A Demon's Journey

Chapter 577 Misty Flower Pavilion's Expansion In The Berian Kingdom

A week passed after Yrellea's subordinate Nancy established a branch in the Kingdom of Beria. She came across many challenges.

Firstly, the system of the Kingdom of Beria is quite different compared to the Pinhian Republic. Nancy has lived her entire life in the Pinhian Republic and found adapting to the Berian Kingdom's culture challenging.

Secondly, the general populace of the Berian Kingdom is weak economically. They are brash and fiery. These people would instead take a beating than pay.

Thirdly, someone has started spreading rumors that the Misty Flower Pavilion belongs to the Pinhian Republic. As a result, people have begun to stare aggressively at the Misty Flower Pavilion. The sad part of this rumor is that it's absolutely true.

It won't take the Berian Kingdom's citizens long to figure out the truth. So, Nancy has to find a solution quickly.

Nancy gave this situation a lot of thought, but she was still unsure of her best course of action. There seemed to be nothing she could accomplish with her existing strength and resources.

Thus, Nancy decides to consult Yrellea.

"Madam. How should I cope with these challenges?" Nancy asked.

Yrellea didn't even bat her eyes upon hearing these challenges. Her experience increased tremendously after establishing the Misty Flower Pavilion in the Glerian Kingdom and the Pinhian Republic.

In fact, the situation in the Berian Kingdom seemed awfully similar to the Glerian Kingdom.

Thus, Yrellea replied immediately, "You overlooked something while establishing the Misty Flower Pavilion in the Berian Kingdom. Before the debut of this organization, you should have tried to gather the support of the local overlords."

Nancy was naturally intelligent and understood what her mistress was implying.

"Please forgive me for this blunder, Madam. But how do I correct it? You must have a way. Please help me," Nancy requested earnestly.

Yrellea cheered upon hearing Nancy's tone and divulged, "The solution to your issue is simple. Provide free services to everyone in the Berian Kingdom. Do that for the next three months and make them addicted. Once they are addicted, start charging them money. Make it minimal, so they have no trouble accepting the price. Once they are used to the price, start increasing it. You will reap great profits utilizing this scheme."

"…B-But how will I pay my subordinates until then?" Nancy questioned with an uncertain look.

"I will help you with that," Yrellea casually stated.

"N-No! I-I…I apologize, Madam. I never wished to disappoint you like that. I am so stupid," groaned Nancy.

"I am not disappointed, Nancy," Yrellea declared. She further asserted, "This is the first time you are doing something like this. Moreover, it is in a foreign country. I know how challenging it is. I would never be disappointed in you for giving your best."

Nancy settled down after hearing those remarks. In fact, she was touched.

"…Also, don't expect me to assist you for free. I will provide you with more resources than the specified allocation, but they will be treated as loans. You can gradually repay me after three months after you start to make revenue," Yrellea uttered calmly.

"I accept, Madam. I will definitely return this loan quickly," Nancy promised.

"Take care of yourself. It doesn't matter if this scheme fails, but I don't want to lose a talent of your caliber," Yrellea ordered.

"I shall keep this in mind, Madam," Nancy blurted. She was internally delighted. She didn't think her value was so great in Yrellea's heart.

'I can't disappoint, Madam,' Nancy thought.

She started thinking more passionately about how she should expand the Misty Flower Pavilion in the Berian Kingdom.

The next day, Nancy publicized this free scheme in the entire Berian Kingdom. She chose the services to be provided for free. Massage, Concert Dance, Singing Show, and Dramatic Play.

This news actually created a slight tremor in the Berian Kingdom.

Few people had visited the Misty Flower Pavilion in the Berian Kingdom, but everyone who had raved about it.

The price to enjoy these services was relatively high, so people could only look at them from afar. However, the situation had changed!

The Misty Flower Pavilion will allow them to enjoy those services for free!

Everyone in the Berian Kingdom knew that the employees of the Misty Flower Pavilion were all ethereal beauties. They were ecstatic at the prospect of receiving a massage from them, watching their exquisite dance, hearing their soothing voice or witnessing a play.

The people spreading nasty rumors about the Misty Flower Pavilion were speechless upon witnessing this change in public opinion.

Everyone who previously opposed the Misty Flower Pavilion has become a fervent supporter.

When someone tried to publicly badmouth the Misty Flower Pavilion, he would be given a beating.

"The Misty Flower Pavilion is just a business enterprise! Are you saying that someone should restrict this business to only one country?! What bullshit is this?!"

"That's right. Wouldn't it be disastrous if the Misty Flower Pavilion's owner doesn't expand into our kingdom?! Why should the Pinhian Republic's citizens enjoy the privilege of possessing such a wonderful business enterprise?!"

"We should help the Misty Flower Pavilion to expand in our kingdom. My friend's father is a Mayor of Nuxvar. I will request him to approach the owner of this Pavilion and establish this Misty Flower Pavilion in Nuxvar as well."

The popularity of the Misty Flower Pavilion exceeded Yrellea and Nancy's expectations.

Each day, Nancy received invitations from reputed noble family heads who requested her to set up the Misty Flower Pavilion in their territories.

They even funded the Misty Flower Pavilion enormously.

As the Misty Flower Pavilion expanded rapidly, Nancy encountered another major problem. She realized that her workforce was falling short.

Training new subordinates required a specific period that couldn't be skipped.

Thus, Nancy halted the establishment of new Misty Flower Pavilion branches in the Berian Kingdom.

The Misty Flower Pavilion had already expanded into 30% of the main cities of the Berian Kingdom.

Nancy rejected the invitations and requests of other Noble Families. She informed them that the Misty Flower Pavilion had halted advancement for a certain period.

They will begin their expansion after six months.

The Noble Families were disappointed. They used all sorts of methods to persuade Nancy.

They used the softer approach and the more rigid approach. However, both were useless.

The softer approach wouldn't work since Nancy didn't care about their requests. At the same time, the more rigid approach didn't work because if these Noble Families attacked a single branch of the Misty Flower Pavilion, they would become lifelong enemies.

Just the Misty Flower Pavilion's anger wouldn't affect the Noble Families in the Berian Kingdom. However, it will make them enemies of many Noble Families in the Berian Kingdom. And that would be absolutely horrific.

By the time these Noble Families realized the Misty Flower Pavilion's power, it was all too late. The Misty Flower Pavilion had already expanded explosively within the Berian Kingdom.

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