6 Times a Day

Chapter 173 Naughty Talk

A few minutes later, Alan found himself sitting naked in a white plastic chair on the sun deck, sliding a hand up and down his stiff erection. He'd wanted to at least keep his T-shirt on, but Suzanne had insisted that he wear nothing at all.

The house phone rang. It was sitting on the deck next to him, so he answered by briefly bending over and hitting the speakerphone option. Just hearing it ring gave him a great thrill, because Suzanne had given him some more instructions before she'd left, telling him that she wouldn't call until she was absolutely certain that Susan was watching him from the hall window as they'd discussed.

He'd already been wordlessly masturbating to thoughts of his stunning mother, more so even than his horny thoughts about his similarly stunning aunt. But he'd been trying to take it easy on his penis, knowing that things were likely to get pretty wild once Suzanne called.

Staring off into his backyard, he spoke aloud, "Hello?"

Suzanne's voice was loud and clear through the speaker phone feature. It was like she was right there. "Hey, Sweetie. How's it hanging?"

"Uh, good."

"Are you ready for our session to begin?"


"You know I can't be there at the moment, my Sweetie, but I'm going to make sure you have a long and satisfying orgasm though the magic of technology."

He smiled widely as his heart soared to thoughts of his wonderful "auntie." "Thanks, Aunt Suzy!"

Sure enough, Susan was watching through the window that Suzanne knew she would use. Suzanne had left the window partly open to make sure that Susan could hear every word.

Susan thought, So THAT'S what's going on! She had been very puzzled why Alan was masturbating on the sun deck when he'd always done it in his room, and furthermore, how Suzanne had made a passing mention to her right before she went home that he'd been about to start doing that. Now, it all made sense.

Suzanne asked over the phone line, "So, what do you want to talk about? What'll get you hard and horny?"

He looked down at himself, and admitted with a chuckle, "No worries. I already am hard and horny. And just hearing your scratchy yet oh-so-sultry voice is guaranteed to keep me that way."

"Really? Well, let's make you harder and hornier. What are you thinking about?"


"Of course honestly! Even if it's not flattering to me, I can take it. You know you can be completely truthful to me."

"Well then, I must admit, before you called, I was kind of thinking about... Mom!"

Susan gasped, loudly.

He had to suppress a strong urge to look over to where he knew she was standing. He loved that she gasped like that, because it was further proof to him that she was utterly incapable of any kind of deception. He found that adorable.

Suzanne purred, "You naughty boy! Are you thinking about your sexy, big-titted mommy while you stroke your fat cock?"

"I am. Does that offend you?" He could feel his lusty desire rising, and he stroked his boner faster.

Suzanne replied, "No way! I think it's great, AND very sexy. Keep in mind that you have your special medical condition. I can't always be there to help you. That means that once Ron leaves, or even before that, your mother is going to be helping you in a very intimate way, on a daily basis. Just like she did last Tuesday, she's gonna fondle, stroke, lick, and suck your cock! Every day, if not more. Probably many times a day. I find that very sexy, don't you?"

He grunted. "Yeah!"

Susan was panting hard, and her heart beat like a big bass drum. Oh my goodness! My Tiger! My Tiger's cock! I'm going to be sucking it SO MUCH! So very, very much!

Suzanne continued, "Your mother is an extremely beautiful woman, and she loves you more than you know. There's nothing she wouldn't do for you. Which means that it won't be long before she'll be naked and on her knees, with your thick slab of cock-meat in her mouth! I would say that she's going to learn to love it, but she's already told me all about what happened that Tuesday, and I know she loves it already."

Susan thought, I DO! I DO! God knows I do! Lord help me, I know it's wrong, but I just can't resist! MMMM! So thick! So long! So sweet! I wish I could have it in my mouth right now!

She'd been wearing some ordinary, unrevealing, and unflattering clothes, which she'd changed into after Brenda left in order to do her gardening. But she suddenly felt like she was burning up, to the point that she worried she really did have a fever. Now that Suzanne had mentioned her being naked and kneeling, she felt a strong compulsion to be just like that. She couldn't kneel, because then her head would be too low to continue to peek out the window, which was a small, high window meant to help light the hallway more than to look through.

