6 Times a Day

Chapter 964 Katherine And Susan ['ReaperCrew' Sponsored]

'ReaperCrew' Special - [8/10] Chapters.


Earlier that morning, Susan had been lying in her bed, spooned up next to a still-sleeping Alan, when Katherine gently shook her awake.

Susan looked up and offered a dreamy, tired smile, but she was genuinely glad to see her daughter. "Morning, Angel." She yawned.

Katherine seemed a bit agitated as she whispered, "Morning, Mom. It's only a few minutes till eight o'clock. Should we wake Brother up, or let him sleep?"

Susan looked at the clock and saw that indeed it read 7:49. Every single muscle in her body ached and her pussy throbbed with a dull, throbbing pain. She carefully extricated herself from Alan's embrace without waking him and tried to stand up. However, her body seemed unable to move.

Katherine saw Susan's dilemma and helped her up, but she was careful to keep her distance as much as possible while doing so, because Susan was covered with dried-on sweat and crusty cum.

Susan looked down at her naked body and then looked at the alarm clock again, as if in disbelief. She whispered, "Oh my! You're right! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

Katherine looked lovingly at her brother's sleeping form while she whispered to her mother, "I figured you both must be so tired. Especially Brother. He hiked for two solid days, but instead of coming back to rest, the two of you kept at it all night. He must be beyond exhausted."

Susan also looked down at him, and then again back at the clock. Her body woke up at the same time so consistently that she still couldn't believe she'd slept in, even a little. "Dear me. He smells like a warmed-over pitcher of cum and sweat. Not good at all. He'll need to take a shower, and he'll be starving too. I'm so sore and tired from last night! He must be too. Damn, that was some serious fucking. Wow... I think it's best we just let him sleep."

Katherine whispered, "You're no bouquet of roses either. Whoa, and your breath!" But she muttered to herself, "God, I'm jealous!"

Susan heard that. She smiled as she quietly shuffled out of the room, grabbing some clothes. She figured she'd put them on along the way.

Katherine spoke a bit louder once they'd left the room and closed the door. "That's what I thought, too, that he should sleep some more. I figured I'd wait until the last minute, though, in case you insisted he make it to school on time."

Susan froze in the hallway, pulled away, and gave her daughter a hard stare. "Wait just a minute, young lady. What about you? How are you going to get to school in less than ten minutes? You're still dressed in a négligée!" She leaned up against the wall because she could barely stand up on her own.

Katherine continued walking down the hall, forcing Susan to follow. "That's because I'm going to be late, Mom."

Susan reluctantly staggered down the hall, feeling her way along the wall like a drunkard. Alan had fucked her so thoroughly that the muscles in her thighs felt like pudding. "Hold on. Says who? I'm the mother around here, and I say you're going to school this instant! Your grades have suffered enough with your lax attitude!"

Katherine seemed unfazed, and spoke as she began walking down the stairs towards the kitchen, "Mom, you may be the mother, but Alan is the man of the house now, and his needs come first. He runs the house now. Some of us have to be his cum receptacles, or his balls are going to be horribly backed up with sperm. He doesn't even have Glory to help at lunch, at least today. He could go hours and hours completely unfucked!" She said this last sentence with sincere intensity, as if that was a prospect too horrible to contemplate.

"Hold on, daughter of mine." Susan stood still and put her hands on her hips in a defiant stance that was lost on Katherine, because her daughter kept on walking down the stairs. Susan was forced to keep going, but suddenly she fell to the floor as she neared the stairs. She remained there, panting, and said dramatically, "You go ahead, make breakfast. I can't go on. My Tiger fucked me too good."

Katherine walked back and held out her hand. "Talk about a drama queen, Mom. You make it sound like you're playing someone on the verge of death in some movie. Here, take my hand. I'll help you down the stairs."

Susan said, "Thanks. It's just my muscles. I can't wait to take a bath later." They staggered on down the stairs, with Katherine holding her mother up for most of the way.

When they reached the bottom, Susan paused and relaxed a bit, leaning against the wall. "That's better. Now what was I saying? Oh yes. Tiger may be like the father of the house now, thanks to the way he's tamed us all with his manly cock, and none of us want to see his cock unsatisfied for so many hours. But I'm still the mother, and still your parent! You have to do what I tell you! I will not take this insubordination. It's so unlike you, Angel. What's gotten into you?"

Katherine sighed. "I'm sorry, Mommy. I don't mean to be resentful. But it's more a question of what HASN'T gotten into me, if you know what I mean. I'm a wreck. A complete wreck. I can't stand to go another hour being so tragically unfucked. It's been three days! THREE DAYS!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I can understand your grief. Three days and no Alan Junior? Phew! Scary. But don't worry, I'm sure he will take good care of your cunt this afternoon. Speaking of being a wreck, can you help me to the kitchen?"

"But I need it NOW!" Katherine moaned, even as she headed back to help her mother. "It's not just the three days. I've gone longer than that before. It's seeing you make love with him so wonderfully last night, over and over. I stayed up late and watched the video, live and on replay. It really got to me. I mean, you can't even walk! I want to be fucked that good too!"

Once Katherine reached Susan, her mother let go of the railing and grabbed her daughter tight, partly to help her stand, but partly as a gesture of support and affection. "Angel, don't worry. He loves you more than life itself. I'm sure he can't wait to inject you with more of his love and his hot sperm."

"You say that, but..." Katherine pulled a bit back from the hug to really look closer at Susan. "Mom, what the heck happened to you? You look like death warmed over. Your eyes - did you get ANY sleep?"

"Oh dear. Do I look that bad? It's just that he fucked me so good and so hard and so long that I can barely move." She gave a smile that was both wistful and naughty. "I wish I could feel this bad every morning!"

