A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Side Story 9: This party has no future…

“As you must have been already aware, today is the day that you will leave the confines of the church for the first time,” the knight-commander said. “It has been four months since we have summoned you here to our world as Goddess Aurena’s chosen. As we have told you, your God-chosen task is it to aid us against the menace that are the demonkins, who threaten our society with their vile existence and wanton wish for our extinction.”

Gulp, I unconsciously gulped from the sound of this. It was clear that most of my classmates also had the same reaction when they heard the word “extinction”.

We were about to take a step towards our path towards returning back home, and the key to that door meant that we had to fight against the demonkin, one of Peolynca’s many sentient races.

…Considering how often this trope has been used in fantasy stories, movies, games, and all sorts of fiction, I shouldn’t be surprised about it, but I’m the one who has to do it this time. I have to participate in this fight, and I have to fight so that I could go back home. It’s fucked up no matter how many times I say it.

“Of course, we cannot expect to send you into the turmoil that is happening in the Empire, right now,” the commander further added. “They are currently at war with the beastmen and the demonkin. It is currently too dangerous for all of you to be there, especially when your task is to only defeat the demonkin. We would like to have it stay like that, but if the situation escalates…”

…we will have to participate in another war that has nothing to do with us.

"Excuse me," I controlled my emotions as I turned my head towards the person who said that, trying my best not to cause another stir. "You aren't insinuating that we must fight in another of your wars, correct?"

“Hmm, you were the one with the unique skill [Justice for All], correct?” the commander asked.

“Yes, I would like to be addressed as Akabane,” he said, annoyed that the commander called him by his skill name.

The one who spoke out was Daisy, one of the five party leaders. He confidently spoke up with his usual haughty tone even towards somebody with so much authority and power as the Knights-Commander?

“I see…” the commander scratched the stubbles on his chin, thinking his answer through. “I personally would like to avoid having to ask you heroes to join the war efforts, but were the Empire to lose the battle, then it would have dire consequences for all of us humans, including all of you.”

I could see multiple people gulping and wanting to scream and complain, but their common sense seems to have stopped them from doing so. However, I figured that it had something to do with the aura that the commander was emitting.

The pressure was strong enough that it made it hard to talk. I could feel my heartbeat speeding up from merely being in this person’s presence and I had to take in deeper and deeper breathes by the second.

Is this man trying to suppress us so we would stop asking questions? Is he seriously trying to stop us from talking? Who the hell is supposed to speak, right now, huh?!

“With all due respect, that’s not what we agreed on,” however, much to my surprise, Daisy continued speaking without a problem. “We are to suppress the demonkin’s rising power and eliminate their leaders in the process. That was the agreement.”

“Yeah!” at that moment Akanishi also spoke up. “My role is to bring everybody in our class back to Japan, back to Earth! You’ve kidnapped us to this world and you’re also forcing us to deal with your problem, while we don’t even belong here. Not only must we risk our lives to go back home, now you even want to put even more problems on our shoulders?”

“You are misunderstanding,” the intensity of the pressure began to increase, as the commander raised his voice. “It is only a presumption, but that is why I am mentioning it now. It won't happen anytime soon, but I am responsible for warning you of the possibility. That is why it is even more important that you work hard during your trip to the dungeon, as the strength that you gain there will become your insurance in the worst-case scenario.”



It seems the aura that the commander was releasing finally silenced those two. Still, it was impressive that those two were the only ones that were able to speak at all, while everybody's mouth was close shut.

I wanted to say something also, but it was impossible. My body wouldn’t want to listen to me at all. It wasn’t like when Elrick tried to force me into obeying him, I was sweating but I would have been able to talk back, I just knew that I shouldn’t.

However, I just couldn't do anything compared to the commander's presence. How fucking powerful is he?!

“I am glad that I have made myself clear so you may understand, honored heroes,” as nobody responded, the knight-commander took the silence as acceptance. “So, let me announce the plan for this excursion. You will all travel in carriages towards Laveata Town, where you will enter the E rank dungeon, Fur Walker Dungeon, to train and level up.”

