100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 734 He Will Not Be A Hindrance

Day Seventy-Seven…

The banquet continued after Jane gave a short message to everyone. She didn't reject or deny the engagement announcement but she never mentioned anything about it. Both Mr. Hiroshi and Kazuki felt relieved because of Jane's acceptance.

A few minutes later, Jane and Tatsumi roamed around the banquet hall, greeting everyone and engaging in small talk. Everyone was happy to interact with the heiress. They assumed that Jane and Tatsumi were the future leaders of the Sawada Clan. They had high respect for the two.

Hanabi could only watch them on the sideline. "I don't know how she will deal with Tatsumi later. That guy will surely get rejected though, not in front of everyone." She shook her head helplessly, already feeling sorry for Tatsumi.

"I think Sis just played along with them so that Tatsumi could retain his reputation, not humiliate him." Hanabi softly mumbled as she moved to the corner. She was against this engagement announcement, however, this was Mr. Hiroshi's decision.

"Hey, Sis, you're finally here. How was your trip to Country M?" Han Yi greeted Hanabi.

"It's fine. I got to meet new friends. So, how's everything here? Anything unusual, Brother?" Hanabi inquired.

As one of the Branch Leaders, Han Yi had the responsibility of overseeing their clan's operations. "Everything is running smoothly. No major problems, just some small factions attempting to invade our territory and sabotage our operations," Han Yi provided her with updates.

"But I think... The Dragon Lord's presence tonight might change our status. Who knows if the two powerhouse organizations here in Country J will join forces?" he added, alluding to Alexander's presence.

Hanabi's expression shifted at the mention of the Dragon Lord. "Oh right. I should go, Bro. I'll check on our esteemed guests in the Special Room."

"Okay, Sis. Keep them entertained. Unfortunately, they're not allowed to join us here in the main hall," Han Yi informed her.

Hanabi simply nodded before leaving the banquet hall. She contemplated taking a glimpse of what the two mafia leaders were doing in the Special Room. 'What if they're up to something? I must keep my eyes on them.'

Meanwhile, Jane had just finished greeting everyone. She immediately talked to her father about their prior plan.

Tatsumi's heartbeat quickened even further at the sound of the "but."

'Oh no. This is it. I have a bad feeling about this. Why do I feel like I will be rejected?' He had an ominous premonition.

"I like you," Jane mumbled, causing Tatsumi's world to momentarily slow down.

Tatsumi: "..."

'What did she just say? She likes me? For real?' Tatsumi froze as if his heart also stopped beating for a moment because of utter shock, her mind trying to process and absorb her words.

"As a brother…" Jane continued her words.

Tatsumi: "???"

"I'm sorry, Tatsumi. But I love another guy, and I want to be with him. However, my father is against our relationship for now due to some misunderstanding. My father didn't consult me about this engagement. But I can't object in front of everyone because of you," Jane candidly expressed her true thoughts and feelings.

Jane moved closer to Tatsumi, holding his shoulders. She could see that Tatsumi was having a hard time processing her every word but he must face the truth.

"I hope you will understand me. I don't want to hurt your feelings. But I must tell you the truth. Nathan Sparks… he is the man I love. My feelings for him will never change… even if I die."

Tatsumi blinked several times. As Jane's words sank in, he felt a heavy weight settle in the pit of his stomach. The air around him seemed to thicken, and the once vibrant atmosphere dimmed. A mixture of disbelief and disappointment clouded his features as he grappled with the reality of the rejection.

'My hope has just been shattered… not only my hope… but also my heart. Who would have thought that rejection from the woman I like could be this fatal?' The revelation that Jane loved another and desired to be with someone else echoed in his mind, causing a sharp pang in his chest. The world, once filled with possibilities, now appeared to crumble around him. Tatsumi's heart, which had raced with anticipation, now echoed the somber rhythm of rejection.

"I know..." were the initial words he managed to utter. "When I heard about the announcement of our engagement, I thought it would be too good to be true. And I was right," Tatsumi said, wearing a bitter-sweet smile.

"I thought I was dreaming, and yet, you just woke me up from that beautiful dream, my Lady. However… just like what I said to you before. I will always be on your side. My loyalty is now with you… So I understand and I respect your decision."

"I will not be a hindrance to your great love story…" he swore solemnly as he conceded.

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