Katherine groaned unhappily. "Don't rub it in."

Susan was able to waddle the rest of the way to the kitchen on her own.

Katherine sat on one of the kitchen counter stools while Susan preferred to remain standing, leaning against the wall with her legs slightly spread. Her pussy lips were still swollen and her nipples were hard, aching for more attention. Unfortunately, standing in that position let her and Alan's combined cum inadvertently leak out and drip down the insides of her thighs, which only annoyed Katherine even more.

Katherine was peeved and antsy. But they had a long discussion, and at the end she felt somewhat better. Most importantly, Susan promised to give Katherine more space to be with Alan.

When the discussion was over, Katherine walked up to Susan, casually pulled her mother's top down below her boobs, then said, "You know what I said before about 'Don't rub it in?'"


"Well, now you can rub it in." She gave Susan a tight squeeze, making sure to rub their impressive chests together. They French kissed for a minute or two, but then Susan complained that she needed a bath.

So they went to Susan's big bathroom and took a long hot bath together. Nothing especially sexual happened aside from some light kissing and cuddling, as Susan wanted to recover. By the end of the bath, she said she felt much better. Then the two of them performed their morning rituals such as shaving, brushing teeth, anal lubing, and so forth, together. It seemed that everything had worked out.

Needless to say, after all that, Katherine was shocked to walk into the room where Alan was sleeping, hoping to wake him in a sexual way, only to see Susan enthusiastically bouncing up and down on his morning erection.

Susan had woken Alan with her good morning fuck around nine o'clock. He'd meant to stay awake, but in fact had closed his eyes "for just a minute" and gone back to sleep. She was already asleep again herself, and neither one had reset the alarm clock.

Susan woke up again and looked around. The first thing out of her mouth was a rather loud, "Oh my goodness!" She looked at Alan lying next to her, and was relieved to see that her sudden outburst hadn't woken him. She carefully extricated herself from his arms and stood next to the bed. She looked at the clock by her bed and noticed the time: 9:45.

The fact that Alan was missing school was bad enough, but what made her feel many times worse was how she'd hurt Katherine with her impulsive fucking of her son. She felt so bad that she wanted to cry. Oh no! What have I done? I've really hurt my sweet Angel. I've never done anything so horrible in my life! I'd better go find her. Not only that, but they're both going to be soooo late for school, and it's all my fault!

She knocked on Katherine's door.

Katherine was inside. She'd cried some, but she was done with that and now morosely surfed the Internet. Since she didn't expect to see Alan for a while, she wore an extremely torn white T-shirt and short jeans shorts (this now qualified as conservative dress in the Plummer household). She recognized her mother's gentle knock and yelled, "Go away!"

However, Susan opened the door anyway. She walked to Katherine's computer and briefly noticed a picture on the screen of a nude pregnant woman. But she just caught a glimpse right as Katherine was closing up her computer windows, and she was too preoccupied with her worries to pay it much mind.

She fell to her knees in front of her daughter's computer desk and started crying. "I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry! Please forgive me! I don't know what to say. It was wrong, very wrong, but I just couldn't help myself!"

Katherine had vowed to be tough, but she melted as soon as she saw her mother crying with such abject sadness. At first she tried to ignore her, but after about a minute, she pulled Susan up and directed her to a chair.

"Come on, Mom, buck up. I'm pissed, but it's not THAT bad. We all make mistakes."

Susan sniffled as she sat down, "But I'm your mother! I have to be the tough one, the responsible one! I've completely failed you as a parent! All I ever wanna do any more is suck cock and get fucked. Having sex with my own children is WRONG! It's so wrong, if it tears us up like this!"

Katherine went back to her own chair, but held her mother's hands in her own. "You're starting to talk crazy again, Mom. Don't ever say that it's wrong, we just have to work through these things."

Susan still cried. "I guess." She sighed very heavily. "I don't know..."

Katherine chuckled. "Hey! I'm supposed to be mad at you! How can I be mad when you're so sad already?"

Susan sobbed even more. "I'm so sorry, I can't do anything right!"

Katherine looked at her mother's face. "Look up, Mom. Look me in the eyes. It's okay. I forgive you. I suppose it's only fair for all the times I fucked him behind your back."

Susan looked up tentatively. "Really?"

"Well... Maybe. I have to admit that if I were in your shoes, I probably would have done the same thing. You and I are alike in so many ways. We're his personal fuck toys. Serving his cock is what we're best at, and what we feel the most passionate about. Self-control isn't really our strong suit, is it?"

Susan laughed a little through her sobs. Her tears were starting to come to an end. "I suppose not."

"But Mom, I really am mad at you. You're going to have to make this up to me, big time. How could you do this to me after all the things you told me earlier? Not to mention, how the hell was your body even up for it? You were just getting the hang of walking again, last I saw you."

Susan started sobbing again, "I know! I'm so sorry. It's just that I was so proud of ... my Tiger... He was so close to giving me ten loads, just like I asked... and I was..." She had a hard time talking the way she was crying.

Katherine stood up. "This is useless. Mom, I can't have a serious discussion with you if you break into tears after anything I say. Why don't you take a shower? You could use one even after your bath. I'll go down and start on breakfast. We'll need to wake him soon."

"But do you forgive me?" Susan looked at her daughter with heartbreaking, puppy dog eyes.

Katherine hugged Susan. "Of course! I love you! You're the best mother ever. How could I stay mad at you? But you still owe me big time. BIG. TIME. Now, go before you make me all weepy too."

"I promise I won't even so much as touch him today."

"That's a good start, but just a start. I need some serious Brother time." She playfully slapped her mother on the ass, and Susan left after another affirming hug.

Katherine took another peek into Alan's room, but he wasn't there. Assuming that he was sleeping in Susan's room, she went downstairs and started making waffles.

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