6 Times a Day

Chapter 167 Would You Like Me To... Squeeze... You... In?"

As Alan walked into the school cafeteria, he saw Christine standing in the food line just a short distance away, already holding an empty tray.

She waved him over. Once he reached her, she said, "Hey, come join me."

He answered with unusual embarrassment, "Um, I can't. That wouldn't be right. You know, cutting in line."

She thought that a bit strange, since there were only two people behind her, who did not seem to mind. But she said, "Fine. Whatever." She took him to the back of the line. "There, is that better?"

He followed her, but looked around nervously. "Um... yeah. Cool. So, uh... what's up?"

His actions made her increasingly suspicious. She felt offended, since it seemed obvious that he didn't want to be with her but couldn't find an excuse to get away. But then she happened to look down and noticed the very obvious bulge in his shorts, which he was clearly trying to hide from her gaze.

A-ha! she thought. He's not trying to avoid me; he's just embarrassed about his erection. "What's up," he asks. THAT! She couldn't help but giggle a little, her cheeks reddening slightly.

Curious, he asked, "What's funny?"

Thinking quickly, she thought of a good dumb-blonde joke she'd heard recently. She said, "Looking at you reminded me of a certain kind of joke you like to torture me with."

He smiled and said, "Hit me with it!"

"Okay, here goes: So this beautiful, buxom blonde walks into a small casino very late at night. There's nobody there except for some bored dealers. She walks up to one of the craps tables and bets ten thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice. But before she plays, she says, 'I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude.' Now, the dealer is a typically horny male, so he doesn't mind. Another horny male dealer also comes to the table to get a better look. Then, once she's taken off all her clothes, she rolls the dice and yells, 'Come on! Lady Luck be with me!' As soon as the dice come to a stop, she jumps up and down and squeals, 'YES! YES! WOO-HOO! I WON!'"

As Christine got to that part of the story, she squealed and jumped up and down like the blonde in the story.

Alan could hardly believe his eyes as Christine's hefty globes bounced enticingly in her shirt. His erection had no chance of going soft. He was so entranced that he failed to notice how she'd cleverly positioned herself so the other people in the cafeteria couldn't really see what she was doing.

Christine quickly hugged Alan, which she couldn't entirely hide from the view of others, before continuing her story. "She hugs the two dealers at the table, then she picks up the dice, her winnings, and her clothes. The dealers stare at her longingly until she's fully dressed and has walked out of the casino. Finally, one of the dealers asks, 'By the way, what did she roll?' The other one answers, 'I don't know... I thought you were watching.'"

Alan thought that one through for a moment before starting to laugh. He commented, "Hey, a smart 'dumb blonde' joke, and about a smart 'dumb blonde' no less. Clever!"

Christine smiled triumphantly until he asked, "Incidentally, who was the brunette who told you that one?"

That triggered a peeved stare. "Ha-ha."

By this time, they were at the front of the line, so their conversation paused while they both filled their trays with pizza slices, salad and bottles of mineral water. Christine was more than a little surprised at her own behavior. She'd never told a sexual joke before. Even though that hadn't been her original intent this time, that's how it had come out. She didn't quite understand how that had happened.

As they went to sit down, Christine suggested, "Hey, instead of sitting in here, it's such a nice day, let's go outside."


They headed outside, but as they left the cafeteria Kim came up and gave Alan a big hug. Then she stepped back and suggested, "Hey, guy. What's up? You two want to join with me at my table? It's kind of tight over there, but we could squeeze you in." Kim hadn't really meant to deliver such a blunt innuendo, but the way she said it was filled with real sexual promise.

Alan glanced quickly at Christine, hoping that she hadn't noticed, but of course she had. He tried to act oblivious. "Uh, thanks, but I just promised Christine that we'd sit outside. She's keen on sitting in the sun, and I can't leave her alone."

"No, I suppose you can't," Kim replied. Again her words seemed to have two meanings, except that it was she who was chagrined this time. Then she added in a brighter voice, "It looks like you two have things to talk about, so I won't try to invite myself along." She looked at Alan. "But I'll see you later, right?"

"Yeah, sure. See you around."

Kim headed back to her inside table, while Alan and Christine ended up sitting on the grass, away from everyone else.

But Alan quickly rued this choice, because between Christine's gorgeous looks and her surprisingly sexual joke, his dick still had no chance of going flaccid. Furthermore, sitting cross-legged as he was, even the tray resting on his lap didn't completely conceal his boner.

Christine smirked. She was getting such a kick out of seeing how aroused she made him that she'd deliberately chosen where they would sit just so he wouldn't have any way to cover up. But no sooner had he planted his ass on the grass than she asked, "So what was that all about?"

He played dumb. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Kim seemed awfully friendly to you. Until just now I didn't even think you knew her."

"Well, until recently I didn't. I mean, I knew who she was, but we weren't on speaking terms. And now we are."

Christine raised a curious eyebrow. "That's it? End of story?"

"End of story."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "Boy, you must really take me for a dumb blonde." She leaned forward as if to kiss him. With her face close to his, she said in a breathy, exaggeratedly sexy voice, "Alan baby, do you want to join with me? It's kind of tight, but I could squeeze you in!"

Thanks to the way she was leaning forward already, her massive breasts were swelling and swaying just before his eyes. But now she squeezed her upper arms against them, pushing them together, creating a deep line of cleavage that could be seen even through her shirt. "Would you like that? Would you like me to... squeeze... you... in?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Alan's mouth hung open as he stared blatantly at Christine's swaying rack. He'd forgotten to breathe while his heart pounded wildly. She sure seemed to be inviting him to stick his boner in her cleavage.