Once we returned back to the topic at hand, the atmosphere became laxer and all the pressure from before vanished into thin air. I could hear a collective sigh in relief from nearly everybody when that happens. I wasn't the exception here.

Ignoring this, the commander continued, “Once there, you will each split up into your respective teams with your assigned knight to hunt and kill monsters. We will also issue you quests from the Hunter and Mercenary guilds, so you may earn money, gain experience, and raise your standing, or rank, simultaneously. You will be doing this on-site, at the local guilds.”

Hearing the words “Quest” and “Guild” would normally make me extremely excited but my mood just wouldn’t let me. If we had left after the Pope gave us that blessing, then everything would be just like normal…but this guy just had to kill our joy.

This is the first time that I’ve met the knight-commander, but I can already say that he is definitely a 100%, 24/7 asshole. What was that girl’s name again? Amelia von Baltalz? I pity her for being this guy’s secretary.

"I wonder if there are any continuous kill quests?" he said in a whisper, but my trained ears could clearly hear Mikami’s greedy talk.

“Killing…is that really what we have to do?” I was also able to hear the Sakamoto-san’s mumbling.

“Hopefully, they won’t toss us into hell to level up faster…,” Kyouya moved his head closer to me and whispered.

I nodded and responded, “As much as I enjoy getting carried through the first few levels, I would prefer learning how to do all this killing stuff than to rely on the church. Especially after today.”

“Yeah,” Kyouya agreed. “Killing can’t be as hard as they make it up in movies, right? ...Well, I hope I don’t have to throw up.”

As I patted Kyouya’s shoulders, the knight-commander continued speaking “Every party should have acquainted themselves with their assigned knight when they had the opportunity to change Jobs. I shall now introduce them to everybody so if I may have your…perfect timing Karstein.”

Arriving as he was about to be called up, Elrick came back with a red-eyed Hanazawa. Her tears were cleaned off and it seems her makeup was reapplied, seeing as a grey-robed shrine maiden was following the duo.

Elrick left Hanazawa off at our party's location and promptly went to the front of the platform and diligently stood still. Four other knights were already lined up in a row in front of the knight-commander. Compared to Elrick, these knights were definitely in their late thirties or early forties. The age and experience of these knights were apparent.

“These five knights have been chosen as your guide and aid during your trip to the dungeon, as they have shown that they can lead parties of knights. Do not worry, they are all strong enough to defend you in the dungeon if something were to happen,” the knight-commander then pointed at each knight, starting from his right, after saying that. “Sir Karlst von Kriemhild shall follow the party belonging to the hero with [Justice for All]. Sir Falamm Astolfus shall follow the party of [Magic Breaker]. Lady Yorshka will aid [Enchanter’s Oath]. Sir Royce Albert Loucestro will be the knight for the party with the Hero [Savior] and Saintess Aiko. Last but not least, Sir Elrick von Karstein will follow Saintess Asaka.”

Are you kidding me?! What are you calling us?!

Besides Aiko and Hanazawa, he addressed everybody with their unique skill, even Akanishi who had the [Hero] title. What is this fucked up situation?!

“That is all. Your knight will explain to you, the rest of the information,” the commander then proceeded to hand all the detailed explanation to his subordinates. “Pope Gwyn, I am finished.”

“Thank you, Lord Knight-Commander. You have done a great service to our Goddess,” the Pope said to the bowing commander.

Great service, my ass! I screamed in my head.

"Now, with this, we are done for now. As you are wearing your equipment, we may proceed with the departure. Please, follow your knights towards your carriages,” the Pope told us.

With all that done, our entire class let out a sigh in relief. The whole congregation of priests and shrine maiden then disbanded and went back to their individual duties. So did all the knights, besides the ones assigned to us.

Speaking of knights, Elrick was coming over to us right now.

“I apologized if the commander sounded rude. He is very stressed over the fact that his home country is at war while he has to stay here in Aureolis,” Elrick said once he was close to us.

I don’t know any other country in this world that is currently at war so I will presume he was talking about the Empire.

“Aren’t you also worried, Sir Elrick?” Kyouya asked.

