6 Times a Day

Chapter 759 Xania To The Mix? ['Someone' Sponsored]

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A couple of hours later, Suzanne was back at her house, which was a rare occurrence in recent days. She was doing laundry while waiting for Alan to return from school when she got a call on her cell phone.

She answered, and to her surprise discovered that Xania was calling. Even though she was home alone, she was intent upon complete security when it came to any sexual matters, so she had Xania call back a few minutes later. She quickly made her way to Susan's house so she could take the call on her cell phone there.

Suzanne didn't necessarily want Susan listening to a Xania phone call either (though the result if she did would be far less disastrous than if Brad or Eric somehow overheard), so she sat down on a lounge chair by the pool in the Plummer backyard and got very comfortable in a black bikini with a cocktail by her side. She spoke in subdued tones.

The line secured and pleasantries exchanged, Suzanne asked, "So, Xania, what's up?"

"Oh, not much. I just wanted to see how my patients were getting on. Or getting it on, to be more precise. I wanted to know if mother and son had done the deed yet."

Suzanne laughed. "Xania, you're not a psychologist. You only played one for a few hours. Did you forget that?"

"No, but it was some of the funnest hours of my life in quite a long while. And since you've known me so long, you can imagine the kind of stiff competition it was up against. It wasn't just the sex with Alan, though that was pretty good. I really loved the whole deception part. Here I am, an actress, though admittedly a pretty unknown one, and you gave me my greatest role yet, because it was reality. Can't I kind of bask in that, and see how they're doing?"

Suzanne laughed again. "Sure you can. I'm glad the 'appointment' worked out so well. By the way, this morning I dressed up in that suit you let me borrow, and Susan and I had a sexual role-play where I pretended I was you."

Xania laughed. "You didn't! No fair! I own the rights to the whole psychologist thing. If you do that again, I demand at least a video of it in compensation! Better yet, it's only fair if I get to dress in your clothes and pretend to be you with her."

Suzanne laughed some more. "A-ha. Now I see what your real motivation is. You're just angling to get your hands on Susan's hefty breasts after she flashed them for you all day long."

Xania kept laughing. "Okay, you got me. But you're only half right. The top item on my phone call agenda is our victory fuck. Remember how you promised me that we'd get it on together once we completed the ruse? But then you come up here, return the furniture, and close up the office, without so much as even a friendly strap-on pussy bang. And you don't call. What kind of friendship is that?" she asked, honestly somewhat miffed.

Suzanne laughed yet again. "Sorry. My bad. I had some urgent things down here. This intrigue with Alan is taking all my time and energy. But I still owe you, and I promise we'll get to that really soon. It's just that you live so far away." She basked in the sun and enjoyed the banter.

"Hey. I don't mind going down there, anytime. With any luck, you might let me bump into some of my newly favorite people. Speaking of which, you didn't answer my question yet: did they do the deed already or what?"

"Unfortunately for them, it's still in the 'or what' stage."

Xania sighed. "Not surprising, since you told me how you changed your mind on that. I think you're being pretty mean, keeping them apart."

"I know. I'm bad. But you know what? I don't think it's just me. Just this morning, Alan had a perfect chance to fuck her. He had her oinking like a squealing pig, ready for anything. He lined his dick up behind her ass, and she braced for it, and you know what he did? He stuck it up her asshole instead! He claims he wasn't thinking and just let things happen, but I don't buy it."

"What do you think happened, then? No! Wait. Don't tell me. I'm the psychologist, so let me figure this one out... Hmmm. Could it be that on some level, they're afraid to fuck? Perhaps they've been having such a good time that they're afraid a major change could only mess things up. So it makes good sense to try anal sex first, to sort of test the waters."

"Wow, Xania, I'm impressed. How did you know that? That's exactly what I was thinking. They've been teasing each other at this level for weeks and have come to love it, and once they fuck they can never go back to this pre-fuck anticipation. Think of TV shows that rely on romantic tension, like 'Moonlighting', and once the main characters get together the show goes downhill. So they're drawing it out, but I don't think either of them realize what they're doing, at least on a conscious level. But I know them and their situation a million times better than your one day contact with them, so how did you figure that out just like that?" She snapped her fingers.

"You forget my vast sexual experience. Normally I'm not at all shy about letting a guy fuck me, but sometimes there are barriers and the tension builds. I remember this one guy in particular who was going to divinity school. The anticipation was so great that when we finally did it, the actual fuck was a big let-down, and not as much fun as all the flirting and teasing."

"Yes. You bring up another good point: the let-down of the act itself. I think they're both worried the reality can't possibly live up to the hype, so they keep pushing it off, waiting for just the right moment to make sure it'll live up to all the hype. That in turn just builds up the pressure even more."

