21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 416: Season 2 – Part 17 Advance and Defense – 1-4 Advance!

Chapter 416: Season 2 – Part 17 Advance and Defense – 1-4 Advance!

At that time, while one fighter jet was in the recovery maneuver, all the medium-range missiles were exhausted. The remaining Jet fighters flew quickly to within the effective range of 50 km to fire the S-AAM-50 Magpie Viper missile, a short-range missile equipped with two each. went out


This is black rose. When entering the effective range of the Magpie Viper, each squadron fires missiles and immediately switch to TCS mode, and engages in dogfight combat.

Sunflower, Copy that.

Zinnia, Copy that.

Marigold, Copy that.


The squadron commander gave the order and assigned a target to each squadron.

Accordingly, 15 CF-21P Jetfighter jets flying rapidly at an altitude of 20 km at a speed of Mach 5 entered the procedure to launch the S-AAM-50 Magpie Viper missile, each sailing to a given target. . Meanwhile, 23 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighters were also flying towards the Jetfighter at a frightening speed. All three A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft that supported the data link by flying from the rear were shot down, so instead of being blinded and being attacked unilaterally, somehow narrow the distance as much as possible and detect it with its own radar. wanted to attack. It was literally all or none.

But it wasn’t easy. As soon as the Jetfighter was detected by its own radar by reducing the distance, the RWR alarm sounded loudly on the avionics instrument panel of all Siberian fighters.


We attack too as well. This might be our last chance, so fire all the missiles based on the detected information.


Upon receiving an order from the top of the surviving pilots, the Russian pilots ignored the incoming missiles and fired all missiles at each radar-detected Jetfighter.

Shoosh~ Shoosh~ Shoosh~ Shoosh~

The Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighters, who had completely emptied their internal armaments in a matter of seconds, began an evasive maneuver to avoid the missiles flying towards them.

Each of them made a large left and right turn and released a powerful ECM. Then, through the dark clouds, he made a sharp maneuver once again to the rear, spraying chaff and flares.

Pat pat pat pat! Pat pat pat pat!

As flares emitting powerful light were fired one after another, the shape of a phoenix spreading its wings was created from the left and right sides of the fighter. In addition, pieces of aluminum foil formed a cloud cover and deceived the S-AAM-50 Magpie Viper missile that flew with its tail.


Maybe it was luck, or the pilot was a professional, or the S-AAM-50 Magpie Viper missile was just affected by the chaff, and it exploded when it collided with a powerful glowing flare.

However, only a few pilots have had this kind of luck. Although each of them did their best to evade, unfortunately, only 8 of the 23 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighters survived the S-AAM-50 Magpie Viper missile.

Eight Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets barely surviving the Hell Pit began maneuvering to close the distance once more, leaving behind fellow pilots who were shot down with large and small explosions.

On the other hand, the Jet fighters, which were trying to switch to dogfight engagements after firing the Magpie Serpents, started to evade the missile attack by squadrons. And, on the same occasion, the RWR alarm that the ground defense unit was detected by radar and locked-on started sounding all at once.

It seems that the Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter’s own radar, which had narrowed the distance, detected the main fighter and data-linked this information to the air defense unit on the ground.

The 111th Air Defense Regiment was responsible for the airspace over the Khabarovsk region among the 3rd Air Defense Forces belonging to the Space Air Force.

The 111th Air Defense Regiment is a unit that operates S-300 Fabarite missiles called the NATO name SA-10 Grumble, and its base was near Khabarovsk. When the 31st Airborne Strike Division belonging to the Rapid Response Force occupied Khabarovsk in an instant with airborne input, the 111th Air Defense Regiment had to abandon its garrison and move quickly to the northern tip. For this reason, it was excluded from intercept missions when the Korean military attacked with tactical ballistic missiles. In a way, it was able to conserve its power until now by being excluded from the intercept mission.

Their fellow units, the 112th Air Defense Regiment, and the 113th Air Defense Regiment, were engaged in intercepting missions but were destroyed by a surprise attack by South Korean cruise missiles.

A heavy missile fuselage escaped from the launch pad with simultaneous firing sounds from 6 launch vehicles of 12 batteries belonging to the 111th Air Defense Regiment, which had four launchers set up vertically in the thick forest and prepared for launch. Then, a powerful propellant exploded, and with a roar that seemed to tear the eardrums, a blast of smoke billowed into the sky.

Shoong~ Shoong~ Shoong~Shoong~

The missiles, which flew up with several kilometers of white smoke tailing their tails, disappeared into the dark sky in an instant.

The 12 batteries of the 111th Air Defense Regiment, which fired a total of 15 S-300 Fabarite surface-to-air missiles, immediately began the process of leaving their positions.


This is black rose. Contact marigold and White crimson squadrons attack the ground after evading. The sunflower squadron turns into a dogfight!

Sunflower, Copy that.

Zinnia, Copy that.

Marigolds, Copy that.


When the command of the squadron commander was issued, the zinnia squadron and the marigold squadron, which were carrying out various evasive maneuvers, split left and right and raised their altitude as hard as they could.

The rest of the Black Rose Squadron and the Sunflower Squadron performed an evasive maneuver while moving forward at high speed for a dogfight with the Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter.


R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles, each sprinting at a speed of Mach 4 or higher through the twinkling stars, flew towards their targets.


One by one, the R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles were overtaken by fighter jets that emit powerful SECM (Radio Disruption System) and perform flashy high maneuverability that cannot be compared with regular fighters.