“I am, yes,” he responded with a wry smile. “However, thankfully my family’s domain does not border the warzones so I can calm my mind with that. I also have heard from my House that my parents and siblings are doing fine. It is also relieving to hear that my younger sister’s and brother’s academic life in the Magical Capital, Aleistunum is just fine…O-Oh, my apologies. I should not have mentioned something personal there.”

Elrick scratched his neck bashfully, clearly showing that this inhumanly strong warrior still had a kind heart for his family.

“Anyways, enough with the pleasantries. We should hurry to the carriages, otherwise, the church might be furious about us delaying the festivities,” Elrick said while pushing us onwards.

“Festivities?” Mikami asked while walking.

“Of course, you are all our Goddess’ heroes so your departure will bring hope and joy to the people in the capital. As you ride through the city, the church will make a spectacle of you to ensure that your prestigious image shall live on,” Elrick explained.

“Urghhh,” Hanazawa groaned displeased.

“…Do we have to do something during this trip out of the city?” I asked, suspecting something from Hanazawa’s reaction.

“…How very sharp, Sir Tatsuya,” Elrick said while worriedly looking at Hanazawa. “To increase and promote your reputation, the church wishes you to interact with the crowd. Merely waving your hand will be enough. Do not worry, we have stationed soldiers to guard you against any approaching citizens.”

It would seem like Hanazawa was told this beforehand, evident of her distraught look. She still hasn’t fully recovered from the intense stares of that massive congregation yet, so it was understandable for her to be like that.

The citizens will probably want to see and witness the saint candidates in our class, so Hanazawa will probably be forced into doing it.

“…Are you chickening out, Hanazawa-san?” to everybody’s surprise, Sakamoto-san was the one who said that.

Noticing that Sakamoto-san had a gleeful smirk, Hanazawa burst out in rage, “What did you just say, you shrimp?!”

“You heard me right. You’re not getting out of this one so be prepared to do something good in your life for once, you lazy bum,” like a cat, Sakamoto-san was baring her claws at Hanazawa, ready to slice her down when she was currently at an all-time low, mentally.

“Sakamoto-san, I think this is…,” Kyouya tried to intervene but nothing would stop the volcano now.

“Get out of my way, Ishigami,” pushing Kyouya out of the way, Hanazawa then proceeded to grip Sakamoto-san’s collar and pull her up. “Say that again to my face, you little bitch! You think you know everything about me? You think you have the right to judge me? You can go to hell then, you spoiled bitch!”

Struggling in Hanazawa’s clutch, Sakamoto-san had a hard time breathing but that was not enough to stop her from continuing, "Spoiled?! Do you really think you have the right to say that when you're the one who is relying on your parents to get you out of every single mess that you've created?! Pray, tell me how a lazy bitch like you was able to get into a prestigious school like Shirako High, huh?”

"That is none of your fucking business. Why do you even care about it that much, huh? You little cunt?" Hanazawa was literally spitting at Sakamoto-san at this point. "You with your wonderful grades. How does it feel sitting atop the throne of one of the best students of our year, huh? Child genius, right? Hearing the crap coming out of your mouth, all I can see is a insecure little baby."

Team Misfits causes two scandals on the same day. What a perfect newspaper headline…

Before it could escalate any further, Elrick and Kyouya tore the two girls away from each other, trying their best to stop them from escaping their grip and continuing this feud.

“Fuck off!” Sakamoto-san shouted. “Don't call me that ever again! You don't even know how much pressure the title "Child Genius” demands from you! Considering how irresponsible you are and how often you are relying on your parents to resolve all the problems you create, you should be honored that somebody in this world is trying his best to help you out, trying to make everything comfortable for you! Have you ever said thank you to Sir Elrick or even apologized to him? Do you even know how many problems you are causing him, or how stress he’s at the end of every day?! YOU’RE FUCKED IN THE HEAD, HANAZAWA!”

Why is Sakamoto-san mentioning Sir Elrick? What does he have to do with this whole quarrel?

“SHUT UP!” suddenly, Hanazawa’s eyes began shining white and an aura covered her body. Shocked by this phenomenon, Sir Elrick let his guard down and Hanazawa was able to slip through his grip like a snake.