Then Christine sat back and laughed, breaking the sexual tension that she had created. "Give me a break! Could she have been any more obvious?"

Alan laughed too, but he was floored by Christine's behavior. Geez! Forget Kim; could Christine have been any more obvious?! Damn, she's too sexy to be believed! Thank God we're sitting alone out here or the whole school would be talking. If people saw that...! As it is, I'll bet some people saw the way she hugged me earlier, and there's gonna be gossip about that. She's not exactly the hugging type.

Christine was also marveling at her own behavior. Phew! I guess I overdid it a bit there. It's weird. I feel unusually aroused right now. It's like I'm just acting before thinking. What's with me? Could it be THAT?

When she thought 'THAT', she looked again at Alan's erection. If anything, it was even more on display than before, straining against his shorts so mightily that the entire shape of his cockhead could easily be seen. No way! I'm not gonna let that faze me. Heck, he's like that around me more often than not, so what's the big deal now? Although... I must admit that it is flattering to know that he's still that attracted to me. In fact, looking at things, he's very, VERY attracted to me at the moment!

Christine realized that she'd been staring, so she tore her eyes away. Luckily, Alan hadn't noticed, because he was ogling her body at the same time. Now that the sexual tension was rising again, she attempted to ease it by laughing some more. Then she asked, "I take it there's something going on between you two?"

He managed to look up at her face while replying, "Sorry, I don't kiss and tell."

"A-ha! So there IS kissing involved!"

He stammered, "I never said that! It's just an expression. It doesn't literally mean there has to be kissing."

"No, but there almost always is."

Frustrated, he asked, "What's it to you? So what if we are? Why would you care?"

She became sad, ruing again how she'd turned him down when he'd asked her out.

Realizing he'd said the wrong thing, he quickly added, "Sorry. Of course you're my friend and you should care. It's just that... well, it's kind of a touchy subject for me right now. Can we please talk about something else?"

"Sure." She realized that she'd been pushing too hard, so it was prudent to change the topic. She started discussing the homework assignments from some of their shared classes.

As Alan listened to her, he belatedly realized just how obvious his bulge had become. He lifted his plate from his tray and positioned it strategically over his crotch. Oh, man! I can't believe I'm having to do this, but Christine is way too hot! And what's with the way she's been behaving today? That dumb-blonde joke was too sexy to be real, especially coming from her! All that talk about getting completely naked and then jumping up and down. Shit! Is she trying to give me a heart attack?! And then her va-va-voom impression of Kim, except that her body is a zillion times curvier than Kim's. Jesus H. Christ! What a day!

I wish I could brag to Sean or Peter or somebody, but no way in Hell am I gonna tell a soul. Somehow it'll get back to her and then she won't feel so uninhibited around me.

Alan focused on the rather boring homework talk, which finally allowed his penis to deflate. The rest of their lunch passed without incident.

Christine had actually surprised herself with her uncharacteristic behavior, so she was careful to keep things cool and collected for the rest of their time together.

After he left, she thought, What's with me today? I never act like that. I was downright... flirty! I guess I'm feeling emboldened by our practice date. I know he must have things going on with Kim and probably others, and the practice dates are supposed to just be practice, but if I were to really get my act together and make a serious play for him, could he really resist me? I know he really likes me as a person, and my body... well, everyone says I'm one of the most beautiful girls in school. I don't mean to sound full of myself, but if he had to choose between me or Kim, he'd drop Kim like a hot potato. Right?

So it's down to me. His ease with girls is growing daily; I can tell. I need to do MORE flirting like that, before time runs out! Kim is one thing, but if he hooks up with someone like Amy I could be in real trouble! She's tough competition in the looks department, and they're already super close to each other.

That is... if I want to go after him for real. Do I?

Once his fifth-period calculus class began, Alan started focusing on his promising future. As he daydreamed in class, he thought, I have to get my mind off visions of Christine bouncing around in the nude. I've got plenty of other really great things going on that are a lot more than just wishful fantasies. Tomorrow, not only am I going to have sex for the first time, and with my sister no less, but I'm also guessing something kinky will happen while doing the painting during lunch. On top of that, I've got a special meeting with Ms. Rhymer right after school today. And then there's my appointment with Akami at five on Friday afternoon! Plus, who knows what could happen with Aunt Suzy, or even with Mom? Sweetness. Could life get any better?

— — —

Cheerleading practice later that day went as usual for Katherine and Kim. Heather kept her promise to Kim to wait until Thursday, so she played no special tricks on either of them.

Both girls were still very much in danger of discovery by the other cheerleaders. They couldn't help but look at each other's paint jobs much more than they should have. They tried not to bend over around others; however sometimes they got too excited. Doing cheerleading routines while "commando" was a huge turn-on, and the sight of beautiful cheerleaders bending and stretching all around them only fueled their lust. (Kim already considered herself a lesbian and Katherine was rapidly discovering bisexual desires, especially towards Amy.) Both of them purposely flashed each other when they guessed they could get away with it. It became a secret and very dangerous game, given that Heather was there. But again their luck held.

Kim and Katherine both assumed that the next cheerleader practice would become increasingly sexual, since on Thursday Heather could finally do whatever she wanted with Katherine.


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