100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 398 Confrontation With The Yan Family

Day Forty-Five…


The dining area was engulfed with deafening silence. Among them, Madam Lu was the most affected person by this shocking discovery. She didn't expect that Madam Priyanshi would find out the truth behind Abigail's identity.

"How is that possible? Just yesterday, she was being questioned as the main reason for Nadia's break-up with Richard!" Amara was the first one who broke the silence. She couldn't accept that the woman she hated was part of the Yan Family.

"That issue has been cleared already," Nathan couldn't hold his tongue because someone was defaming Abigail in front of the family.

"Do you have proof? There were people who tried deceiving us. They pretended to be Alyssa's daughter!" Mr. Lu also spoke up to support his wife. He thought it would be disadvantageous for them once the missing granddaughter reappeared. The husband and wife met each other gazes.

"We have proof. Here is the result of the DNA Test," Madam Priyanshi said, showing the DNA result to everyone. She handed it over to her father. "Dad, look at this…."

Old Master Yan was so quiet. He was still slowly absorbing everything. He didn't want to react immediately as he experienced being disappointed several times. His fingers gripped the document tightly as his eyes scanned the result.

It was too good to be true. He finally saw the matching DNA report. But Madam Lu butted in once more. "What if the DNA result is fake? They can forge and manipulate it! Nathan Sparks is powerful enough to do that."

"That's true. Maybe they are after the Yan Corp!" Madam Lu's second cousin joined the conversation. She also refused to believe that Abigail was the missing daughter of Alyssa.

Old Master Yan's expression darkened. He gazed up and glanced at Abigail and Nathan. "I won't forgive you if you dare lie to me again… Don't use my missing granddaughter for your benefit!"

Old Master Yan didn't mean to raise his voice. It's just that he had mixed emotions right now. He wanted to believe that they finally found his missing granddaughter. But his past experiences and failures made him become more cautious.

He didn't want to have false hope. He was getting weaker and weaker every day. He felt like he was dying. So before he could leave this world, he only wished to see Alyssa's daughter. Something was stopping him not to believe anything so easily. They had to confirm the fact first, without leaving any loopholes.

"Grandpa…" a little voice was heard. All their attention shifted to Ethan who spoke up. "My Dad and my Mom have no reason to fake the document. If you don't want her then she can be with us. We will treat her as our own family. She doesn't need your wealth. Mom can have the SYP Twilight Corp!" Ethan declared to them, making everyone speechless including Abigail and Nathan.

Nathan leaned closer to Abigail and whispered, "Mom? When did he start calling you Mom?" He didn't expect that Ethan would call Abigail his Mom.

Abigail smiled at Nathan and replied, "I gave him permission to call me Mom this morning. Is it okay with you? Are you angry?"

Nathan shook his head. "No, I'm not mad. I like it," he whispered back.

Old Master Yan's expression softened when he saw the interaction between Nathan and Abigail. Furthermore, Little Ethan touched his heart. The young boy had a point. Nathan Sparks had no reason to forge the document. Now, he glanced at Abigail with a hopeful look in his eyes.

'Is she really my missing granddaughter? We've finally found her?' Old Master Yan was still holding his emotions.

Nadia also felt the same way. She didn't know how she would react. Abigail had been the greatest threat to her when it came to Richard. For the past few months, she convinced herself that Abigail was just a mere actress and she was above her. She always thought Abigail couldn't match her background. Who would have thought that Abigail Scarlett was also part of the Yan Family?

"I've been separated from my real family since birth. I've been asking myself if they didn't want me, that's why they abandoned me. If you don't want to acknowledge me, then fine. I have lived my life without you… so I can still do it." Abigail grabbed Ethan's hand and signaled Nathan to leave with them. She was testing each member of the Yan Family if they would try to stop her from leaving.

If no one from them would stop her, then she would assume that everyone present in that dining area didn't want the missing granddaughter to show up in front of the patriarch.

