69 Ch. 69 Breakdown

Anxia couldn’t move for a while, but she steeled her heart and decided to end Richard’s life. At the very least, her feelings of anger would be washed out by the man’s death if she failed to save Ling Meng.

She forced herself and ordered each muscle on her vein to move and take Richard’s life, only to be stopped by a heartbreaking whisper.

“So pathetic. I couldn’t stop you at the end.”

How strange... her intention to kill Richard right there vanish in an instant. She even could see his shoulders, which usually looked dependable and full of confidence, now looked sluggish and powerless.

Why does this man look so sad? Did Richard know she was behind him and about to kill him?

Impossible. The man had no way of knowing where she was now. If

Richard knew he would not stay silent and would stop her.

Suddenly Anxia’s heart seemed to stop beating as if she realized



She had no memory of Richard attacking her back then. The man only

dodged or blocked her attacks, but never once did the man hit her.

Shouldn’t he have to counterattack in a situation like this, so his enemy wouldn’t kill him?

She recollected Richard countermoving her, seizing her every time Anxia tried to harm him. But this time, the man made no effort to catch her.

Richard let her assail him and harm him?

Why? Why didn’t the man counter her?

Without realizing it, her raised hand dropped down and landed by her side. The sound of the strong wind blowing and the rock Anxia released that landed on the sand brought Richard to real life.

“Xia Xia, you haven’t left yet?”

Anxia choked on her breath when she heard the expectant tone from him. She realized Richard still couldn’t open his eyes and assumed she had left.

Had this man become lifeless at the thought that she was gone? Did Richard really wish she hadn’t left?

Why? Why did Richard still want her to be by his side? Didn’t the man know she almost tried to kill her a few minutes ago?

“Xia Xia?” came the hopeful sound, mixed with a desperate tone from her husband.



Don’t call my name like that.

Anxia felt like she wouldn’t be able to leave this man’s side if she kept hearing how Richard called her. She bit her lips, restraining herself from responding, and her fists clenched hard until her nails dug into her skin.

Richard didn’t know why, but his instincts told him someone was in front of him. On instinct, he raised a hand, and coincidentally it brushed against a familiar hand.

Anxia bit her lip, feeling a feather-light touch on her hand. Richard moved his thumb to stroke Anxia’s hand gently.

“You haven’t left yet.” Richard gave a relieved sigh, and as if he was thrilled knowing Anxia didn’t leave, he grasped her hand as if his life depended on it.

“...” Anxia’s bite on her lips tightened even more, causing blood

to drip from her lips and into her mouth.

Her eyes began to water, and tears threatened to come out. Anxia

didn’t expect that she could still cry. She thought her tears had dried up from her years of merciless and rigorous training.

Even when she was struck by a gunshot wound or during childbirth,

Anxia didn’t cry, no matter how painful the pain was.

Instantly Anxia’s knees went limp, and she sat down on her knees, face to face with Richard. She punched Richard in the chest, but not with all her might.

“I hate you.” tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes, then she threw her fist again at Richard’s chest, “What did I do wrong to you?” unknowingly, her voice began to tremble and sobs began to escape from her mouth. “You settled the score with me when you forced me to marry you. You hated me but took my freedom as revenge for that night. Isn’t that enough?” for the umpteenth time, Anxia hit Richard’s chest while pouring out her heart that she had been harboring for so long. “I did what you wanted. I let you control me, but why are you so mean to Lori? Why did you let Ling Meng suffer at the hands of that jerk? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME FROM THE BEGINNING? WHY!?”

Anxia’s cries got louder, and her fists became more robust, but Richard didn’t move. This was the first time Anxia had a breakdown and expressed all her grievances to him.

Richard slowly blinked his eyes a few times, feeling that this time

he was able to open his eyes.

It was then that the dark clouds that covered the full moon moved away, revealing the shining moonlight illuminating the environment around the

husband and wife.

Richard could see a pair of reddened black eyes and nose from crying and long black hair fluttering in the wind. His wife’s appearance took his breath away.

How could someone still look this stunning when crying? He knew now wasn’t the time to worship his wife’s beauty, but Qiao Anxia, who was crying yet looking at him with anger, looked beautiful.

Anxia was indeed enraged with him, maybe even really hated him. But

this time, he did not see any killing aura in her moistened eyes.

Richard raised his hand to gently wipe the trail of tears on his wife’s cheek. This action of his made Anxia stop breathing without realizing it.

How could he still treat her gently like this? Did he expect Anxia would forgive him just because he gave her the warmth that Anxia had never felt before?

“Because I want to make you rely on me.”

Richard’s answer was able to freeze Anxia’s brain in an instant.

What did he mean by relying on him? Why would Anxia rely on other humans if she could do it herself?

No. Until the end of her life, Anxia would never rely on anyone because she could not trust anyone she relied on.

Even if Ling Meng was her dear best friend, she still couldn’t entrust the most crucial mission to her, much less solve her internal problems.

And now this man asked for something she never gave to anyone?

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