But there was nothing stopping her from getting naked. Because the window was small and easily overlooked, she figured the odds of Alan seeing her peeking at him were extremely low. Even if he did, all he would see was her head. If she stripped, she could pick up her clothes and flee down the stairs well before he could open the door from the sun deck to the hallway. Then she could at least claim that she'd just arrived and glanced through the window, and that's why he'd noticed her head at that moment.

With that in mind, she managed to take all of her clothes off (except for the panties necessitated by her period) without ever taking her eyes off her naked son. It helped that she wasn't wearing a bra, due to the rule about that. She felt much better after disrobing, and much more aroused.

Alan was staring into the trees of his own large backyard, beyond the pool, when he asked Suzanne, "Are you SURE it's okay that we're talking about Mom instead of you? I could just as easily talk about you, since you inspire me every bit as much as she does."

Suzanne replied, "I know that, but we did that last time. It's a fun twist to talk about her instead. Besides, like I said, if I have my way - and I usually do - she and I are going to be a cock-pleasuring team in the near future, so it's only fitting."

He asked, "Okay... but... is it safe? Where is she right now?!" Like the last question, that was a question Suzanne told him to ask.

Suzanne said, "I told you already, she's gardening. I talked to her in the backyard no more than ten minutes ago. You know how she is: once she gets started, she's not going to stop until she finishes the task. So you have plenty of time. In fact, who knows, maybe you can see her from there?"

He acted like he was scanning the backyard, even though he could only see a part of it, since his chair wasn't near the outer edge of the sun deck. The chair was close to the window Susan was peeking through, so she could get an excellent view of him from less than ten feet away. "Nah, I can't see her."

"I'm sure she's there," Suzanne responded. "Why don't you get up and take a closer look? Wouldn't it be a kick to masturbate about her while looking at her?" She delighted in the irony of that, knowing that he knew the opposite was happening.

"Yeah, but no. I'm fine where I am. I'm stroking up a storm here, so I don't want to move." He responded like that because he didn't want to spook his mother. He knew that she would realize that if he stood up and started walking around the sun deck, he probably wouldn't see her immediately, but he might well see her when he turned around and faced her direction while he returned to his chair. He didn't want to give her any reason to flee, so he was bound to remain sitting.

Suzanne asked him, "Do you feel naughty, masturbating to visions of your sexy mommy?"

He replied, "Of course. But I just can't help myself! It's like she's the Playboy Playmate of the Year. No, even sexier than that! She's just so hot that it's crazy!"

Susan thrilled to every word. And she thought, That's just like me! I can't help myself either. Son, we're both caught in a web, trapped in this web of forbidden desire because of your special medical condition. What cruel fate. But at the same time, dear Lord, I love it so much! I can't stop salivating. It's all I can do not to bust through the door, rush across the sun deck, drop to my knees, and swallow his entire wonderful cock deep down my throat! UNGH! HNNG! I want that so bad!

She hadn't intended to masturbate, she just wanted to feel unrestrained without her clothes. But somehow, since she'd lost her clothes (except her panties), her hands had drifted to her soft creamy globes. She was rolling an erect nipple between her fingers while the fingers on her other hand caressed the underside of her other breast, taking full advantage of this sensitive area.

She had a policy that she wasn't allowed to masturbate, unless it was an "accidental tingle" in the shower. But in the heat of the moment, that was forgotten. Besides, she was so very aroused that it was like she had no choice.

Suzanne said to Alan, even though it was really a message to Susan, "I get it. She IS that hot. I always thought that her prudish, conservative ways were just the surface level, and underneath that there was an extremely passionate and loving woman wishing she could break free and truly enjoy life, even a highly sexual life. And now that's starting to happen, and I'm so glad for her."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan was far too horny to seriously ponder that now, but she would remember Suzanne's words and think them over later. She was starting to come to the same conclusion anyway.

