100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 659 Speed's Revelation

Chapter 659  Speed's Revelation

Day Seventy-Two…



A shattering noise reverberated throughout Vincent's study room. In a fit of anger, he forcefully slammed the glass of whiskey against the surface of his table. The report from Phoenix had landed like a bombshell in his composed world.

His right-hand man sent him a photograph that had ignited an inferno within him. Inside a car, Jane and Nathan were locked in an intimate embrace, their lips pressed together in a passionate kiss.

It was a scene that shattered his heart and intensified his jealousy toward Nathan. His fingers trembled with a mixture of rage, disbelief, and heartache as he gazed upon the photograph.

Despite his fingers being sliced open by the jagged remnants of shattered glass, with an anguished expression on his face, Vincent's fiery rage overshadowed any trace of physical pain. The crimson liquids coursing down his trembling hand were a testament to the fury that surged through him.

He had never expected this turn of events. He wondered if Nathan and Jane had finally discovered the truth about their past relationship. How could they suddenly become intimate with each other?

Vincent clenched his bleeding fists and his eyes set ablaze. "Monica might be the reason. Nathan's hatred for Jane disappears after finding out that Monica is alive." Vincent assumed that Jane already confided in Nathan, revealing the truth about Monica's existence.

"I can't let this happen! Nathan must suffer. He should be abandoned by the people he loves. I'll take them away from him!" Vincent mumbled through his gritted teeth.

Vincent dialed Phoenix's number once more, giving him further instructions. After a few rings, Phoenix answered the call.

In a frigid, commanding tone, Vincent's voice sliced through the phone line as he inquired of Phoenix's location. "Phoenix, are you still in Sparks Mansion?"

"Y-Yes," Phoenix stammered as he replied reluctantly. He could sense that his boss was not in a good mood. He couldn't help but wonder if he was somehow responsible for Vincent's grumpy mood. He sent him the photo. 'Don't tell me… he is affected by those photos. Does he really have feelings for Phantomflake?'

With a sense of urgency that pulsed through his every word, Vincent issued his instructions to Phoenix. "Leave that location immediately. Head to the Red Dragon Mafia's headquarters and ensure you secure an audience with Jack. Retrieve the truth serum you acquired from the Syphiruz Mafia Medical Facility. Once you've got it, employ it for an interrogation on a member of the Sawada Clan who's fallen into the Red Dragon's custody."

"Phoenix… To tell you honestly… I'm here in Country M to capture that bastard!" Speed declared to him.

*** Screeching Sound***

The sudden revelation hit like a screeching sound, causing Phoenix to slam on the brakes in shock. "What the hell? When did you arrive? Why didn't you inform me sooner? And with you here, who's left back at our main headquarters overseeing our operations?" Phoenix's tone carried a stern reprimand as he sought answers to the unexpected turn of events.

"Relax, Phoenix, no need to get upset," Speed urged, her voice soothing as she attempted to defuse the mounting tension. "In exchange for my delayed disclosure, I'll provide you with valuable intel about the Sawada Clan. Did you know that the godfather himself is here in Country M due to concerns about his daughter? What's more, the man I've been pursuing happens to be the fiancé of the godfather's daughter."

Speed strategically offered this information in an effort to placate Phoenix's anger. She understood the necessity of calming him down, as any misstep on her part could lead to Phoenix reporting her actions to Vincent, resulting in certain consequences she was keen to avoid.

Meanwhile, Phoenix's expression turned skeptical, his eyes narrowing, and his lips forming a tight line. "Your information doesn't carry any significance," he retorted, his tone laced with doubt. "We're already aware that the Sawada Clan Leader is present in this country, as well as her daughter. However, our intelligence indicates that she's engaged to a police officer, not a member of the Sawada Clan. It seems the information you've acquired is inaccurate."

Phoenix's words bore a sense of authority, revealing that he possessed a solid grasp of the situation and was quick to debunk any misleading details.

"Eh? What are you talking about? I can only relay what I heard," Speed persisted, her tone unwavering as she defended her information. "There's no way he would fabricate something like this. I distinctly overheard in the hospital that this man is engaged to the godfather's daughter, Jane!"

Phoenix's brows furrowed in exasperation, his patience wearing thin. He sought clarification, his tone laced with confusion. "What did you just say? Jane? Are you sure you meant Jane and not Abigail?" He couldn't help but question whether he had misunderstood Speed's statement.

"See, we're talking about two different women here!" Speed emphasized, a hint of frustration in her voice. "You're familiar with Abigail, but my intel pertains to the other daughter, Jane."

Phoenix fell momentarily silent as a startling realization washed over him. When Speed mentioned Jane's name again, it triggered a sudden connection in his mind.

'Wait a minute. Don't tell me Phantomflake is also one of Mr. Hiroshi's daughters,' he mumbled to himself, his eyes widening in shock, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to be falling into place, potentially explaining why Phantomflake had been residing with the Hiroshi family in their villa.

"Hey, Phoenix?! Are you still there? Are you listening to me?" Speed asked him when she only heard silence from the other line.

Without uttering a single word, Phoenix abruptly disconnected the call. His mind was abuzz with the urgency of confirming the newfound information.


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