"Wait! Don't leave… Abigail," the old man's trembling voice resounded inside. Old Master Yan extended his right hand as if he wanted to reach her and touch her. There was a pleading look in his eyes. 'Please don't leave…'

Abigail heaved a deep sigh. She couldn't bear to see Old Master Yan in that weak condition. Of course, she wouldn't leave because of him. She would rather stay and spend more time with him. In the first place, she came here to get what she deserves.

'The real Abigail is part of this family. She belongs here.'please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"I have no intention to deceive or pretend… I came here to meet the family who abandoned me when I was a child. I want to ask you all… what is the reason why I got separated from my mother? Did she abandon me? How about my sister? What happened to her? Who is my father?" She was asking them this question on behalf of the real Abigail.

No one was able to utter a word when they heard her questions. There were three taboo topics in this mansion… Alyssa, her husband, and their deceased daughter. Everyone was not allowed to mention those names because they knew that Old Master Yan would be affected greatly, especially his mood.

But fortunately, Old Master Yan didn't take Abigail's questions negatively. He could understand if she was searching for answers. If she was the missing daughter of Alyssa then she had the right to ask them these questions.

pαпᵈα-noνɐ1.сoМ "I am also here to find the truth behind my assassination attempt. Someone tried to kill me the day I was supposed to meet the detective who was hired by my Aunt to find me. I wonder if this was just a coincidence or if my accident is related to the Yan Family." Abigail came here to confront everyone. She would try to unveil the truth and unmask the culprit hiding among them.

Some of them showed expressions of anxiousness and fear. Old Master Yan looked displeased and furious.

"What is the meaning of this? Are you accusing us, members of the Yan Family, as someone who would want to kill you?" Old Master Yan's cousin couldn't stay silent as he defended the members of the Yan family.

"The truth will come out in the end. If you have nothing to hide then you don't have to worry." Nathan stepped forward, grabbing Abigail's waist in a protective gesture. He was also suspicious of the Yan Family. The patriarch was sick so they would try to fight for the succession. Yan Group is a big and successful company.

Other members of the Yan Family would try to covet that position. Besides, Madam Priyanshi and Nadia no longer needed it. Patel Conglomerate was already the top earner in Towerville City.

"May I propose something? Let's do the DNA test once more to verify this!" Madam Lu's second cousin suggested.

"I'll do it to make Grandpa at ease…" Abigail agreed. "I don't want him to have some doubts about my identity."

Madam Priyanshi could only sigh in defeat. "Fine. We will do the test. But I assure you… Abigail has a strong resemblance to Alyssa… Can't you see it? She just looks like her when she was still young."

Old Master Yan also noticed their similarity when he first saw her during the press conference. That was the reason why he couldn't get mad at her.

"Come here, Abigail. Sit next to me," Old Master Yan invited her. Abigail and Ethan walked toward him. The old man reached out and held her hands. He gazed at her face intently. For some unknown reason, his eyes suddenly got misty. He became so emotional as he was reminded of Alyssa, his deceased daughter. He blamed himself for her death. The guilt was still consuming him.

"I… hope… we are right this time…" The old man softly mumbled, squeezing Abigail's hands. He wished that the lady in front of him was indeed his missing granddaughter. With her presence, he could die in peace.

"I understand grandpa. Don't worry… I assure you… I am your missing granddaughter. I will come and visit you often… to spend more time with you so you have to recover and be healthy!" Abigail encouraged the old man.

"No. I don't want you to visit me often!" Old Master Yan objected, making Madam Lu and others smile and rejoice inwardly. However, Old Master Yan spoke again. "I want you to stay and live here with me… in the mansion!"

Members of the Yan Family: "..."

Nathan's expression turned grim and Ethan looked saddened when they heard the old man's declaration. This only meant they couldn't be with Abigail everyday if she would live at Yan Family Mansion.

"You have to take care of your sick grandfather. I can't let you stay with the Sparks. The two of you are not yet married! I will only allow you to stay in someone else's house unless he is your husband." Old Master Yan gazed at Nathan Sparks sharply.

"Wow! I agree… great grandpa!" Ethan butted in, supporting Old Master Yan's words.

Abigail: "..."

Nathan: "..."

Members of the Yan Family: "..."

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