"Hmmm. Problem. I hope they work it out. Are you going to help them?"

"Yeah, I feel bad. The guilt has been gnawing at me. Plus, my status with Alan isn't really changing so it's just cruel to keep them apart even longer. My scheming hasn't really been up to snuff lately, for some reason." She didn't add the fact that she wasn't thinking of scheming much because her mind was filled with fantasies of fucking Alan. "Susan's next period is starting any time now, but as soon as that's over I'm going to do everything I can to make their first time special."

"Good. How did Alan do with the anal sex, by the way?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "Apparently quite well. He certainly passed the expectations test on that one. He's gotten Susan seriously hot to trot for more rounds of rump riding. I tell you, the kid's a natural."

"Well, that's good. But still, I worry about those two. I want them to be happy. I hope you're sincerely doing your best to help them now and you're not just thinking about your own needs."

"Hey, don't start analyzing me."

"Why not? I think I could be pretty good at this whole analysis thing. Okay, maybe not psychology per se, but sex therapy, definitely! I challenge you to find someone who has more practical sexual experience than I do. I 'do the do' in the triple digits every year. I don't think even you could hold a candle to that."

"You've got me there. Okay, fine. If you're so good, analyze this. I've been mentally holding back when having sex. You know how it is with me - I've got my schemes and analysis working in the back of my mind at all times. But last night, I just totally lost it with my Sweetie, and found myself completely in the moment. It was fantastic! But it was also scary. It almost happened again today with Susan, and that was REALLY scary, because I had all these visions about complete submission to him at the same time and the two feelings were tied together. I want to experience that total freedom and the greater joy that comes with it, but I don't want to become some kind of sex slave in the process! Susan's talking seriously about being his slave, and that idea really scares me."

"And did you have submissive visions or feelings last night? With Alan?"

"Yeah. I did. I actually crawled across the floor in naked desperation to get him to fuck me. How pathetic is that?"

"Oooh. Sounds sexy!" Xania purred. "I hope you'll give me a visual demonstration of that later so I can better diagnose your problem."

"Very cute. But to top it off, he actually turned me down. ME! Can you say 'frustration'?"

"Yikes! That is pretty hard to believe," Xania said sympathetically. "Sorry. Anyway, I've got a therapeutic edge on diagnosing you, because I know you from your college days and I'm sure you're not the submissive type. In fact, you're very domineering."

"I know, but it's Susan! She's corrupting me. You should see the way she carries on. Katherine, too. They go on and on about submitting to Alan, talking about it like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's positively infectious, even though I know he's really just a kid and not the sex god we all make him out to be. Buttering him up is fun, but after a while even I start to believe the hype. Yet the whole submission thing doesn't feel right for me." Suzanne sighed.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Xania replied, "It isn't for you. But here's the thing. I know what you mean about completely letting go. And as you know, I'm a dom too. Not that I'm into S and M, but insofar as that kind of issue comes up, I wanna be in charge, just like you. But I let myself go sexually all the time without somehow turning into a submissive or even a slave. You don't have to be submissive to Alan to completely submit to your desires. Your mind is just confusing things because you're new to it. Trust me, I know, because I've experienced it all myself. Submit to your desires, but not to him."

"Wow. Really? Xania! You ARE great at analyzing! That's the best advice I think anybody's ever given me. You really do have a talent for this. But how do I do it? I don't know how to let myself go emotionally in the first place, much less do it and stay in a certain frame of mind."

"Practice, my dear, practice. You need to have sex with someone outside your little social circle and practice letting go emotionally until you get it right. Do you know anyone from out of town sexy enough and skilled enough to make you lose your mind, who, oh, I don't know, has a name that begins with the letter X?"

Suzanne laughed. "You devious devil! As a matter of fact I do. It just so happens that I've got this other girlfriend who lives in L.A. named Xylophone-ica. She's hot."

Now Xania laughed hard. "You could at least make up a more believable name than that... How about ... Dammit, there's no other X names. How about Xavier-ella?"

They both laughed even more. When they stopped, Suzanne said, "Okay, you got me. Susan was telling me earlier that he wants to keep things cool for a few days because he's got all kinds of big tests coming up. But my hormones are still raging and a visit from you might just fit the bill. When can you come down?"

"Now it's me coming there? What happened to you coming here?"

"You're a tough one. I like that. Xania, I've forgotten just how much I like you, and how similar we are. Why did we ever fall out of contact in the first place?"