Suzanne remembered that last night Susan had complained to her in passing, "It's more like we're Tiger's personal sluts." Since then, Suzanne had reminded Susan about that several times, and acted like Susan had meant that as a wish instead of a complaint, much to Susan's consternation. With that in mind, she asked in her scratchy purr, "So tell me, Sweetie, would you like it if she were to become one of your personal sluts?"

Susan gasped. Although she had meant it as a negative, a part of her considered it an extremely exciting fantasy.

He remembered that the real Susan was listening, especially due to her audible gasp. He was careful with his answer. "What does that even mean?"

"Whatever the hell you want it to mean!" Suzanne encouraged him.

He moaned loudly and lustily as his mind mentally ran through all kinds of wild possibilities. He couldn't help but confess, "I still don't know what that means at all, but I have to admit it sounds really hot!"

Susan felt a great jolt of arousal shoot down her spine, running through her to the tips of her fingers and toes. It does, Son! It sure as heck does!

Suzanne prodded him, "I'll take that as a 'yes.' What about her turns you on, exactly? Is it her big tits?"

He exclaimed, "Oh my God! Yes! For starters! They're just so massive and yet so perfect! It doesn't matter what she wears, it's like there are these two oversized water balloons on her chest, sloshing around with every step she makes. I wish I could take them in my hands right now and hold them and caress them! I'd kiss them all over too, and even suck her nipples into my mouth!"

Susan had been panting loudly and steadily for a while now. It had built up gradually, so she hadn't realized how easily her son could hear her. But when he mentioned sucking her nipples into her mouth, she gasped even louder than before, because that was such a turn-on for her.

Her gasp was so loud that it took her out of her erotic reverie. She froze and held her breath. She didn't duck her head from the window, because she wanted to see if he was going to look her way. But she was ready to duck out of sight the instant his head did start to turn. However, the conversation continued without pause, so she quickly recovered from the scare.

He said to Suzanne, but also to his mother, "If Mom were here right now, sitting naked on my lap, you know what I'd do? First, I'd kiss her lips, and really sock it to her with all the passion and love I have in my heart for her."

Suzanne cut in, "Which is a hell of a lot! I know that much!"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "That's true. Aunt Suzy, I love her so much, and I desire her so much! The two things go hand in hand. She's not just a pretty face or an hourglass-shaped hard body; she's my mom! When I think about what a great mom she is, I always want to cry tears of joy. For real! Anyway, I'd take her in my arms and kiss her and squeeze her tight and tell her how much I love her. And then, with our lips locked together, I'd caress her big tits with both hands from below, because of course I would! I'm a tit man!"

Susan had already gotten over the scare of thinking she was about to get caught. She hefted her boobs up with both hands and caressed them in the style that her son had used on the few occasions he's gotten his hands on them.

Suzanne chuckled at his comment about being a tit man. "Oooh, this is fun! Are you still stroking yourself?"

He looked down at his crotch, even though he hardly needed to check. His hand was sliding up and down his shaft at a steady rhythm. The erotic buzz was non-stop. He said, "Sure am! It feels great!"

"Good! Are you close to cumming?"

"Not yet." He reconsidered, keeping in mind how intense the pleasure was. "Well, close, but not that close."

"Even better. Keep telling me what you'd do to your sexy mommy, but let me answer like I'm her. Okay?"

"Sure! So anyway, just because I'm a tit man and that's the first thing I mentioned, that's hardly her only outstanding feature. She has so many!"

Suzanne corrected him, "You mean MY only outstanding feature. Remember, I'm Susan now."

"Right. Mom, your tits are what everybody notices about you at first, because they stick out, like, three feet in front of you! It seems that way, anyway. They're so bouncy and soft and squeezable! But the second thing I notice has to be your face. Such a gorgeous face! Oh my God!"

Suzanne cut in, "How did you like my face last Tuesday? Did it look even better with my jaw craned open and my lips stretched around your impossibly thick cock?" (She was well aware that his penis was far from "impossibly thick," but she knew Susan would love hearing that sort of language.)

