104.1 Trivial Cleaning Up

Dogajin was sprinting through the forest with the elf spellcaster on his back.

Even if he lost the protection of magic, the physical strength of a fist saint was already off the charts to begin with. That was the reason why he could bring the slender elf――

Or so it was supposed to be.

The face of the elder beastfolk, Dogajin who ran like a gust of wind was bitter, as if he was carrying a huge rock on his back.

「I… Am just a burden, leave me here…!」

The elf spellcaster barely managed to squeeze those words while gritting their teeth due to the uncomfortable shaking.

「Can't do that.」

After giving such a short reply, Dogajin shut his eyes for a moment, and when he opened his eyes, power returned to his exhausted eyes.

「I'm not talented in magic but, you know something about that demon prince right?」

「… Ah.」

「The information about the demon prince is important. That's why we have to escape even at the cost of our pride as warriors.」

――Given a choice.

I actually want to wreak havoc in their camp till I die. I really couldn't bear the fact that I've abandoned the fallen hero and sword saints who fought till the bitter end.

But―― I who lost the protection of magic wouldn't last a few seconds against the magic of the demon race. The only thing I can do is to take one of my comrades.

–That's why.

I should bring this information back so that it could be of some help for future operations.

I'd rather do this than lose my life in vain―― Even if people call me a coward later.

Moreover, the dogfolk fist saint had also escaped to the opposite direction of Dogajin. He volunteered himself to become bait so that the elf spellcaster could escape―― And to make sure that none of the raid party members got sacrificed in vain.


Dogajin could only clench his teeth in frustration. Though such fluctuating emotions only stayed for a moment, his rage would get the better of him.


The master who devoted himself to martial arts and transcends the logic of the world was lamenting his own weakness.

――No magical power.

No matter how much he trains. Regardless of the technique that he mastered.

One or two words from the demon race could easily reap his life.

He felt like an insect who got trampled to death by a kid.

His effort, his resolution, his spirit of martial arts, everything got trampled――!

「Just drop me here… They might find us…」

The elf spellcaster was greatly weakened to the point that they could barely say those words.

「Instead, I wish that you can become a messanger for me… Part of it is my guess but, it's still the information about the Demon Prince…」

「Don't rely too much on my memories but, let me to hear it at least.」

「That prince is the user of wind magic… I don't know how he did that but, he can slip through the protection of the spirit and use some sort of method to rob his opponent's power… In fact, I heard his voice right in my ears before he stole my power――」

Dogajin was focusing as well as he could to make sure that he didn't miss every single word from the elf spellcaster but――


The air was filled with an unpleasant presence.

「… Oh no, RUN!」

The elf spellcaster gasped,

「【Anemos Trovilos(Shredded to Pieces)】」

The voice of that demon prince Emergias resounded.

At that moment, the air exploded. A storm of hundreds of wind blades swept that place.

The elf spellcaster on his back died immediately, as their body got shredded to pieces.

Naturally, the same could be said for Dogajin. He barely avoided an instant kill thanks to the elf spellcaster who became his shield but――

「Gah… Guh, Cough…」

On the other hand, he was mangled. Every single bone in his body was cut in various places and he sank into a pool of his own blood. The body of the elf spellcaster that should be as light as a feather now felt like a heavy lead to him.

(I… Cannot die yet…!)

I can't afford to die. I can't let everyones death be a waste.

I have to at least tell everyone about the information of the Demon Prince―― Only then can I die…!

Though he mustered the remaining of his strength, Forget about moving, his legs couldn't even twitch.

――My tendons got severed by the barrage of wind blades.

Even a master who transcend the logic of the world can't surpass the limit of my flesh――I―― Can't―― Do anything――

「W, hy…!!」

Dogajin shed tears of blood while trying to drag his body with his bloodied arms.

「Why… I… Am… So weak!!」

I refuse to die like this.

I rather die with pride during the battle.

For me to die in vain like this―― By magic shot from behind, while escaping on top of that――

How can a warrior who devoted his blood and soul into martial arts die like this.

I refuse to die like this!

「Dear God!!! Why you… Don't give me, more po!!」

Dogajin whose eyes were opened wide as he reached out to the sunlight that was filtering through the trees――

His hand fell listlessly right after his plea.

He died due to blood loss.

That was the end of the elder fist saint.


「He died huh.」

At that moment, at the other side.

Emergias who was waiting leisurely in his tent with his spear leaning on the tent felt the death of the elf spellcaster.

The connection was gone.

Even the power that he plundered had completely vanished.

Emergias of 『Envy』.

That was the nickname of Emergias. It was a name that contains various ridicule like Diagias' 『Sex Mania』 and 『Boundless Love』.

But, those who know the truth behind that alias could be counted in one hand.

The devil who made a pact with Emergias was the Devil of Envy, Zilia. There was no need to explain her power. It was an authority that allowed him to get power by envying the other.

But, the magic provided by Zilia had a quirk or two.

Plundering the power from the foe that he envied to the point of madness―― From their wound.

That was Zilia's magic.

And even with that, it was far from perfect. No matter how much he yearned and envied it, he would never get it.

That was the reason why he felt so irritated.

The flame of jealousy burned even brighter. Despite the opponent's resistance, their power would eventually be plundered, weakening them while at the same time strengthening Emergias. The circle of plunder and strengthen kept going on until he stripped his opponent of all their power――

The cunning snake slowly but surely strangled his opponent to death.

But, 『Plundering』 power from the opponent was something that was being looked down on by the Demon Race, that's why only a few chosen know about this ability, to the other, it was known as 『Magic of Brutal Debilitation』.

He had no problem with that kind of explanation.

The reason being once the target whose power was stolen by him died, their stolen power would also vanish with them. So even though plundering power was a foul play, the said power would only empower him for a short time―― Though he got something along the process.

(I don't care even if that spellcaster managed to escape but, it might bring trouble for my reputation.)

Emergias chuckled inside. He didn't care about letting go of the elf spellcaster since they would be able to keep supplying him with their power for as long as they're alive but, his fame as a prince would be tarnished if he let go of the culprit that raided the camp of the army.

Thus, he had no choice but to deal with the spellcaster in spite of his reluctance ―― And killed the fist saint who escaped along with them. By the way, his subordinate had already chased the other fist saint who escaped to another direction.

「【――Your Highness.】」

A voice resounded in his ears.

「【We found the dog. Currently pursuing him】」

That 『Voice』 resounded despite the fact that no figure could be seen nearby.

「【Great. Don't let your guard down and kill him once you find an opening.】」

Emergias' reply had strangely resounded too.


The other party cut the contact after giving a short reply.

This was the bloodline magic of the Izanis Clan.

Its name was 【Voice Transmission Curse】. It was a magic that transmitted a voice like a reading letter. It had great compatibility with the Izanis clan whose forte was wind magic.

===TN: Those Who Can't Wait For more Jil-kun's, I've Uploaded Advance chapters in Fox<–HERE and in PATREON(cheaper 10/$10) with a paywall of course===


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