"Suzanne! You have a lot of gall to ask that! Don't you remember a certain wonderful man named Jeffrey? And how I thought he was 'the one,' until I found out you were sleeping with him? My own roommate stabbing me in the back? And then we had that big fight and I swore that the next time I'd see you it would be in hell?!" Xania got increasingly heated and angry as her bad memories came flooding back.

"Oh. THAT Jeffrey. Oopsie. Are you still mad? We've seen each other lots of times since then, so I thought that was ancient history." Suzanne wasn't thinking too well because the talk of Alan fucking had sent most of her mind into fantasy mode.

Xania was peeved but controlled. "'Oopsie?' Suzanne, I could strangle you. Yes, I'm still mad, but only because you brought it up. Truth is, I'd completely blocked it out of my mind. But now that you've reminded me, you owe me, big time."

"God, I feel so horrible."

"Enh, don't get that worked up about it. With hindsight, he clearly wasn't 'the one.' We were too young and green to last. It seems I'm too changeable and unfaithful to ever keep a relationship longer than a year or two, anyway. And time heals all wounds, and it is ancient history by now. But that doesn't completely let you off the hook. You seriously owe me. We can start with that promised victory fuck."

"You're right. I'm game, and the sooner the better. When's good for you?"

"How about tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow? No. We've got this weird sexual card game thingy going on at the Plummer house. I can't miss that. What about Thursday?"

"Wait a sec. 'Sexual card game thingy?' With Susan, Katherine, and Alan? And you didn't invite me? I'm hurt!"

"Xania, we haven't talked for ages until recently, so you can't have such expectations. Besides, how can you maintain your role as family psychologist if you attend a card game orgy?"

"Orgy? Even better! I'm definitely going to that. Excellent! I get to don my nerdy glasses and play a psychologist again. I love it! You've just invited me, like it or not, after what you did with Jeffrey. Not to mention all my great advice. We can warm up with a victory celebration of our own that afternoon or the morning after. And as for my cred, I dunno. I'll go as a case study observer or something. Who cares? That's your job, to think up good cover stories. Wouldn't you agree the sex scam credibility bar is extremely low when it comes to the Plummer family?"

"You've got a point there," Suzanne reluctantly agreed. "They're all so naïve and trusting when it comes to what I tell them, even Alan, who normally knows better. I figure he doesn't need to question things too critically if he's getting so much pussy out of the deal. It feels cruel to lie to them, although admittedly I rarely let that stop me. I do ultimately have their best interests at heart."

"Okay, so tell me all about this card game and what I need to bring, and who's going to be there and everything! This is going to be fun."

Suzanne sighed, disappointed to have yet more tough competition with Alan, given that Xania's body was a near clone of her own and Xania's tongue was even longer and more dexterous than her own already very long one. But her mind was too far into a sex fog to come up with excuses to keep Xania away, and a part of her wanted Xania there as another sex partner. She remembered a lot of sexual fun from their college days. So she began to explain, "Well, it all started when I was at a party a few weeks back and I met this woman named Brenda-"

Xania interrupted, "Oh, wait. Before you get started, I've got one more thing I should remember to mention. You know your worry about submissiveness and letting go?"


"You're going to have to overcome those kinds of worries if you want to easily let go and fully enjoy sex, in the way Susan obviously now does. She practically lost her mind in my office when I merely asked her to fantasize about fucking her son. Embrace your role as a natural dominant and feel secure in that. Then, from that safe position, you'll be able to have the occasional submissive fantasy or experience and let go in that way, and then return to your natural personality."

"Really? I can do that?"

"Suzanne, for someone so sexually experienced, you can be awfully naïve too. Sure you can. You know, it's funny how little people change. You still are always getting the scoop on everyone else but don't really know yourself. Most doms have a little bit of sub in them, and vice versa. It's healthy to let the other side come out and play every now and then. People like Alan will understand and won't think any less of you. That's just some more good Xania advice that doesn't cost you a dime. Though I do take strap-on fucks as tips." She chuckled.

"Xania, in all seriousness, from now on, you really ARE my adviser. There's no one else I could even begin to talk to like this. Thanks so much. I'm so glad that we're friends again."

"Me too. Now tell me all about this Brenda character?"

So Suzanne went into a great explanation about the history of their card games and all she knew about Brenda, plus more on the other participants.

Xania probed to learn more about Amy and Suzanne's relationship with Brenda, but that was the one topic Suzanne gingerly avoided.


Once again Much Thanks to 'Someone' for your generous support.

I will post next set within the coming week. I've just arrived home for the essentials and leaving back to Hospital again. Operation is a Success, but still in Emergency ward because it's a delicate operation.

If anyone could spare some change, it will really be appreciated. Medical Bills put a dent in my salary but we are coping. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.!

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