He gasped, "OH GOD YES! Yes, yes, yes! You know it! That's the sexiest sight in the world! Especially since it's you!" Since he couldn't see Suzanne, and he was very, very, VERY aroused, it was easy for him to forget that he wasn't actually speaking directly to Susan. He was continually mindful that the real Susan was standing a short distance behind him, even as he somehow felt like her voice was coming through the phone from somewhere else.

As a result, he largely forgot his usual diplomatic tact of what Suzanne would think, and spoke from the heart. "Mom, you know, the fact that you do have your prudish upbringing, and yet you're still willing to do that for me... I can't even tell you how much that means to me! I just feel so much love! Thinking about it now, I really AM about to cry tears of joy!" He meant that too.

Although Alan was getting confused about who he was speaking to, Suzanne remained very mindful of the situation. She wasn't offended at all by his enthusiasm for his mother, and in fact his comments reminded her to stick in a comment that she considered vital to her continual campaign to change Susan's attitudes. She said, "You said it! You know, cocksucking, that's just about the best way for a mother to express her love for her son! She can feel his love with her sliding lips and her wandering tongue!"

Remembering that she was supposed to be Susan, she continued, "Son, I can literally feel your love with every inch of your thick cock in my hands! Or even better, in my mouth! I can feel how intense your love is by the heat of your cock rubbing against the inside of my cheek, and the way it throbs and twitches against my tongue just like a living creature! And don't get me started with your cum! That's liquid love right there, pure and simple. Every time you cum on me, I can feel your love splatter all over my face and tits! I can lick it up and guzzle it down, and it's the sweetest taste in the world!"

Suzanne said such things for Susan's benefit, knowing how much those would push her buttons. But at the same time, some part of her believed it herself. She was deliberately indoctrinating Susan to change her from prudish to sexually liberated, but she was unknowingly indoctrinating herself to some degree at the same time.

Those words did hit home for Susan in a big way, just like striking a bulls eye. She thought, That's SO TRUE! You tell him, Suzanne! Good Lord, I wish I had his cock in my hands right now! In my MOUTH! I'd love him so much! I would bob and lick for hours and hours if I could, just to hear him moan with delight! Oh, Tiger! My love! I wish so much I didn't have to worry about what the Bible says or what people say. I would be your SLUT! That's right, your personal slut! Maybe I should take my place as one of his personal sluts, just like Suzanne says. I don't care how wrong it is! That would be bliss!

Susan was still playing with her nipples. Suzanne's words inspired and aroused her so much that an intense orgasm unexpectedly hit her. Her breasts, and especially her nipples, were so highly sensitive, that she was one of the rare women who could cum from nipple play alone.

This orgasm frightened her at first, because it hit her so suddenly and powerfully that she was terrified she would scream out loud, and thus Alan would certainly notice she was there. That would be much worse than him happening to see her head there, because how could she explain her cries of orgasmic ecstasy?

As a result, she focused all her willpower on trying to stay quiet. She clenched her teeth and shut her eyes tight. But a loud hiss was escaping through her lips, so she brought her hand to her mouth and bit down on it in the hopes that would better block the noise.

In fact, her efforts were only partially successful at best. Had Alan truly not known she was there already, he certainly would have heard her hissing, moaning, and other involuntary noises she made as her orgasm rocked her entire body for well over a minute. In fact, it was way too much for her to continue standing, and she slumped to her knees while resting her head against the wall, below the window.

Alan was so distracted by Susan's orgasm that he forgot to keep talking. Plus, Suzanne's talk about cocksucking being a great sign of love aroused him so greatly that he had to stop masturbating altogether for a while, in order not to cum just yet. Even so, it was a very near thing. One squirt of cum did shoot out, and he thought he was a goner for sure. But thanks to Suzanne's recent advice about squeezing his PC muscle, he squeezed and squeezed like his life truly depended on it, and somehow he came back from the edge, even after he felt he'd gone well past it.

That close call was extremely exhausting. Now, he couldn't talk even if he'd remembered to. He slumped in his chair and huffed and puffed quite loudly.


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