot of chocolate. It would of last us for almost a few months in the shop."

He handed the gold coins to Garret who took it was greedy eyes, Archer put all the bags into his Item box.

As Archer and Teuila stepped out of the shop, Archer felt a vibration coming from his Item Box.

He remembered the necklace he had bought for Ella and quickly retrieved it. To his horror, the necklace was shining bright red, a sign that something bad was happening to Ella.

Archer Turned to Teuila and explained the situation.

"We need to go help her now!" Teuila replied with concern in her voice.

Without a second thought, he activated his Draconic Form.

"Draconis," he said.

All his features appeared, he picked up Teuila in a princess carry and took off, rushing to the castle as the sun started to set.

[Ella's P.O.V]

One year before Archer returned to Vassia City.

Ella was cleaning the hallway windows outside the Duke's study when Pallius approached her with a fake voice.

"Hello, Ella. You look beautiful today," he said, trying to sound charming. "Have you thought about my offer? When I turn 18 next month, I'll marry the imperial Princess Vala, and you can become my concubine."

Ella cringed at the thought. She knew she belonged to Archer and no one else. She held onto the hope that they would reunite someday.

Nevertheless, she replied to Pallius, "No, thank you. I don't want to be your concubine or woman. I belong to your brother, Archer."

Pallius grew angry as he heard the same response from Ella every time he asked. His temper began to take over.

''Why do you choose that waste of space over me? I'm better looking than him, I can wield magic and use a sword which he can't. The only thing he has is his books and Mother Janna defending him!''

Ella stood firm, she has been practicing her magic at every opportunity she got, Archer's mother Janna even helped her.

She read the spell book Archer gifted her and memorized it from front to back and knows how to use the spell Earth Blast so she got ready in case he tried anything.

As he approached her with a fake smile, she couldn't help but notice a glint in his eyes.

"I understand that you may be playing hard to get," he said, "but I want you to know that I have been deemed worthy by the Emperor. It's outrageous for a lowly maid like you to reject me so many times."

As he reached for her, she dodged his hand and stepped away.

"Stay away from me!" Ella exclaimed. "You have no right to touch me. Even though I may be a maid, my mother is Lady Larka's personal maid, and you are not allowed to lay a hand on me."

Through gritted teeth, Pallius spoke with a menacing tone.

"One day, whether you give me your permission or not, you will be mine. I will take you from Archer and force him to watch as you become my concubine."

Ella got worried when she saw the look in his eyes, he walked off and vanished around the corner.

[One year later]

As the year passed, Pallius became even more daring with her, trying to touch her at every opportunity he could.

Duke Ashguard never told his son to stop, but it was only her mother and Janna who managed to put a stop to his advances.

One day, as Ella was making her way back to the kitchen from upstairs, she noticed some guards rushing into the castle.

They quickly made their way to the Duke's study, and the commander knocked on the door. Ella slowed down and pretended to clean a nearby window.

The commander and his guards entered the room, so Ella got closer to the door to eavesdrop.

"My Lord," the commander said, "Your vassal Viscount Jareth Leroux's son Favian was mutilated by Archer Ashguard. They didn't know who it was, but after some investigating, they found out it was him."

There was silence beyond the door until a deep voice, full of regret, replied, "He has been banished from this house. He isn't our responsibility anymore."

The commander stammered out a reply, "Well, the Viscount demands that you punish him either way. His son, Favian, is now blind."

There was a sigh before the Duke spoke again. "Do you know why he did it? Just tell me what happened."

The commander continued speaking, "Well, my Lord, it was reported that Archer was outside the adventurers guild with a young woman whom Favian Leroux tried to approach. But your son lost his temper, killed the boy's guards, and blinded him by using claws to poke out his eyes."

Ella's eyes widened as she heard what was being said.

'He's back! But who's the young woman he's with? I hope she's nice,' she thought to herself, her heart beating fast with excitement at the thought of seeing Archer again.

For a while, Ella had thought she had lost him. Sarah had told her that he was swept down south, and no one could find him.

That was until strange rumors came with the traders. They had heard from others that a white-haired boy caused havoc in a southern kingdom.

It was said that he set fire to cities and flattened castles.

Ella tried to ignore her thoughts and focused on listening to the Duke and guards.

"So, you're telling me the son who couldn't fight a simple beast mutilated a noble's son for trying to take his so-called fiancé, and then they vanished?" the Duke asked.

Her eyes widened, but a smile appeared on her face. 'So, he found someone else on his adventures. I'm so glad he isn't lost after the incident and was able to open himself up to people. I can't wait to meet her,' she thought to herself.

Ella was really happy with the news she received until she heard the commanders and Duke's next words.

"Yes, my Lord, they vanished, and we can't locate them," the commander replied.

A sigh came from the other side of the door as Duke Leonard spoke.

''Continue looking for him and tell the castle to double the guard in case he tries to sneak inside the castle.''

''Yes my Lord.''

With haste, Ella stepped away from the door, ensuring they wouldn't see her, she quickly made her way to the maid's quarters.

Upon entering, she noticed her mother washing clothes and walked over to her to speak.

"Good evening, Mama. How are you today?" Ella greeted her mother with a wide smile on her face.

Sheira turned to her daughter and noticed her beaming expression. She couldn't help but think of the white-haired boy.

"I'm fine, my lovely. Why do you look so happy?" Sheira asked.

"Mama Arch is back!" Ella exclaimed with excitement. "And it seems like he's found a fiancé on his travels."

Sheira looked at her daughter, surprised to see no signs of sadness or jealousy on her face.

Her curiosity piqued, she asked, "Why do you seem so happy that he's found another woman when you're here waiting for him?"

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