The girl then proceeded to punch Kyouya in the face with her fist still covered in that white aura like veil, knocking him backward helplessly as he groaned.

“Kyouya!” I shouted out.

Where is that strength coming from?! She knocked Kyouya out!

“Hiiiieeee!” yelping, Sakamoto-san fell on the ground limply as Hanazawa punched away our party’s tank.

Roughly picking her up again, Hanazawa roared, “SAY THAT IN MY FACE YOU MIDGET!”

As she was about to hit the crying Sakamoto-san with the same hand that sent Kyouya flying, I could see that Aiko, Akanishi and our two former class representatives, Tsuji-san and Kudo were rushing towards our location, weapons-ready.

My body was also demanding me to stop her, not because of the promise that I made to Aiko and Tsuji-san to protect Sakamoto-san but because that bitch Hanazawa just knocked out my best friend!

“HANAZAWA!” sheathing my spear, my body unconsciously moved by itself from this pure rage building up inside me, not relenting until the tip of my spear reaches her body.

[Rush Hour] inflicted on [Human, Tatsuya Nagata]>

“ENOUGH!” with what sounded like Elrick’s voice, something knocked my spear out of my hand and slammed my whole body onto the ground.

“Calm Mind,” somebody said behind my body.

As he said that, the rage inside me dispersed and my mind started to cool down from all that adrenaline and anger.

Unfortunately, calming down also dispelled [Rush Hour].

[Starvation (Minor)] [Exhaustion (Moderate)] inflicted on [Human, Tatsuya Nagata]>

…Immediately afterward, the side effects of this powerful skill assaulted me. Even if I wanted to do something now, the lethargy of [Exhaustion (Moderate)] has killed off all my strength and will to stand up.

Luckily, I was still able to move my eyes. I could see that the other four who wanted to stop Hanazawa were equally blocked by somebody.

Akanishi was slammed on the ground by his party’s knight, Sir Royce Albert Loucestro, while Kudo had his arm bent behind his back in a policeman grip by Sir Falamm Astolfus.

Tsuji-san and Aiko, on the other hand, weren't as roughly handled as us guys. Lady Yorshka, Tsuji-san’s party’s knight was simply holding an open hand in front of her, asking her to stop otherwise she will do exactly the same as what the knights have done to us dudes. Aiko was a saint candidate, so nobody even tried to stop her, but the mere sight of Akanishi being held down prompted her to stop from fear.

In the meantime, Elrick was able to use the spell [Calm Mind] on both Sakamoto-san and Hanazawa, diffusing the situation before it got to the point of no return.

If those four knights are there, then that meant that Sir Karlst von Kriemhild, Daisy’s knight, was holding me down. Did he target me because of Daisy’s orders?! I fucking bet he did!

With that, this whole mess ended. We were then scolded by our knights and were urgently forced to go to the carriage now, as we have wasted a ton of time.

While the other parties weren’t really affected by this whole fight, my party was in a terrible state. Kyouya was healed with healing magic but he felt dizzy and nauseous while he entered the carriage. Sakamoto-san kept crying and curled herself in a fetus position inside the carriage. Hanazawa pulled the window blinders of our carriage down and stayed deadly still as she silently wept.

Me? I was still under the side effects of my unique skill. I could barely move my body as I slowly placed bits of fruits inside my mouth, as nobody wanted to feed me. [Starvation] and [Exhaustion] are a bitch combination.

Elrick tried to console Hanazawa but to no avail.

The only person that wasn't affected was fucking Mikami who simply mumbled, "The catfight was at its peak. Just a bit more and they would have torn each other's clothes off. What a shame."

…I wish I saved up [Rush Hour] so I could turn him into shish kebab now…

From outside our carriage, I could hear the thunderous cheering of the citizens of this world and the voices of my classmates reciprocating the crowd's feverish yells.

I wanted to see the citizens and the city’s appearance, but the blinders were down. My body was too weak to even pull them up and even asking was impossible. Hanazawa told Elrick to not pull the blinders up at any cost.

So, it seems that Team Misfits, not only caused two loud shouting battles, but it would also seem like we would miss out on the crowd-pleasing part…

I fucking hate my life…

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