The R-77M1 Bimpel air-to-air missiles, which had primarily lost their targets due to their flashy evasive maneuvers ignoring gravity, turned again and tried to enter the second intercept, but their active radar was blocked as the powerful SECM (Radio Disruption System) was released. As a result, the R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles that lost their target exploded in the air and self-destructed. Some missiles were deceived by the chaff deception, collided, and exploded. In addition, the S-300 Fabarite missile that soared from the ground also self-destructed in the air without being able to shoot down a single main fighter.

On the other hand, the Zinnia Squadron and Marigold Squadron, which greatly detoured left and right while raising their altitude for a ground attack, also succeeded in evading all of the S-300 Fabarite missiles on the ground without losing any chills. After all the primary risk factors were eliminated, the two squadrons lowered their altitude at a frightening speed and began the ground attack procedure.

In contrast to the previous one, the main fighter, which suffered some damage and entered a return maneuver, in this attack, it succeeded in evading all missiles without losing a single shot.

While dodging various missiles for a while, eight Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighters that survived the magpie viper missile approached up to a distance of 20 km. At a distance of 20 km, even the CF-21P main fighter, which exhibits strong stealth performance, was able to reliably detect it with its own radar enough. In other words, it was the indomitable will of Russian pilots to reach a distance that could neutralize the stealth performance and end it somehow.

Dogfight-style dogfights were now 8-8. However, unlike the Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter, which was equipped with two short-range missiles, the CF-21P Suzaku fighter, which exhausted all missiles and only had a 12mm laser Vulcan, could be at a disadvantage.

However, the CF-21P main fighter was a fighter specialized for dogfight air combat despite being the latest fighter. It was capable of multiple high maneuvers that defy gravity that even the American F-22 Raptor fighter cannot mimic, and moreover had a state-of-the-art TCS (Transparent Concealment System) mode.

While the fighters of both countries were clearly detected by their own radars, Russian fighters first started the procedure to launch the Vympel R-73M missile, an infrared short-range missile called the NATO name AA-11 Archer.

As a result, the radar warning receiver (RWR) alarm sounded from the black rose squadron and the sunflower squadron fighters.

Beep, beep, beep! Beep!


This is black rose. From now on, the use of TCS mode is permitted. Engage in combat under autonomous judgment.


When the command of the squadron commander was issued at the same time as the RWR (Rader Warning Receiver) alarm sounded, the eight main fighter jets switched to a full-scale dogfight with their partners. Then, all at once, TCS mode was activated.

A phenomenon occurred as if the space around it was momentarily distorted, and the Jet fighters disappeared from view. The Jetfighter, which had been converted to invisibility, jumped forward while maximizing its engine output to shoot down the enemy fighter with a 12mm laser Vulcan beam.

Meanwhile, the pilots who detected the target with the pilot’s helmet mount site (HMS) linked to their own radar and entered the lock-on were all at a loss. It was because the target suddenly disappeared.

For a moment of embarrassment, something suddenly appeared 5 km ahead. It was a fighter jet. With the TCS mode turned off, the Jetfighter quickly maneuvered at an angle of about 15 degrees and sprayed a 12mm laser Vulcan.


The blue light flew in the blink of an eye and struck a straight line from the top canopy of the Siberian fighter to the aft engine area.

Pat pat pat pat pat pat Boom~

The Siberian fighter, which had become a beehive by dozens of laser vulcan beams without a chance to escape, caused a huge explosion in the engine area. As a result, the pilot could not even eject for an emergency escape and fell to the ground with dark red flames.

Looking over the canopy from the 7 o’clock position, the partner pilot was furious and fired the Vympel R-73M short-range missile, an infrared short-range missile called the NATO AA-11 Archer. Missiles with a range of 30 km at Mach 2.5 erupted from the internal armament and flew wildly towards the main fighter that had just rained a 12mm laser Vulcan.

Something appeared from the side of the Siberian fighter that fired a Vympel R-73M missile and quickly ascended to altitude, and then countless rays of light flew in.

The rays of light scattered in a curved shape intensively hit the side of the fuselage of the Siberian fighter, and eventually, the fuselage split back and forth and exploded. The Siberian fighter pilot, who fired the Vympel R-73M short-range missile to avenge his partner’s pilot, failed to see the results of the missile he fired and eventually crashed to the ground in dark red flames.

The Vympel R-73M short-range missile, which was equipped with a thrust deflection nozzle and flew with high mobility, collided with the flare and exploded when the target Jetfighter fired several flares with a sharp turning maneuver alternately left and right.

In this way, the 8 on 8 dogfight ended in the form of a one-sided massacre of the main fighters that actively utilized the TCS mode.

Meanwhile, the 111th Air Defense Regiment, which fired an S-300 Fabarite missile and immediately went out of position, was maneuvering through the lush forest when lightning fell from the sky.

Shooong~ Shoong~

The 12mm laser Vulcan beams sprayed from a total of 7 main jet fighters are accurately and without mercy on the leading armored personnel carrier, which is quickly maneuvering through the lush forest road, followed by the fire control and detection radar armored vehicles, and the launch vehicles moving in a long line. lost.

Several armored vehicles and launch vehicles, which were not equipped with very strong protection, became honeycombs from the superheated 12mm laser Vulcan beam, and dark-red flames spurted out one by one from the holes they had drilled. Then, perhaps because of the bombing, the entire armored car soared into the sky and exploded.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The launch vehicle’s launch pad also detonated with a huge explosion of the S-300 Fabarite missile, which was installed in the pouring laser Vulcan beam. Then, red flames shot up into the sky through the lush trees and spread more and more to the surrounding area.

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